The Truth

A weeks after Wei's birthday their relations remain. But for her there's a lot of questions inside her head. She knows it was wrong. As she look at her long time boyfriend who comes from work. She felt guilty she was not like that, she don't like a two-timer but she is now eating her words. No matter how long they are in her long time boyfriend she also feel something that bothers her. Her long time boyfriend is already married to a Chinese girl and they had two kids. That's what makes her feel sometimes worried. Her long time boyfriend doesn't have any vices. He's a good man and have a good heart specially to people on the streets.

From the six years of being together they are both transparent in both personal thing including their socmed accounts. Weeks passed and Wei's co-workers the so called friends went a visit on Wei's parents house in the province. They were so happy even without cignal in the place, fresh air, fruits fresh from their farm, vegetables, native chicken and more that can only be found in the province far from the city or town. The time is so quick and it's already late in the afternoon they have to go back in the city before the last trip of the Ceres come. While on the street Wei's long time boyfriend is curious about her status on social media, there was a change and it makes him doubts more. So even without the exact evidence he ask her. And Wei cannot hide the truth longer, her conscience make her uncomfortable for doing a mistake. So she admitted the truth through text. Her long time boyfriend don't know what to do after all he is still at work. A lot of questions in his mind. Tears, heavy heart in other words he's broken. Wei didn't expect it much she knows her limit and she only goes in the flow with her friends after knowing she's get played by Jay's friends and make a deal. That's the reason why she can keep her head high even those humors in the sorroundings.Besides nothing really happen between her and Jay. For her she don't need to explain all the details. But even though she knows her limit it doesn't change the truth that she broke her long boyfriends heart, they live together in his boyfriend's workplace in the office. Weeks passed and her longtime boyfriend doesn't like to eat much. Sometimes she found him looking far with empty minded that makes her heart feel pain inside too. How could she do that in this kind of man. Until it comes at the point of asking him if he does have plan of marrying her. Even it sounds like crossing her own line as a woman. But he only answered her a question "Marry? Do you think there's a man who wants to marry you after what you did? Wei didn't expect his words that makes her cry more. After all those years she wish to have her own family and kids. They can't make it because her long time boyfriend is not yet divorce with her wife. it's not also easy for her to cover him in six years at her workplace why they don't have kids and why not getting married. Even the management ask about his status and she covered him and protect him. That's her only wish to happen to make her brothers and sisters accept him after the misunderstanding in the past.

Months passed and the trust for both of them is back. They were happiness of them is back again like nothing happen. It's because they need each other after living together for years. Until the unexpected things happen, her boyfriend Jemz got tested positive in covid19. Even he is in the office but the money will be turn over to him. According to the research this virus will go fast in some metal thing. And their products are oxygen and others so there's a big possibilty to test positive on it. As a couple she also tested positive. It's very hard to stay only in their room, being monitored by the people under the government . This virus is very serious that killed millions of people all over the universe. Both of them was quarantined in 14 days no work, no buy anything. It makes them realize how to treasure the food they have when the time is normal. Staying inside the room in 14 days is so boring. It's good for them because they got quarantines in their room not like others in the quarantine facility which no one also can visit except the nurse and the people in charge to manage the people who tested positive.

When the days given is finished they treasured each other and buy food they're craving to eat. Processed all the requirements they need to support both of their company. Until they come back to work. Weeks had passed and another trials come again between the couple. There was an emergency and Jemz need to deliver some oxygen in the Hospital. Aside from working in the office he is also flexible in other task, he is a driver instructor and can driver any kind of service land transportation. While I'm the hospital his back accidentally cracked inside that makes him fall down. The doctor told him to stay in the hospital but his boss only think of the products and money. When the accident happen Wei's still at work, after hearing the news it makes her feel uncomfortable and lost focused at work. She wanted to go home early but it's hard because of her position that no one can replace her. And the HR in-charged will just make things difficult. She have no other choice but to wait the time to off at work.

When she's at home looking at him pitied makes her heart break into pieces of all people why does it has to be him. But they didn't give up. It comes to the point of choosing to stop working. It's also awkward for them to continue staying in the office of Jemz boss because he is not working there anymore. They look for a room to rent or house but they didn't find that suit for their situation. Wei is also having more stress in her work place. She was framed by her co-worker and treated unfairly with some of the heads and being judge one sidedly. She did handle about the issue of being in a relationship before with Jay but this time she can't anymore. She've done all she can and ended only like she didn't do her job well. Jealousy, she knows some of her co-officemate got jealousy on how she handle the humors and how she handle her work. Bad sad to say that it's all covered by those gossips. She even made her own invistagation about her co-heads of accepting money from customers. But still their buyer and assistant buyer didn't do an actions. At the end she feel disappointed and even got betrayed by her most trusted co-head in the office.

