Chunin Finals!

I had a very busy schedule for the next month of training. First I took care of my personal side, after Naruto gained his new team, which was surprisingly the same team seven with Sasuke and Sakura. Guess the Hokage really wanted Naruto to be in that team regardless of the fact that Kiba was now technically the deadlast.

I helped NAruto train for a while before he started going on missions. I had to listen to him complain a lot, but it was a nice dinner conversation.

Then came my editor and his whole drama of trying to publish a children's story, he didn't like it, but I kept having to force it on him, convincing him it was a good idea. Soon it was announced that Stan Lee was creating a new line of story books for kids and everyone was excited.

And then after that all was finally taken care off, I could move onto the most important part, my training.

I used ten clones to farm up EXP and loot items from the dungeons. From the level 7 dungeon I gained a few electric proof fur items that I fashioned into a new leather armour for myself. The boss of the dungeon was a Primeape, which was honestly a pain to fight, but I managed to win.

Then I unlocked the level 8 dungeon and in there were Machamp, Machoke and Dugtrio as the spawns and a Nidoking as the boss. King had a nice time beating the shit out of him.

I did however gain a very particular item drop from the dungeon;

Power belt, B class

The eare of this belt gains +5 STR.

It came from a Machoke, and it was totally worth the bonus stats I gained. And along with that I also gained a few vials of steroid, which I'm never going to use and a very nice poisoned horn from the boss Nidoking.

Overall my pokemon leveled up amazingly;

1. Flamer, Arcanine

Lv- 42

REP- 91

2. Blaze, Growlithe,

Lv- 39

REP- 76

3. Cuter, Scyther

Lv- 41

REP- 72

4. King, Nidoking

Lv- 47

REP- 85

5. Basher, Onix

Lv- 42

REP- 62

I managed to get all of them over 40, which was my goal in the first place. And with them, I also leveled up;

Yami, Little Professor

Level- 42 (200/49,900)

HP- 8,100/8,100 (+20)

SP- 4,025/4,025

CP- 4,750/4,750


FIRE- 100% WIND- 100% LIGHTNING- 100%

SCORCH- 100% SWIFT- 100%

Allegiance- Konoha Civilian

STR- 50 (+5)

VIT- 60

DEX- 60

INT- 40 (+2)

CHA- 80

CC- 150

LUC- 27 (+5)

Points- 0

And the moment I leveled up my control for Swift release to 100, I gained the option for more releases:


Conditions have been meet: Fire 100% control, Lightning 100% control. Would you like to unlock a keki genkai!


Conditions have been meet: Fire 100% control, Lightning 100% control, Wind 100%. Would you like to unlock a kekkei tota!


Or unlock another element?



This time, I selected Power release, for one very simple reason, I finally figured how to make my own jutsu style. The book the Hokage gave me was really useful. Using that I able to create an arsenal of scorch based jutsus, and now that I gained a new affinity, I could work on that as well

I also leveled up a few skills, like my medical knowledge and medical ninjutsu;

Medical knowledge, Lv- 12 (73%)

Your knowledge about the human body.

Chance of success- 44%

Medical ninjutsu, Lv- 8 (2%)

Your ability to heal wounds using chakra.

Success rate- 20% + chance of success from medical knowledge

Limit- C rank Poisons, bleeding, C rank level injuries.

And I also focused on searching for power ups throughout the village, intent on finally getting all 30 golden leaves hidden around the village.

My first stop was the Hokage monument. Honestly, I should have figured this out a long time ago. Four giant heads, obviously there was a high probability of finding a golden leaf on each one.

I found a golden leaf on the first Hokage's head band, one on the second mouth, another behind the Third's right ear and one on top of the Fourth's head.

The first gave me a new headband, bigger than my old one with a sta bonus;

Konoha headband, A rank item

Shows that you a loyal shinobi of the leaf

+40 REP

I think it must have belonged to the First Hokage himself, so obviously I wore it. I have to admit, a black headband is much cooler than normal.

From the second hokage I got a +10 skill scroll! I first tried to use it on my medical ninjutsu, but I fould that I can't level it up higher than whatever level my medical knowledge is, which makes sense considering they're both interrelated.

So I used it to level up my chakra enhanced strength instead;

Chakra enhanced strength, Lv- 15 (0%)

Channel chakra into different parts of your body and unleash it with pinpoint accuracy to cause a large amount of damage.

CP cost- 80 per minute


From the Third I got a perk, which was amazing!

Fire breather- +20% more damage when using jutsus which has fire chakra

Hell yeah! Sarutobi for the win! This included my scorch release as that used fire chakra as well. So double bonus so me!

And then finally came the Fourth's head, which probably gave me the greatest prize of all;

Konoha battle cloak, A rank item

A battle cloak worn by shinobi of great repute, whose skills outweigh their stature

Durability- 300/300

+10 REP for all who see you wearing this cloak

It was long, reaching my knees with arms cut short till my elbow. It was coloured black with red flames licking the bottom. And on the back were the words 'Yami', written in kanji. When I wore it it felt like a second skin, perfect in everyway.

I tried it one once at home and looked at the reflection. My hair was longer, reached down till my shoulders and was spiky. With this on I looked like an Uchiha version of the Fourth, even my facial structure was similarly shaped, honestly, it felt a little odd seeing myself look like a mini version of Naruto's dad.

And the more I looked at it, the more I realised just how much of myself I modeled after that man. He was my favorite character in this entire story, no questions asked. Even Naruto came off as a little annoying at times, but Minato? He was my hero.

He lived the life of a hero, a true hero. His skills were amazing and more than that he was a great Hokage, probably the best that would ever my opinion.

And so yeah, I liked him, a lot. And it would seem the game was pushing me into the position where I could revive the legacy of the Flash into Konoha, become it's he was.

So I decided, if I was going to go this, I might as well go all out. So for the last week of my month in training I began a special kind of jutsu practise. The kind that involved water balloons, rubber balls and air balloons.

The day of departure:

I arrived late for the day of departure. I ran to the gates as fast as I could and found Zumo, China and Gai waiting for me.

I dropped down before them, "sorry I'm late! I was just finishing up some business."

"Yosh! It's fine!" Gai cheered.

"Yami...where did you get that cloak?" China asked as she and Zumo approached.

"I got it made," I smiled as they looked at my new uniform. I had the black cloak over my normal leather uniform. I had my hood and face mask up as well, basically I had my entire body covered.

"Looks cool!" Zumo said with a smile. He also got a makeover, now wearing a red full sleeves top and full black pants with sandals. His staff was battered, it looked like it was highly used. Even Zumo's level had jumped to 37.

I whistled, "damn Zumo, you've gotten powerful. What type of training did you do?"

The Sarutobi winked, "the secret kind. Now come on! We're burning daylight over here!"

I nodded as we all turned to Gai, who was acting as the jonin in charge for this mission. Asuma just go assigned his new team so he couldn't make it, and since Ko still couldn't come into Kumo territory he was out as well. Luckly Gai offered to help, and after getting Ko to take his place for a few days, we were all ready to set out.

It took us three days this time to reach Kumo, China had gotten a lot faster. We went through the same process as before, arriving in the Raikage's office to register, only this time, we weren't alone.

As we walked into the office I saw a Kumo team before me, specifically, Samui's team, with B as it's sensei.

"Heya B! How's it been?!" I cheered out.

B turned around and smiled, "Ya Dark! It's been a while! You're looking hella fly!"

I winced, "need to work on that beat B. It's starting to sound mellow and weak."

"Would you stop encouraging him?!" Kaur cried out, "it's bad enough we have to deal with it, but now you too?! Gah?! Why doesn't anyone understand our plight?"

Omoi snickered while Samui just rolled her eyes. Immediately my eyes land on the blonde bombshell. I walked up to her and winked, "haven't forgotten our deal have you?"

She looked down, damn I hate being short, "I have not. You have my chakra ore?"

I nodded, "yup. I'm a man of my word. Hey tell me, do you like ramen? Because I know this great ramen place in Konoha, we can go there for some."

Samui raised an eyebrow, "I don't think you're overconfidence is warranted. You will lose our match, that I can guarantee."

I shrugged, "we'll see about that beautiful," I winked as I moved aside, letting them walk away.


A skill has leveled up!

Flirting, Lv- 12 (4%)

Your ability to charm your target to drop their gaurd, confuse them or getting them to like you.

30% chance of it working

+5 REP bonus if works

Damn, I'm getting better, but not fast enough!

"Yami! You shouldn't flirt with your opponent's!" China cried out.

I sighed, "yeah, but she's so hot China! I can't help it!" I looked over to see a small smirk of a smile form on Samui's mouth as she and her team left the building.

"Argh! You're impossible!" China cried out as we registered Zumo and myself into the final round. We were escorted into a hotel for the night and the next day I was up bright and early.

Our KUBO guide took out to the stadium where the final stage of the exam was to be held. It was outside the city, in another valley, this one was towards the East and the stadium was built into a large flat top mountain with the sindice carved out.

It was an amazing sight to behold, truly it was. At the entrance Gai and China had to leave us to find seats in the spectator section while Zumo and I were taken out back through the contestant entrance.

We walked into a private booth that overlooked the area with a set of stairs on either side going down to the pit. There weren't any chairs or seating arrangements, we had to stand, which wasn't that bad.

We entered and found Samui, Kuro and E inside already, the Kumo ninjas off in one corner while Kuro leaned up against a wall with a book open before her.

"Well isn't this fun," I called out, alerting them to my presence.

Samui looked over for a moment before turning back to E. Kurotsuchi on the other hand looked up from her book and smiled, "well, aren't you looking stylish. You know a different costume won't make any difference right?"

I smiled, "thanks Kuro, you look hot too," I looked up at her level, 45, "and I see you grew stronger, impressive. Mid chunin right?"

She rolled her pink eyes, "right," I approached her, with Zumo following behind me, "so any new tricks up your sleeve?"

I smirked, "one or two. It's going to be fun fighting you."

"How are you so sure you're the one going to be fighting her in the finals?" Zumo raised an eyebrow, "it could be me you know."

I smirked, "I know. But that doesn't mean I shouldn't plan ahead."

"Hey! What makes you both think she'll beat me?!" E asked grinding his teeth. Zumo, Kurotsuchi and I looked at each other before breaking out into laughter. "Hey! Stop laughing!" E growled, prompting us to laugh harder.

He was about to say something else when Samui stopped him by putting her hand on his shoulder, "stop, they're just riling you up. Ignore them."

"Awh, Samui! You're no fun!" I snickered.

"Besides, hood boy won't make it past the first round with me," she added.

I smiled, "oh please Samui, if it's you, I can go many rounds...many, many rounds," I sent her a wink.

"Ack! You're such a perv Yami," Zumo said faking a gag.

"Hey! I'm not a perv! Just an admirer of beautiful things!" I argued back.

"You're a perv," Kurotsuchi said with a snort, "there's no argument on that."

"You're just jealous because Samui's hotter than you," I huffed.

Kurotsuchi rolled her eyes, "oh please, as if."

"Admit it, you're just pissed off because I asked Samui out on a date and not you," I winked at her, "it's fine, if you want after this we can hang out too."

"In your wildest dreams tree hugger," Kurotsuchi snorted.

"You're such a horn dog," Zumo grumbled face palming himself.

"You say that like it's a bad thing," I smirked.

Zumo and I talked for a while, letting Kurotsuchi read in peace. We spoke about what we did with our month apart, avoiding things like training and the like. Ten minutes later Sidra came, only he didn't greet any of us, choosing instead to stand alone in one corner of the room.

Samui and E ignored him, but Zumo was curious at his behaviour.

"Geez, what's his problem," Zumo said looking at the sound nin.

"He feels….different," Kurotsuchi spoke up.

I gulped, "y-you have no idea." The reason for my stutter was simple, it was because of the name over Sidra's head, only it wasn't Sidra.

Orochimaru, Snake Sanin

Lv- 91

REP- -50

Fuck. Fuck! FUCK! What was he doing here?! Why was he in disguise?! Why?! What is going on?! Oh no...Zumo''s going to fight him in the first round! I have to do something!

I ran out of the room, "hey Yami! Where are you going?!" Zumo called out behind him.

"I-I have to talk to the Hokage!" I told him, running to the door, only for a Kumo nin to block the way.

"You aren't allowed to leave," he grumbled out, "no exceptions."

"P-please, I just need to talk to my kage for a second!" I told him.

"No, get back in there," he pointed.

I growled as I walked back inside before looking out into the area, might as well go the long way around. I made a shadow clone, much to everyone's surprise. I used only 100 CP to make him, so not much of a stretch on my reserve.

He nodded at me and jumped out before running along the outer walls of the area, making his way to the Kage box.

I sighed as I walked back to the others who looked surprised by what just happened. Zumo blinked, "dude, since when can clones do that?!"

I sighed, "it''s a long story Zumo. Trust me."

"Why did you need to talk to your kage so badly?" Saui asked.

I blinked, "ah...sorry, village secret," I noticed Sidra-I mean Orochimaru-perk up at that. He looked interested but said nothing.

And then the clone dispelled and I gained it's memories.

Clone's memories:

I ran till the kage box which was filled with royalty and of course, the Kages from three villages. So of course it was filled with guard.

I didn't even get halfway there when I was stopped by KUBO guards, "halt! Go back to your waiting room contestant Yami. You aren't allowed to be here."

"I have a major matter to speak to my Hokage about, so sorry about this," I charged at them and managed to slip past them with my superior speed, entering the box with them following behind.

"Yami?" the Hokage called out from his seat, turning around to see me, "what are you doing here?"

"Yeah kid, aren't you supposed to be in your little box?" the Raikage, A, asked.

A, Raikage

Lv- 87

REP- -20

I bowed, "lord Hokage, I need to speak with you, it's urgent."

The man nodded and turned to the KUBO behind me, "stand down, he is a ninja of my village, he has the right to speak to me whenever he wishes."

The KUBO looked unsure, they didn't move until A called out, "it's fine. Let them be."

"Thank you Raikage," Sarutobi smiled before approaching me and dragging me away. When we were in one corner of the room he looked at me with a serious face, "what's this about?"

"Orochimaru has replaced one of the contests, the sound nin Sidra," I spoke quickly, "he's disguising himself."

Sarutobi's eyes winded, "how do you know this?"

"Sidra was in my team during the second task, I memorized his chakra. And the one who looks like Sidra with the others...he isn't Sidra, his chakra is Kage level and he..he smells like snakes. I know that's not a very accurate description, but that's the feeling I'm getting."

Lie successful!

"Are you sure about this?" Hiruzen asked, sounding desperate.

I nodded, "yes, I'm sure. It's him, I know it."

The Hokage looked enrage, "that monster...Zumo...he's to fight Sidra yes?"

I nodded, "yes."

"Then why...why is he doing this? He knows if he shows off too much he would stand out," the man stayed silent for a moment before speaking, "listen closely Yami, I want you to use that on Zumo and keep an eye on him. If it looks like Orochimaru is about to kill hi or something similar take him out of there. Do you understand?"

I nodded, "yes sir. And if I have to face Orochimaru, do I have your permission to use that during combat?"

The Hokage sighed, "I hoped you would only use that during the last match but...yes, if Orochimaru becomes too much to handle, I give you permission to use that to win."

I nodded, "understood….Lord Hokage, why do you think he's here? What do you think he wants?"

"If I know my old student he's here because something interests him."

I blinked, "something?"

"Someone," he corrected with a frown, "maybe one of the contestants interests him and he wishes to test them."

I felt fear for my original self, ""d-did he somehow come to find out about me and my ability?

The Hokage grew worried, "possibly….maybe. If that's the case then you're in danger Yami...if you feel you aren't us to this, then I suggest-"

"-No," I stopped him, "I'll do it. If I just give up then...I meant what I said lord Hokage, about being an explame for Konoha's power. How can I be that if I run away?"

"Good luck shall need it," he said in a soft tone.

I sighed, "yeah, Yami will need it," and with that I dispelled.

Back with the original:

I cursed, I really wished my clone hasn't made that choice for me. Oh what am I saying, I would have said the same thing!


Quest Alert!

Survive the fight against Orochimaru!


+20, 000 EXP

+5 skill scroll



Do you accept?


I sighed and pressed yes. "What happened?" Kurotsuchi asked, "talked to your Hokage?"

I nodded, "yeah," I looked over at Orochimaru, he looked at me, and for a moment, we maintained eye contact. Under the disguise of Sidra, I swear I think he smiled. Fucking bastard.

I turned to Zumo and extended my arm, "Zumo, good luck out there."

The Sarutobi looked confused, "ah...okay?" he extended his hand and we shook, and unknown to him I created a hand seal with my left hand, a half ram seal, that allowed me to leave a seal on the palm of Zumo's hand. The Flying Thunder God seal.

If things got too bad, I could use it, after all Hiruzen did give me permission to do so.

We spoke a little when finally the tournament began. Fireworks sudden light up the sky as a jonin listed as R walked out of the Kage box and leaped down into the middle of the area.

"Listen up people! Welcome to the start of the chunin exams! You all excited for this?!" R cried out!