The situation agree on their side too, she and Jemz decided to come back home at Jemz's hometown. Jemz quit on his job to get better while Wei leave her workplace without any notice (AWOL) but before that she fixed some difficult task in her position. On her last day at work she only tell one person that she won't be going to work anymore and that's her supportive friend named Din. She's a happy person and saying that she quitted it's unbelievable. She just come back at work from being sick and now she quit. "Seriously Wei? why is it so sudden? I will miss you so much" Din hug her with a teary eyes. She controlled her emotions not cry. She doesn't like showing others crying. It makes her feel a weak person. "I will miss you too Din🥺 I also didn't expect to get into this point. You can also see how are some heads treated me. It's so unfair and I'm so tired and full. I'm not happy with my work anymore. And I have to fucos on taking care of Jemz. He needs my attention today. I can't bear to see him suffering alone after we've been together for years and I have to make up myself too. You know..."she answered her with a husky voice like wanted to cry. Her friend only nodded in agreement and give a smile. But since it's busy in the selling area her friend couldn't have more time to talk to her. She was left alone in the warehouse. And then she burst into tears.

The most difficult thing is when are judged wrongly but even the truth is uncovered already some eyes become blind, ears become depth, and mouth has no words to speak and tell the truth. Everything happens for a reason. There are things we have to get hurt at first to learn some lessons.

"Life is something that live and grow. It requires time, care and attentions. And has it ups and down. But sometimes difficulties make it stronger than ever" that's her best quote in life. She's a strong woman with her own way of solving a problem without telling how. A person with a actions more than words. Aside from Din she also have some friends that got her sympathy in the warehouse. After crying a minutes she feel at ease and fixed her self as they came on time too. She talks like nothing happen. And they have fun making the issues at work in a funny way yet meaningful. Even she didn't explain all they also understand because they saw her how she worked up. An hours passed and she still have two hours left to finish her task before the store close. That day the time is on her side it feels like time is moving slowly too. She put some notes on her notebook that make someone to understand quickly what she means. Even though she's quitting she still do her part as a head. Six years and eight months working in the company with a heart is something she won't forget. From being a customers sales associate, a gift wrapping in-charged and being a head for her own items makes herself so proud of. But this time she feel like she won't be having regrets in doing such a quick decesion. She also think of her future and her parents that needs her too.

For now living together with Jemz is the best way to think what's really the best for her and for them.

Three days past they buy they're needs before going back in Jemz's hometown. Jemz is getting better and can drive back again but not that long too. So with her support they are still happy no matter what the situation is. She also knows how to drive so if he's tired she will take his place. Time pass and it's the day they have to leave in the office of Jemz's boss. Jemz's asked a favor to his friend to come with them and help to bring their things at Jemz's house.

Jemz's boss have dog in the office and they love it for being there a years too. The dog seemed to understand they're living already. Wei is a pet lover she hug the dog but the dog just stare and runaway. She felt hurt and ask the boss daughter to bring it with them but she didn't agree. They could only visit like not other people in the office as Jemz's boss said. When they left the office it's already dark, the street is busy because it's time where employees in different companies will go home in their respected house. It takes an hour before reaching Jemz's hometown so Wei fell asleep and Jemz just fucos on the street driving. They arrived late at night in God's guidance they're safe. Both of them don't have work anymore. They cannot stay always like that.

One month had passed and their savings is getting lower and lower and their business is not that good in the area. They need to contact their friends in Dumaguete for more orders but it deducts on their capital. Until it comes to their point that Wei think of working abroad. And Jemz keep supporting her. She already applied before they go back at his home town. It takes two months after the agency texted to her that she already have scheduled for her physical exam. She's happy yet nervous it's her first time to word in outside the comfort zone. And of course to leave all she have in the Philippines. But still she fight on her fears and continue of what she started with Jemz support. The result of her physical exam has no problem in God's grace. So all she needs to do is wait for another text message to confirm her ticket for her flight in Manila for the training. They both spend time happy together while waiting. Until one day she recieved a call from Manila for an interview about her status and other things. And next to it is a text message from her Agency about her ticket schedule. It was June 22,2022 with four other girls too. She's excited yet sad but she have to face the reality that she needs to continue on what she started for her own future. She is used to stay far away from her family so it's not difficult for her but knowing its other country all she could do is pray and trust in God for everything.