"Yeah!" the people cheered.

"I'm going to be the referee here! And your announcer!" R called out, gaining everyone's approval.

I smiled, "okay, I hate to admit this, but you're jonin's got some style."

"Hell yeah he does!" E cheered, joining with the crowd. Everyone was in on it, it seemed only Samui chose to remain silent.

"Are you ready?!" R cried out.

"Yeah!" the people cheered on.

"I can't hear you!" R yelled so loud the entire area's chatter was drowned out.

"YEAH!" the people yelled.

"That's what I'm talking about!" R cried out, "today is the chunin exams! The fight of the year! Happening in our very own village! So let's show these foreigners how we do it in Kumo! Can I get a hell yeah?!"

"HELL YEAH!" everyone cheered, even E.

"KUMO! KUMO! KUMO! KUMO!" they began to chant, stamping their feet causing the entire stadium to start to shake.

I blinked, " guys really like your spectacles huh?"

"Why do you think pro-wrestling's a national pastime over here?" Kurotsuchi asked with a snort.

"Alright people listen up!" R yelled cutting off the chant, "today we are going to see six amazing ninja fighting each other! Two of our own is in it too! So can I get some love for them?!"

"YEAH!" people cheered loudly.

"Alright that's good!" R smirked, "here are the finalist!" he pointed at a jumbotron that light up with the tournament brackets, displaying everyone's names on it, "the first match is between a ninja from the sound! And a ninja from Konoha, from the Sarutobi clan! So make some noise! Sidra! Zumo! Get your white asses down here now!"

"Wish me luck," Zumo turned to me and smiled.

"Good luck," I smiled, Zumo was about to leap away when I stopped in and pulled him closer, "don't give him any time to breath, hit hard, his fast and for the love of god don't toy with him. He's incredibly dangerous Zumo, trust me."

The Sarutobi nodded, "right, I got it," and with that he left.

Sidra came up to the balcony slowly, swaying his legs lazily, he stopped at the edge and looked at me, "you're right little Yami, I am dangerous," he then jumped away. I gulped, that's monstrous.

Zumo landed on the area, followed by Orochimaru. "Alright! Here are the rules!" R cried out as he leaped back, landing on the edge of the arena pit, "no killing if you can help it! Anything else is allowed! Oh, and no endangering the civilians! That's a big no-no! Do you understand?!"

Zumo gave him a thumbs up while Orochimaru just nodded. They then faced each other, Zumo taking his bo-staff out while Orochimaru didn't even bother reaching for Sidra's musical weapon, I'm guessing he's abandoned all pretences of acting like the genjutsu user.

"Something's wrong," Kurotsuchi with narrowed eyes, "that's not Sidra's fighting stance. He's more...afraid. He's not that confident."

I nodded, "yeah...I know."

Kurotsuchi eyes widened, "an imposter?"

I turned to her and nodded, "yeah….that's what it looks like." I turned to the match, I hope he's not here for me...although if Sidra mentioned even half of what he saw me do then maybe Orochimaru did gain interest in me, maybe that's why he's here.

"Alright! Are you both ready?!" R smirked, "begin!"

Zumo launched himself forward, swinging his bo staff and catching Orochimaru in the face, smacking him across the air. 'Sidra' flew across the arena, into the wall, creating a spider web like creature.

Zumo stopped and blinked, "that was easy."

"Don't stop!" I yelled out, "he's still alive!"

And like a zombie rising from the grave, 'Sidra's' hands rose from the wall. He stepped out and cracked his neck, the snapp audible round the stadium. He looked up, his face bandages torn apart revealing a plan face with a busted lip. Orochimaru looked at Zumo and smiled.

He took off like a bullet. Zumo couldn't even see him come at began to wail on him, beating Zumo into the ground over and over again. Inally he punched her over the head, sending him flying away.

"No!" I cried out, ready to move when I saw Zumo's body suddenly disappear in a puff of smoke, replaced by a log.

I felt him appear behind Orochimaru, going through hand seals faster than the normal eye could follow, finally ending on the tiger seal and taking a deep breath. He was about to pour it out on 'Sidra' when the sound nin disappeared.

"Over here!" Sidra reappeared next to Zumo, kicking him in the gut so hard he went flying away, the air pushed out of his body as a burst of fire came flying out as Zumo flew backwards.

The Sarutobi took control midair however, flipping head over heels and landing on his feet, skidding to a halt. He stopped and looked up, panting as his mouth spat out blood.

He raised his bo staff and smashed it down on the ground. Orochimaru looked curious as he waited back, watching as Zumo twisted the metal cap off his staff, revealing a nozzle of some kind.

"Ninja art! Scattering rain!" Zumo called out as he pointed the nozzle at Orochimaru and threw his staff like a javelin.

The sound nin rolled his eyes and leaped away, charging at the now unarmed Zumo. But just then Zumo smiled as he made three hand seals and spat out a wad of fire on the ground.

Suddenly a wall of fire erupted before him. I looked down, the fire moved towards his staff, the nozzle! It must have had some kind of oil! And Orochimaru jumped right into it!

"Clever," came a serious voice as 'Sidra walked out of the flames, "I almost didn't notice the oil spill out of the staff when you threw it," Sidra clothes were burnt away revealing his bandaged body underneath, guy looked like a freakin mummy, "but no matter," he flew through hand seals ending with a bird symbol.

Zuko's eyes widened, he knew that jutsu, I used that jutsu. Orochimaru belched out, "wind release: Great Breakthrough!"

Zumo leaped away just in time, running to his staff and picked it up. Orochimaru leaped at him once again and the two began to fight.

Zumo used his staff to block Orochimaru's fists, each blow bent the staff inwards just a little bit. Until the tenth hit, shattered it in half, reaching forward. It was inches away from Zumo's face when he substituted himself with another log, allowing Orochimaru's fist to shatter that into pieces inside of his face.

I breathed a sigh of relief and watched the Sarutobi leap away, reach into his back pocket and take out three kunai, throwing them at Sidra.

The sage disguised as a genin ducked and swerved away from it's attack and moved forward, but just then Zumo pulled on ninja wire that was attached to the kunai, making the weapons curved around Orochimaru's body and catching him.

The trick was obvious, Orochimaru allowed himself to be captured. But Zumo didn't think that. Instead he smiled as he put the wire in his mouth and began going through the hand seals for the dragon fire jutsu.

He finished with a tiger seal, causing the wire in his mouth to light up in flames and burn Orochimaru alive.

"ARGH! IT BURNS! IT BURNS! Just kidding!" 'Sidra' flexed, allowing him to break out of the wires. He then rushed forward so fast Zumo couldn't even move. He took out his shamisen and struck a cord, causing Zumo's eyes to suddenly gloss over.

I was impressed, but then again this was Orochimaru, the man who set out to learn every ninjutsu in existence. Immediately Zumo became paralyzed, unable to move.

Sidra chuckled as he took out a kunai, "it's my victory," he placed the kunai on Zumo's neck and pressed drawing blood, "goodbye monkey boy."


"That's enough," I grabbed the kunai the moment I appeared before them in a flash of blue.

Orochimaru blinked as he leaped away, "how did you..." he narrowed his eyes.

"Yo! What the hell do you think you're doing?!" R called out.

I turned to him, "this match is over, clearly Sidra is the winner, he won the moment Zumo was caught under his genjutsu. You said no killing, I'm just keeping to your rules."

R smirked, "alright tree hugger, you make a good point! Winner! Sidra of the sound!" The people cheered loudly, happy that a leaf ninja was defeated. "Now get his sorry ass out of there!"

I nodded and turned ot Zumo, who slowly came out of his stupor. He blinked, "I-I lost?"

I sighed, "dude, just be happy you were alive, go wait in the participants lounge, it's my turn," I told him gently.

He nodded, "ri-right...thank you Yami," he looked to 'Sidra', the man looked at us, or more specifically, me. I moved too fast, people weren't paying attention to me to notice, everyone was looking at the attempted murder, so they didn't know my secret. But Orochimaru...I wouldn't put anything past him.

Zumo took off and slowly following him was 'Sidra', who kept staring at me.

With the Kages:

A raised an eyebrow, "that's one of yours isn't it Hokage?"

Sarutobi nodded, "yes, his name is Yami."

"Oh? No last name?" the fire Daimyo sitting near the back asked.

"No," Sarutobi shook his head, "he's an orphan lord Daimyo."

"He's certainly come a long way hasn't he?" the fire lord said, "I didn't even notice him arrive."

"Yeah, his speed is...impressive," A narrowed his eyes at Yami's form before turning ot the old man sitting next to him, "what do you think lord Tsuchikage?"

Sitting with the two kages was a third, the leader of the village hidden in stone. The old man groaned, "his seems familiar….very familiar."

The Hokage smirked, 'it should. It's the will of fire you see before you Onoki. And the last you faced it, it came in the form of Minato...ironic to think the next time would be in someone similar.'

With Yami:

"Alright! The first round was dope," R called out, "but now we have our very own Samui coming up in the second round! So give her some love people! I know you guys want too!" he laughed as people cheered loudly, watching Samui leap down into the arena.

"We love you Samui!" people cheered.

"Marry me!" another cried out, a guy by the looks of it.

Samui walked up to me, a thirty feet distance between us. I looked around, the people were really loud this time around.

Samui, Genin of Kumo

Lv- 39

REP- 0

HP: 7,800/7,800

"And facing our fine kouichi is this dark clothes emo looking mother fucker! Yami from the leaf! The guy who saw it fit to interfere in his friend's match!" R spat.

"Boo!" as loud as they were in supporting Samui, they were louder in booing me.

Samui raised an eyebrow, "nothing clever to say."

I smirked, "good luck Samui," I made the seal of confrontation, making her curious.

"What is that?" she asked.

"It's the seal of confrontation, you do that when you fight an alley to show that you respect them and consider them an equal," I smiled.

"You consider me an equal?" she asked.

"'re here aren't you?" I smiled. I saw her REP go up to 10. Ah, so she wants to be treated with respect, not as a piece of meat. "When I first met you I was excited as hell to fight you. I could feel your strength, you were the strongest Kumo genin I met, so obviously I was curious what you could do."

"And the flirting?" Samui raised an eyebrow.

I smirked, "you're also the most beautiful kumo ninja I met, can you blame me?"

"Are you ready?!" R asked, "begin!"

I moved first. I was in no mood for games or dragging this out. I had a sannin to fight. I came down on her with a kunai, Samui drew her tanto and blocked it.

I flicked my wrist and brought out a dagger swiping upwards at her. The blonde moved back and I kicked into the air, leaping behind her.

I swung both weapons at her head, she blocked with her tanto, which is what I expected. I let go of both weapons, ducked down and drew two dagger out from my secret slots.

I came up quickly with twin upper cuts. Samui moved back before swinging her tanto to strike my gut. I brought my knee up and kicked my kunai up in the air, caught her tanto with a dagger, let go of the dagger once the tanto's moment stopped and grabbed the flying kunai, moving it to her neck.

Samui disappeared in a puff of smoke. I flicked the kunai at her new locatio, twenty feet behind, I then flipped into the air, throwing five more dagger at her.

She moved quickly, blocking each projectile with her blade, as I suspected. The kunai she first deflected flew into the air. She blocked four of my daggers, but when the fifth one came, the falling kunai deflected it's tip by a centimeter, going past Samui's blade and striking her shoulder.

-4 HP!

HP: 7,796/7,800

"Shit!" she cried out as she moved backward, holding her tanto with her left hand, cradling her right. She immediately pulled the dagger out, throwing it away, she looked up just in time to see my hands move into the final tiger seal.

"Scorch release: Dragon's Breath!" I called out the jutsu's name, I wanted people to be impressed, part of the quest. I threw out the blue flames from my mouth. The force of the fire came straight at Samui, I was afraid she wouldn't dodge it, but in the last moment she switched with a random debris and escaped the fire.

"Lightning release: Thunder strike!" Samui called out, sending a blast of lightning chakra from the tip of her sword.

"Wind release: Great Breakthrough!" the blast of wind pushed the lighting away, thank you elemental affinity!

I charged forward, opening my inventory to finish this. Samui moved back, her shoulder still giving her pain. She managed to make it halfway to the arena wall when I caught up to her.

I leaped to her side, and pulled out the Uchiha Gunbai. Her eyes winded, to her it looked like I pulled it out of thin air. I swung it like a baseball bat, Samui made a sharp leap backwards, her ankles snapping in the process.

But she managed to get away from the fan, but not from the gust of wind it created.

-100 DMG

HP: 7,696/7,800

She went flying away head over heels and landed on her feet. I didn't give her a chance to move as I moved through hand seals for B rank fire jutsu. I landed on the tiger seal, her eyes went wide, "fire release: Great Fire Annihilation!"

I sucked air in and let it out like a burst of air. The flames came pouring out like a mist of water, spread out like a wave. The fire came flying out, Samui moved back, her sprained ankle making her movement sloppy, but she would have cleared the fire. If I didn't swing the gunbai, feeding wind into the flames.

The gave it new life, causing the flames to increase if size and speed, faster than Samui could keep up.

She growled as she stood her ground and went through several hand seals, landing on dog, ah a water jutsu.

"Water Release: Water beam!" She gulped air into her lungs and exploded a ton of water out, fighting into the fire. It must have been some jutsu as the water kept coming and coming. The flames went over her head, but she kept going.

Finally, after five minutes, the flames died out and Samui collapsed to her feet, exhausted. I appeared behind her with a kunai at her neck, "do you surrender?"

"Y-yes," she gasped out, totally exhausted. I turned upwards to R, the entire arena was silent.

"R-right. And the winner is Yami from Konoha!" R announced, "someone call the medics already!"


Quest Completed!

Defeat Samui in your match!


A date!

+20 REP to Samui


You have spared you enemy's life! Peace Lover perk activated! +1 stat point!

"No need," I removed the kunai and bent down, using the horse seal to make my palm glow green, "here, let me help."

Samui's eyes widened in shock as played my healing hand over her right shoulder, healing the wound.

"You man! What the hell are you doing?!" R asked.

I ignored him and continued healing her, smiling at Samui, "sorry I went all out, I honestly didn't see any other choice," the wound closed, "ah, there we go. Now for the ankle," I bent down and put my hand on her leg.

Samui winced. "I'm sorry, was that too hard?" I asked.

" feels warm," she replied.

I chuckled, "yeah, I'm told I'm a hot head," slowly the bruising went away. I removed my hand and smiled, "there you. Try moving it."

Samui nodded as she id just that, her eyes widening as she found it back to normal. She looked at me, "why did you help me?"

I shrugged, "why shouldn't I help you?"

"We're enemies," she narrowed her eyes.

"Only until the match was decided, and you heard the announcer, I won," I smiled as I made the seal of reconciliation, "this is the seal of reconciliation, we make it in Konoha to allies and friends after a match is done to show that there are no hard feelings."

"I'm an enemy ninja," she argued.

I shrugged, "we aren't at war are we?"

She looked at my offered fingers and sighed, "you really must be desperate for that date," she made the seal.

"Yeah, I date with you is totally worth world peace," I helped her on her feet and smiled, "besides, you're too cute for me to consider an enemy."

"Yo! Stop flirting with your opponent and get off the area field!" R yelled.

I rolled my eyes, "alright already! Shesh! We're having a moment here people!" Samui's face got the hint of a smile as we walked back to the waiting area, I gathered all my daggers and kunai with chakra thread along the way.

With the Kages:

"He's too soft," Onoki snorted, "just like the rest of you tree huggers."

"That may be, but he's ruthless when he needs to be," Sarutobi replied.

"I'll say, I thought he was going to burn Samui alive for a moment there," A growled.

"I assure you, Yami holds life above everything else, he wouldn't kill if he could help it," the Hokage spoke.

"Your ninja seems quite powerful this year Sarutobi," the Lightning Daimyo spoke out, "another fire user like yourself who handles himself well under pressure and a prodigy. Both deserving of the rank of chunin."

"And what about Samui?" A asked, annoyed that his own daimyo wasn't paying attention to their own lands ninja, instead focused on some foreigner.

"Oh she's very impressive as well," the fire daimyo replied, "to have fought against such a dominating force, hm, she would do well in seduction missions I would think," the man leered at the blonde bombshell, "very well indeed."

A hated the way the man looked at his ninja, but he couldn't say anything without upsetting the man, so remained silent. The Kages looked out and continued watching the exams, but the Hokage was far more concerned about one participant in particular than anyone else.

Hiruzen narrowed his eyes, 'why are you here Orochimaru?'

With Yami:

We walked in and immediately Zumo was on me, "dude! That was awesome! Where did you learn that jutsu!" Samui walked away, standing next to E who shot me dirty looks.

I chuckled, "in the library. I kind of stole it when Ko sensei wasn't looking," 'Sidra', who was standing far away, looked at me when I mentioned that. I saw him smile, a hint of yellow flashing in his eyes.

Kurotsuchi snorted, "you took your time."

I smiled, "hey, I had to make it entertaining. That's the whole point of this exam anyway. If I don't show off what I'm made up I won't pass."