Four days before her schedule she went home in her parents house and sleep one night to tell them she is going to have her training in Manila to work abroad. Since she's already at the right age. Her parents didn't disagree with her and also her brothers and sisters too. Only her long-time boyfriend is sad because they will be separated for two years. And there's a lot of things that they will going to face on it. But no matter what he still support her.

June 22, 2022! This is the day but before this day Jem's sent her on the accommodation so Jem's isn't able to sent her to airport. It's sad but it's the reality they have to face off. It's her first time to ride a plane so she was a little bit excited, nervous

scared but still fighting, 10:00am on this date and they arrived in NAIA airport but before the plane landed she took a photo on the sky and look down how beautiful the views are. Thinking she's going to leave that beautiful place she took a deep breath a smile saying "Soon I will be looking down like this as I come back to see this beautiful place and to be with my loveones again."

An hours later they arrived at the main office, looking inside falling in lines, other were eating with little rice in their plate she's wondering if it's really the right decesion she made. It's very crowded inside but she still continue observing and trying to make friends knowing all the girls in the crowd are applicants. She realize it's not really easy to work abroad from the start of applying, to physical exam, trainings, cancelled scheduled of flights, gossips in co-applicants that makes you weak and etc.

July 19, 2022 is Wei's final scheduled on her flight i Manila to Dubai. That feelings of being excited and nervous as they enter the immigration another challenge she have to face, that long lines of people again an hours to wait. At 7:00pm the plane is already on board, again on the sky she looked down the lights of the country tears come on her eyes and didn't understand that feelings that it's happening now. While on the plane up the weather is bad so the pilot announce to keep calm, they need to stop for almost an hour, lightings gives light inside the plane and thunders gives music outside the plane, whole other passengers are crying. She put headset on her ears while looking at outside and praying everything will be okay in her journey.

After an hours the plane needs to take off at 2:00am United Arab Emirates time. Inside the airport Wei recieved a message on WhatsApp from the office in UAE that her visa is cancelled saying "We apologize for the late information Ms. Wei. Your visa is being cancelled we tried to contact you but the plane already left. We will do our best to find ways to get you from it. Just follow our instruction below." From being happy to teary moments she continue reading the messages until she recieved a file for her new visa. But the immigration won't accept photos so she need to ask someone in charge inside to print her visa and paid it on her own, luckily she didn't put all her money inside her wallet app otherwise she get holds. She took a deep breath and take a sigh feeling disappointed but no other choice and that's to continue her journey.

July 20,2022 at UAE in the office. The in-charge come inside the waiting area and ask Wei's name. She's happy thinking it's her sponsor but sad to know she was told that her visa is temporary and they will look for other sponsor to take her. She felt so down and disappointed but she have to be strong. She didn't tell it to her family but only to Jemz they prayed that blessings will come. She gets interviewed three times by some sponsored but as first timer it's hard. The other one likes her but they needs more capable off. July 21,2022 at 2:00pm UAE time, it's lunch break and still her name was not called. She was about to leave while someone called her and ask her to go inside the office. She was interviewed and being picked. That day she was happy and nervous looking the big house in two story with big space outside. A lot of things inside her mind but she needs to be strong. It's the start of her journey inside two years. She cried when her boss wife put rice inside her plate and she didn't like the taste but she have to injure it. She also have Philippine food but not that much. From foods to environment and the people around she needs to be strong for her future. And that's the truth the she have to face and prayers will do.

Sometimes leaving outside the comfort zone is the only choice to grow ourself alone and to reach our dreams. It's sad but practically speaking that's the only way for a better life in the future. Leaving our family, partner and loveones is sad but it also help us to reach our dreams for them and to our self. Its hard to face the truth but we must know that everything happen for a reason. And in every steps we take we have reason why to do so. A strong person who have a strong heart are those ofw's who injure to stay far from their loveones, suffering and fighting for homesick in two years. But another sad truth is a lot of relationships also gets broken in leaving outside the comfort zone. And only the co-OFW's understand what their situation is. And this will happen to Wei's relation with Jemz💔. It's hard to accept it but it will happen. Having a heartbreaks far from your family is very hard to handle. It affects your daily task and gets you distracted inside and out. And that's what Wei is going to handle while she continue to her journey in Arab country.