"Wait, so you have to win and show off?" Zumo groaned, "I'm so screwed!"

" Zumo," I patted his back, "you can still pass, provided the daimyo or the Hokage deems you worthy. Technically speaking anyone who fights here today can pass, even if they lose every match."

"Cool!" Zumo said.

"But if you don't even know that they there's no way you're chunin material," Kurotsuchi snorted.

"Hey! Watch it stone bitch!"

"You don't get to say shit monkey boy!" Kurotsuchi growled back.

"Ah, young love," I sighed wistfully.

"Shut up!" they both snapped at me.

"They're even copying each other! Isn't that sweet?!" I sighed with a goofy smile.

Kurotsuchi growled, "fuckign tree huggers! I'll fucking end-"

"-And the next match will begin now! Will E from Kumo come on out!" R announced.

"Hold that thought," I held up my hand silencing Kurotsuchi, "looks like you're up."

"You're lucky I have a fight to get to," she growled.

"And his challenger, Kurotsuchi from Iwa!" as Kurotsuchi walked down the people booed her even louder than they did me. Guess Iwa really is hated by everyone.

"Go Kurotsuchi! Kick his scrawny ass!" I cheered, I turned it Zumo, "come on man! She needs the support!"

Zumo snorted, "no way."

"Do it, or I'll tell China you groped Samui," I narrowed my eyes at him.

Zumo gulped, "y-you wouldn't dare!"

I smiled, "try me."

The Sarutobi cried out, "go Kurotsuchi! You can do it stone bitch!"

"Shut up you monkey!" Kurotsuchi yelled back, but I saw a small smile on her face as her REP went from 0 to 10, yay!

"Why are you cheering for an Iwa ninja?" 'Sidra' asked.

We all turned around and looked at the previously silent sound nin. I raised an eyebrow, "what do you mean?"

"Iwa and Konoha are famously on opposite sides of every argument, so why are you supporting her?" Orochimaru asked.

I smiled and turned back to the match, E was doing his best to move away from Kurotsuchi onslaught of fire and earth jutsus, sadly the last fire blast light his sandals on fire.

"Kurotsuchi wants to be the fourth Tsuchikage," I told him, "and I think she'll do it. In fact, I know she can. She's got a will of stone. So, I want her to know just because in the past Konoha and Iwa have been enemies, that need not always be the case. We can be friends, right now, this generation doesn't have to live in hate, so I want her to know we can be friends."

"And what about those who have died at the hands of others?" 'Sidra' asked, "don't your ancestors deserve vengeance? Don't they deserve peace?"

I snorted, "fuck the dead. They are dead and gone and if they don't have peace, that's their fault. I only care about the living and keep them as such. That's all that matters to me, the past, the pain, it can all be forgotten. Why do you want to kill a ten year old child because some man from the same village as that child killed your great grandfather? Isn't that pointless?"

"Ku, ku, ku, so you believe by believe friends you can achieve peace?" he asked with a mocking laughter.

I nodded, "yup."

"That's a child's dream," he snorted.

I watched Kurotsuchi land a punch on E's face, knocking the boy out cold. I smiled, "have you ever tried? Or is your pride getting in the way?" He didn't say anything for that.

"And the winner by knockout, Kurotsuchi of Iwa!" R spat out, the people booing at her for knocking out the only other kumo ninja from the match.

"Good job Kuro!" Zumo cheered.

"Thanks monkey!" she grunted as she came back inside with E taken away in a stretcher.

"Alright ladies and gentlemen! That was the first round! Advancing into the second are Yami from Konoha!" medium applause, "Sidra from Sound," polite applause, "and Kurotsuchi from Iwa!" And que the boo's.

"Now! Let's begin the second round shall we?!" R asked getting people's roaring approval, "alright then! Since we have an odd number of people, the stone chick will be staying put and automatically advancing to the final round!"

"Oh come on! That's so not fair!" Zumo cried out.

"Bite me monkey boy," she hissed.

"Oh, kinky," I said wiggling my eyebrows, making the girl blush, but confusing the innocent twelve year old.

"How do you even know about that kind of stuff?!" Kurotsuchi asked.

I shrugged, "I read. And how did you?" She looked away, not answering.

"And now, without further adieu! The fourth match of the chunin exams! Yami from Konoha and Sidra from Sound!" People cheered loudly most supporting Sidra since they hated Konoha. Ironic that Sidra was secretly a Konoha ninja himself. An Ex-konoha ninja that is.

"Well then Yami, it looks like it's our turn," Orochimaru chuckled evilly as he got off the wall.

My stomach was flipping, my hands cold. I was scared. And suddenly, they were all gone. I felt calm, ready, in control. I had a list of possible jutsus to surprise him with, just enough to keep him on his toes. I was ready...I hope.

"Yeah...should be fun," I smiled.

Orochimaru chuckled as he went ahead, Zumo gulping, "Yami...I don't like that guy."

"Yeah...I know what you mean," I walked down, each step I took feeling like a death sentence. I knew if things got too bad Hiruzen himself would step in and fight Orochimaru. But...I can't let that happen, I need to face him, I need to show the world what I got.

I made a promise to the Hokage, to myself. A promise that could one day lead to peace, one day lead to a better world. Maybe. And for that, I needed to be strong, a pillar of strength others can rely on.

I promised him.

The day before departure for Kumo:

Sarutobi walked with his son into training yard 11. Asuma had come to him with a strange request from Yami, to come to the training yard for some kind of surprise. While unusual, the Hokage would take up any excuse to not do anymore paperwork, so he readily agreed.

"So you aren't aware why he would ask such a thing?" Hiruzen asked his son.

Asuma snorted, "as if I would know what's going in that kid's head. I'm too busy with my own team to worry about him."

The Hokage raised an eyebrow, "from what I hear the only thing you've taught your team is how to play shogi."

Asma shrugged, "build a tactical mind." The Hokage shook his head and continued walking to the middle of training ground eleven. He noticed a rustle in the trees, an ANBU had stepped on a branch, Hiruzen sighed, he really must insist of a tougher training program for them, the new ones are getting too sloppy.

They arrived at the middle of the ground and Hiruzen looked around, "well? Where is he?"


There was a sharp release as suddenly the sky was bolted by a hundred daggers. They came flying down at the Sarutobi men, who didn't budge an inch.

Suddenly five blurs came out from the trees and surrounded the hokage protectively, "don't move lord Hokage, it's a trap!"

"Don't be silly," the man sighed, "if it was a trap then the daggers would have been aimed at me, not aimed at the ground around me," the Professor pointed out as the daggers all landed around him, not one even came close.

"You morons really need to observe before you act," Asuma sighed as he took out a cigar, "this is obviously Yami's doing. But I wonder what-"


A dagger came flying out at Asuma, the throw was so slow the Sarutobi had enough time to move his head allowing the dagger to fly past him. But just as it crossed his head, there was a flash of blue lightning, Yami spread flying past Asuma's side as he reached out and grabbing the cigar in the jongin's hand and the packet of cigars in his jacket.

And just as quick as he appeared, he vanished in another blue flash of lightning.

"What was that?" Asuma said blinked as he looked at his empty hand. He turned to his father, "was that-"

Hiruzen narrowed his eyes, "it appears so," the man looked around, each of those dagger had a seal on it's handle, a very familiar seal. The third smiled, "well...I'm impressed."


A flash of blue light appeared in front of an ANBU, grabbed him by the collar and threw him across the field. Yami then vanished once more, appearing in front of the fallen ANBU, placing a status seal on his body.

"Spread out! He's using the dagger to-" the ANBU was cut short as flash of blue blurred across the battlefield.

They went flying across the training area, the blue blur of lighting flashing quickly from dagger to dagger. The ANBU however weren't the top ninja in the village for nothing. They drew their weapons and moved, using their speed to try and isolate the blur.

But the Flying Thunder God made Yami more than a match.

Suddenly the five ANBU members were hit in the back, their surprise making them too slow to react. They turned around just in time to see a seal on their person that reacted so quickly, they dropped down like a sack of potatoes, unconscious.

"Very impressive Yami," Hiruzen called out blowing smoke out of his mouth, "you can stop now."

There was a flash of blue lighting as Yami appeared in a couch before the two Sarutobi men. He slowly stood up to his full height, the wind blowing his cloak back as he smiled, "so...what do you think?"

With Yami:

The Hokage raised an eyebrow, "I think...the ANBU need to up their training if a genin can beat them."

I chuckled, "well in their defences they weren't expecting me to use the Flying Thunder God jutsu to attack them. And they certainly weren't expecting my seals to be so effective."

"Indeed," the man nodded, dragging on his pipe.

"Y-Yami," Asuma's mouth hanged wide open, "t-that was...the Flying Thunder God jutsu!"

I nodded, "yup!"


I shrugged, "I have been working on it for some time now. Finally cracked the code, spent some time figuring out how to use it in combat."

Lie successful!

"And I see that you were," the Hokage said as he looked around, "you defeated five ANBU in less than a are...quite spectacular Yami. To have mastered such a complex jutsu at only 12 years this what you have spent the month doing?"

I nodded, "amongst other things."

"Holy shit kid! Didn't I tell you to not do something like this?!" Asthma cried out.

I shrugged, "I knew I would be fine, plus...well, I am a ninja, what was I going to do? Not try and become stronger?"

"And the color?" the Hokage asked, "I remember it being yellow."

I smiled, "I figured I need something to set myself apart from the Fourth. It wasn't difficult, just used a little lightning chakra instead of normal chakra. Makes me faster too."

"But are you aware of what the consequences of your actions are Yami?" the Hokage asked.

"If someone knows you can do this..if Iwa finds out you can do this! You'll be listed as a level S threat!" Asthma cried out.

I nodded slowly, "yes...I know. And I'm willing to take the threats that come with that. Because...because the village needs it."

The Hokage raised an eyebrow, "explain."

"I realised something while I was in the chunin exams," I told the man, "Konoha has a reputation...a reputation of the greatest ninjas either dead, going rogue or broken. Right now there are only two ninjas that strike fear in the hearts of our enemies, Gai and Kakashi, no one else loyal to Konoha has that kind of respect."

"Gee thanks kid," Asuma snorted.

I smiled, "no offence Asuma sensei, you are tough, you could probably kick Kakashi's ass 5 times out of ten, but what I'm trying to say is you don't have the fame or the catchy title that makes people aware of you. People look at you and say, 'he's another Sarutobi'. And right now...we need someone flashy and dangerous on people's minds. Because they are really starting to treat Konoha hostile.

"Suna hates us for taking their jobs, Kumo hates us for the Hyuga incident and Iwa...well, they hate us because the world thinks we're all swell guys while they think we aren't. We need people to know that Konoha shouldn't be fucked with...which is why I want your permission to use this jutsu in the final round of the chunin exams."

The Hokage remained stoic, "you think you can protect Konoha?" a wave of killing intent poured out of him, it was enough to send Asuma stepping back a few steps, "you think you, are better to serve Konoha than me? The man who has been protecting it will before you were even born?!"

The killing intent was potent. But, thanks to my Gamer's mind, I wasn't affected, not one bit.

I walked forward, the man glaring at me. I didn't break eye contact as I stepped into his comfort zone and spoke, "yes. I do."

For a minute we stared at each other, I refused to back down. And then, he smiled, "good."

Asuma blinked, "you didn't have to be so tough on him dad."

"If he intends to be Konoha's next Flash, he needs to get used to facing tougher enemies," Hiruzen said as he turned to me, "are you sure about this?"

I nodded, "yes, I am."

He nodded, " have my permission to use the Flying Thunder God jutsu, but only in the final battle. And I give you permission to go all out, don't hold anything back. I'll be attending the tournament myself along with the Tsuchikage and the Raikage. I want you to show them that Konoha will always have ninja who will protect it, no matter what. Is that understood?"

I nodded, "yes sir."


Quest Completed!

Convince the Hokage to let you use the Flying Thunder God jutsu in the final match!


+1,000 EXP

"Good. Now go get ready, you have a long journey tomorrow….a very long journey," he dismissed me.

I nodded and turned around, using chakra threads I grabbed each dagger by the handle and pule them into my hand where I created a storage seal on both my forearms. The moment my daggers touched my palms I used the storage seal and put them all away.

I nodded to Asuma sensei and vanished in a flash of blue electricity, going back to the dagger I left in my room.

With the Hokage:

Hiruzen smiled, "I never thought I would see the day the Flash was reborn."

"Are you seriously just going to let him use that jutsu!" Asuma turned to his dad, "you know how much hatred Minato gained because of that jutsu! How many people came after him! How many lives he had to take! What makes you a child barely a year into his ninja career can handle that?!"

Hiruzen looked at his son and smiled, "Asuma...have I ever told you about the first time I met that boy?"

The younger man shook his head, "you mentioned something about a lecture?"

The Hokage nodded, "yes. I met the boy during a lecture. He was..a strange boy, even then. He called me an old man."

Asuma snorted, "nothing special there."

Hiruzen sent his son a glare, "true...but it was what he said after that grabbed my attention. He said that being old isn't an insult, it's a compliment, especially if the man is old in a profession where men die young."

Asuma's eyes winded, "how old was he?"

The Hokage smiled, "eight. I then asked him what he thought being a ninja meant...and his answer….it was unique. He said 'ninjas are killers and thieves. But, that was not the kind of ninja he wanted to be. For him, a ninja is someone with the power to change the world, be it with a murder or with an idea. A ninja can be a hero to one person and the devil to another. But the kind of ninja he wanted to be is someone who can make this world less horrible, the kind who can protect the people he cares about and make the world a peaceful place."

Asuma raised an eyebrow, "that's awfully optimistic."

"But everything he has done from the point onwards makes me think otherwise," Hiruzen huffed his pipe, "his first C rank mission he saved a woman without thinking twice about the consequences, in his second he captured three enemy ninjas without hurting them, not because he couldn't but because he didn't want to. I see the ideas of Minato and Jiraya in that boy...the dream to one day break the cycle of hatred...and...I believe if I don't at least give anyone who wants to try and make this world a better place, I wouldn't be part of the solution, but the problem.

"And that is why I believe in Yami...because he just might be the kind of ninja we need."

Asuma was silent as they made their way back to the tower, he contemplated the words his father shared and inside he began to wonder, 'can I do the same?'


I promised him I would be a force to be scared off. Someone people could look up to or be afraid off. Adn right now, Orochimaru was standing in the middle of that promise.

"Are you both ready?!" R asked, "begin!"

He charged at me, I channeled chakra into my fist activating my enhanced chakra strength. 'Activate Giant's Strength,' I thought to myself;


You have gained +20 STR for the next half an hour!

He was right in front of me when my fist came towards his face. He smirked as held up a hand to catch it. I smirked back and his smile dropped.

"FUCK YOU!" I roared as the punch tore through his hands, he wasn't expecting my strength to be that great.

It tore apart his hand, flesh flying everywhere as it ploughed through, finally crushing into his face, breaking it apart into tiny pieces of bone and flesh.

His body was sent flying back into the arena wall.


Chakra strength- 15 X 75 = 1,125

You gained a critical strike! DMG is multiplied by 5!

1,125 X 5 = 5,625 DMG!

Orochimaru: 244,375/ 250,000

He's not dead, nowhere near dead. I moved backwards, he would come at me fast, my hands moved through a new jutsu I invented. A blur of movement bust out of the wall as a white blur came rushing towards me.

"I'll kill you!" he cried out.

"Swift release: Speed up times 1,000!" the Swift release chakra went through my whole body, activating my entire body's nervous system slowing down the perception of time for just fast enough for the world to slowly crawl to a stop.

Orochimaru's head was extended form his body, the nose was still a mess, his jaws were unhinged, his fangs popped out. It looked like he was aiming to bite down on my shoulder, trying to give me a curse seal heh? Bastard.

The Swift release style was very particular, it didn't have any sort of special jutsu involved with it, it just used pure speed.

The jutsus I invented allowed me to move faster. I knew I could use with it was activating the slower perception of time jutsu that allowed me to see everything slower, similar to the perk I gained not too long back, Slower.

But now, the Swift realised allowed me to move fast, not just think fast. There were different ranks of course. There was 5 times faster, 10 times faster and even a hundred times faster. This was the highest, and I needed to be faster to stay alive.

There was a limit of how long I could use this as it took a high toll on my chakra, a thousand CP every ten seconds.

But, my chakra regeneration rate of 56% every 30 seconds gave me around 850 CP every ten seconds, giving me around 50 seconds to act.

I moved, ducking under his fangs and away from his elongated neck. I took out several daggers and began stabbing into his neck, over and over, fighting 35 daggers into the neck alone.


You gained a critical strike! DMG is multiplied by 5!

Number of daggers X 4 = 140

140 X 5 = 700 DMG!


Disturbance style user-184 + 75 + 60 = 319 DMG!

Total DMG= 1,019 DMG

I then moved to his body, stabbing it over with the rest of the daggers I had on hand, around fifteen of them in total.


You gained a critical strike! DMG is multiplied by 5!

Number of daggers X 4 = 60

60X 5 = 300 DMG!


Disturbance style user-184 + 75 + 60 = 319 DMG!

Total DMG= 619 DMG!

And now for the final pieces, several super power punches. I threw several punches across his body. Each on landing in a critical area, his throat, his chest, his groin, over his heart, his groin, his kidneys, his groin, his groin.


Chakra strength- 15 X 75 = 1,125

You gained a critical strike! DMG is multiplied by 5!

1,125 X 5 = 5,625 DMG!

Chakra strength- 15 X 75 = 1,125

You gained a critical strike! DMG is multiplied by 5!

1,125 X 5 = 5,625 DMG!

Chakra strength- 15 X 75 = 1,125

You gained a critical strike! DMG is multiplied by 5!

1,125 X 5 = 5,625 DMG!

Chakra strength- 15 X 75 = 1,125

You gained a critical strike! DMG is multiplied by 5!

1,125 X 5 = 5,625 DMG!

Chakra strength- 15 X 75 = 1,125

You gained a critical strike! DMG is multiplied by 5!

1,125 X 5 = 5,625 DMG!

Chakra strength- 15 X 75 = 1,125

You gained a critical strike! DMG is multiplied by 5!

1,125 X 5 = 5,625 DMG!

Chakra strength- 15 X 75 = 1,125

You gained a critical strike! DMG is multiplied by 5!

1,125 X 5 = 5,625 DMG!

Chakra strength- 15 X 75 = 1,125

You gained a critical strike! DMG is multiplied by 5!

1,125 X 5 = 5,625 DMG!

Chakra strength- 15 X 75 = 1,125

You gained a critical strike! DMG is multiplied by 5!

1,125 X 5 = 5,625 DMG!

Total DMG: 50,623

My time was up, my chakra was reduced to only 700 CP. I need the last bit of that chakra, just in case. So I dropped the Swift release jutsu, allowing time to move back again for me. I now stood on the other end of the area, far away from Orochimaru and his body.

Total HP lost: 52,263 HP

Orochimaru: 192,112/ 250,000

All that power, all that energy collapsed into his body. I watched as his body exploded into blood and flesh. The world came alive again as people all gasped in shock at the exploding body. They began to whisper in hushed tones, I could hear a few;

"He's a monster!"

"He moved so fast! Did you see that?!"

"How did he do that?!"

I ignored them all. They all thought he was dead, but he was not, I knew it. But I can't do anything, not until my chakra came back to full. Which it could in one minute. God I love this broken game's stat system.

"Ah...I guess, Yami of Konoha is-"

"-He's not dead," I called out as I opened my inventory and took out a large scroll the size of my body. This was my show stopper, the thing I would use to impress everyone, and now I needed to use it against him.

"What do you mean?! You just turned him into paste!" a civilian cried out.

I looked at the words that floated over his head, it slowly began to move, I could feel his chakra burrowing underground. He was coming right to me.

"He's alive," I spat out as I opened the scroll, "a snake can't die that easily." He was coming closer, the chakra signature felt like he was going to do something nasty, maybe as revenge for the pain I caused him.

I opened the scroll and unrolled it onto the ground. I placed my palm on it and channeled chakra into it causing a bright light come out and a large puff of smoke.


The singing of steel took the air as projectiles flew all over the area grounds, covering it with fanged daggers and kunai, all with one thing in similar, a seal on their handle.

BOOM! The ground suddenly exploded outwards as a blast of wind came up, destroying the area ground upon where I stood. Stood being the keyword.

I immediately flashed over to the daggers sticking out of Orochimaru's disposed of body.

-100 CP!

I cursed, my CP was only up to 1,000 points and I already used 100. I need to distract him for a moment, just one moment. And I had just the thing.

As the ruble feel down, a lone figure stood in the middle, he had pasty white skin, yellow snake eyes and a wicked looking smile on his face. And above all, he didn't have a single scratch on his body. I looked at his HP and cursed:

Orochimaru HP: 250,000/250,000

He got it fully restored. I used nearly every drop of chakra I had left to get him down to half, and he just goes and regenerates it all?! Fuck that!

"Who is that?" someone from the audience asked.

"Wait, white skin? Is he a vampire?"

"He looks stupid."

"A gay vampire?"

"You're such a cheater," I smirked, "this match is for genins! What is a sanin doing here? Don't tell me you got demoted for being a bad boy!"

"Ku ku ku, I have to admit Yami boy, for a moment there, you had me on the run," he curled a strand of hair behind his ear, "I didn't expect you to be this...amazing," his grossly long tongue came out licking his lips, "when little Sidra came to me and told me about you I was skeptical, I'll admit, but now...I'm glad I came."

"Orochimaru!" Sarutobi came out of the Kage box and stood looking down in fury. He jumped over the ledge and came down, landing between me and him protectively. His robes flew away revealing battle armour underneath and a giant bo staff by his side.

"Ah sensei, I didn't expect you to come dressed for war," Orochimaru snickered, "growing paranoid in your old days aren't you?"

"Why are you here Orochimaru?!" Sarutobi roared questioning, soon Gai from the stand and A, the Raikage, joined us down in the pit as well.

"Well, it's honestly because of that amazing boy that you are protecting behind you," he looked at me and winked, creepy dude. 1,500 CP and climbing, come on! I need 2,000 to make this work!

"He's a ninja of the leaf! He's not going anywhere!" Sarutobi said with narrowed eyes.

"WHo the hell do you think you are Orochimaru?" A asked, "this is my village! You think you can just drop in like it's nothing and expect people to roll over?! Konoha might be like that, but we sure as hell aren't!"

"Yeah! You tell him A!" R cried out, cheered on by the people in the stands. I noticed slowly more and more Kumo ninja began taking up the front row while the civilians were being evacuated outside. I even noticed Zumo being taken away by Samui and Kuro.

"Oh please, spare me your theatrics," Orochimaru huffed rolling his eyes, "I didn't come here to listen to you muscle head, I came to see if what the little sound ninja I captured was true or not. And ku, ku, ku, I'm so glad I decided to drop by. I haven't been punched like that since Tsunade! Tell me old monkey, did you teach him that trick? Is he your new protege?"

"He is my responsibility!" Sarutobi called out, "he is my ninja! He is a proud member of the leaf village and I will defend him and anyone else till my last breath! So try what you wish Orochimaru! But I will not rest until I correct the mistakes of my past and end you!"

Yes! The Hokage's speech gave me enough time to reach 2,000 CP again! First things first, a shadow clone with 200 CP.

Poof, he appeared next to me. I extended my hand and held it out. I began focusing my chakra into my hand, the shape control and chakra control coming to me easily while the clone infused it with nature chakra.

"Oh please, I have no intention of killing him, why, if I did, how will I ever convince him to come over to my side?" Orochimaru's voice chuckled, "why, I'm sure with a little persuasion, I can...make him….do...what?" his voice slowed down to a hault as he looked at me.

They all turned back. I held my hand up and in it was an orb of blue fire, rotating like the sun. The ground became parched, the clone itself looked like it was being effect. The ball of fire drew everyone's attention to me, every single person in the arena turned not to the S rank threat or the Raikage and Hokage, but to me.

This is what I spent the last week working on personally. Through the use of clones it took me three days to get the Rasengan down and another three to fuse a nature affinity with it. And thus, I gained two new jutsus.

Rasengan, A rank

A spiralling ball of chakra kept in a perfectly circular form.

CP cost- 2,000 CP

DMG- 10,000

Scorch Release: Rasen Nova Blast, S rank

A spiraling ball of scorch release chakra that can cause an explosion strong enough to physically push the ground away.

CP cost- 9,000 CP

DMG- 20,000 CP

Normally that CP cost would be impossible for me. But, thanks to the boos I gain because of 100% control of Scorch release, the cost was reduced by 90%

-900 CP!

Jack pot! "Y-Yami, what are you doing?" the Hokage asked.

"If I'm not mistaken! My match isn't over!" I charged forward with my clone right next to me. It grabbed three daggers and threw it at Orochimaru. They flew over the Hokage's and the Raikage's head and flew right at the snake sannin.

The sannin took a kunai out and deflected all three. But that was never my intention. During the second he was looking away from me, the clone took the orb of fire into his hands and vanished into a blur of blue lightning, appearing right before Orochimaru, thanks to one of the many daggers I had scattered around the ground.

The clone trusted the orb forward, Orochimaru dodged, grabbed the clone's arm and twisting it around, forcing his head into the ground. "Impressive jutsu, too bad it's useless if it can't touch me."

The clone smirked, "that's not true at all snake butt," the clone used his free hand and grabbed onto Orochimaru's neck. He then closed his fists, and the orb began to collapse on itself like a dying star.

"Scorch release: Rasen Nova Blast!" I cried out, creating a ram seal.

Orochimaru's eyes winded as the orb exploded outwards with an unimaginable amount of heat and energy.


The explosion grew and grew until it covered 20 square feet of ground. The ground flew off, rocks and boulders flying into the air. The heat the blast gave off was enough to turn the ground into slag and the very center into molten magma.

"Holy shit," A gasped as he looked around at all the destruction around the arena. He turned to me and blinked, "and you're a genin?"

"It's not over," I turned around towards Orochimaru's chakra signature hidden up above us. And there he was, standing perpendicularly to the wall, smirking at us.

"I must say, I'm glad I escaped that little attack," he whistled, "if I hadn't, you might have actually killed me."

I did the math in my head. 20,000 DMG, that's 40 thousand with the scorch release 100% damage boost. That into 5 for critical damage and it would come to 200 thousand, just 50K less than what it would take to kill him.

"I'm not sure that it would have," I made another 200 CP clone, we began the process all over again, "but we can sure as hell try again."

"Yami no! You're chakra levels are already low, it could kill you!" Gai called out.

"I'll be fine!" I smiled, "I so want a new snake skin belt!"

Orochimaru snickered, "while I admired your talent, you certainly are an ambushes fellow. Even Minato didn't think he could kill me, and he was better that the Flying Thunder God jutsu then you will ever be."

"What?!" A cried out, "the flying Thunder God jutsu?! This kid can use it?! How?!"

"Yes, how indeed," the snake smiled, "care to enlighten us?"

"Yeah, simple, I'm smart," I smirked.

"Ah, yes, there's the snarky attitude I remember Konoha famous for," the pale man rolled his eyes.

-900 CP!

A second Nova ball was ready, it spun in my hand, just begging to be released.

"Now tell me little Flash," the sannin chuckled at his own little joke, "how exactly are you going to get that, all the way from there, to here? You don't have a tagged dagger anywhere near here, and I don't think you can use that...Swift release of yours again."

I smirked, "you're half right."

"About what?"

"I don't have a tagged dagger anywhere near you," I jumped upwards at him. The snake sannin easily moved away, far far from my reach. I began to fall back down, I threw my hands down, aiming the Nova ball at the ground.

"Get back! He's going to blow us all!" A cried out as he moved away.

But moment before it hit the ground, I vanished in a burst of blue lightning. And I appeared behind Orochimaru's back. The Nova Ball smashing into his back, plummeting him into the ground.


You gained a critical strike! DMG is multiplied by 5!

40,000 X 5 = 200,00 DMG

And it flew straight down into the ground as I flashed away towards another dagger near the Hokage and Gai sensei.

"YOSH! That was amazing!How did you do that?!" Gai asked.

"The first clone, when Orochimaru grabbed it, it placed it's hand on his neck leaving a seal that he didn't notice, too focused on trying to escape the exploding ball of chakra before him." I smirked.

"That...was brilliant," A looked impressed, "you were thinking that far ahead?"

Before I could say anything Orochimaru flew out of the cloud of dust as fast as he could. He landed before us, his back scarred and broken, his skin burnt off. He looked like a dead man come to life.

"Gai!" the Hokage ordered.

"Right!" the man vanished in a burst of speed colliding into Orochimaru at break neck speeds even I couldn't follow. They began fighting and soon the sannin realised he was out matched, so he turned to his last resort, summoning.

He managed to use the body flicker jutsu and escape Gai for a second, and a second was all he needed. He created the seals and slammed down his hand on the arena wall.

There was a massive explosion of smoke as a giant three headed white snake appeared before us, using it's tail to smash in the area stadium. People screamed as they flew down. I cursed, I can't let them die!

I had only 500 CP left, I used the shadow clone jutsu and created a hundred clones, each with 5 CP. And the moment I did, I felt exhausted. I fell to my knees and watched as the clones saved civilians from falling to their deaths while the Hokage and Raikage used their combine efforts to push the snake into the middle of the arena.

"Yami!" Orochimaru cried out from ontop the snake, his hair burnt, his pale skin blanked and his robes torn to shreds, "you have made a grave and powerful enemy today! I will never forget this insult! I will kill you!"

I was so tired, I honestly didn't care. "Kiss my ass snake bitch!"

He growled, "I declare you my sworn enemy Yami! I will kill you! I grant to you the title of the damned! Beware my revenge!"

I zoned out, I honestly didn't care. I watched as the clones saved as many as they could, moving from one to the next to the next. I laid down on my back, allowing my chakra to regenerate, though it would take a minute.

I watched as A and Sarutobi managed to defeat the snake while Orochimaru blinded Gai with a smoke jutsu and managed to get away. I sighed, after all that, he still managed to run away, slippery snake.


Quest completed!

Survive the fight against Orochimaru!


+20, 000 EXP

+5 skill scroll

Soon Sarutobi approached me, looking down at me with a soft smile, "are you strong enough to walk Yami?"

I looked at my CP and SP, they were both back at max. I smiled, "yup," I got on my feet and looked around. My clones were still helping people out by escorting them out or to the medics. But they were all quickly being overwhelmed. I needed to help.

I needed 200 CP to make any difference, so I created 20 clones who immediately went out to do their jobs. I began to feel wobbly again, but luckily Gai sensei was right there behind me to catch me.

"You shouldn't overwork that jutsu," Gai said, "what are you thinking? You just got back to full health and you're already using a jutsu that can kill you?!"

"Gai, look," Sarutobi pointed at the clones who were now healing the injured people.

I smirked, "I can't just let the people suffer when I can help now can I? With great power comes great responsibility after all."

Sarutobi frowned, "Yami, as kind as your intentions where, you shouldn't have done that."

"Why not?" I asked.

"Who the hell gave you permission to operate on my people?!" A cried out as he came charging towards us, behind him were two bodyguards, Samui and Zumo and surprisingly, Kurotsuchi. But it wasn't her preakness that was the surprise, it was the short old man behind her with the hunched back wearing green robes and a long beard.

Onoki, Third Tsuchikage

Lv- ?

REP- 60

"Well?!" A roared, "who the hell gave you the right to operate on my people?"

"You incompetent ninja did the moment Orochimaru arrived in this place without your notice," Sarutobi snapped stepping between me and a pissed off A.

"He's your village's missing nin!" A called out.

"And your people are the ones who didn't notice a kage level threat posing a genin!" Sarutobi roared, "he could have killed someone!"

"He could have killed me!" Zumo suddenly realised.

"What kind of ninja are you boy?" Onoki snorted, "death comes with the trade! Get used to it!"

"You can't blame that shit on us! It's because of him that snake bastard even came here!" A pointed at me.

I sighed, "why am I being dragged into this?"

"Because you're the eye of this entire shit storm," Onoki said turning to me. He looked around, spotting a dagger imbedded into the ground. He turned to me with narrowed eyes, "another Flash is born today. Tell me, are you going to be as ruthless as the previous one?"

I held up a finger, "hold that thought," my chakra had filled up again. I created another 20 clones and sent them off.

"What the hell are you doing?!" A cried out, "I told you to stop that!"

"You get enough medics in here for everyone and I will," I sighed and turned to the old man, "I'm not a blood thirsty person, I don't kill if I can avoid it. That being said...are you going to try and kill me?"

"If I must to prevent a monster like the Yellow flash," Onoki growled.

"Take care how you speak Onoki," Sarutobi called out, flashing his killing invent, strong enough to make the Tsuchikage sweat for a bit, "he's my ninja," he turned to A, "and he's helping your villagers out of the goodness of his heart because that's the kind of man he is."

"A fool," Onoki snorted.

"No, a kind man," the Hokage narrowed his eyes.

"Like I said, a fool," the old man threw his head back and laughed.

"If it's being a fool to believe the past can be the past then yes, I'm a fool. If I'm a fool for believing that you should provide healing for people, even if they aren't your people, then yes, I'm a fool. But you know what, fools end up living better lives, so...I guess my point is, it's better to be a fool."

I saw the REP increase for everyone around me by 10 points. Which still meant Onoki's REP was -50.

"That still means you're a fool," the old man snorted.

"So ah, not to drive the conversation away, the tournament still on?" Zumo asked.

A scoffed, "I guess technically it still is. And since Orochimaru ran away, Yami is the winner. Meaning the final round of the Yami brat and Kurotsuchi."

"Oh no way in hell I'm going up against that!" Kurotsuchi cried out, "are you crazy?! He nearly took on a sannin! And won! Neh ha! No way man!"

A grumbled, "fine. Then I guess Yami of Konoha wins by surrender. Congrats kid, you just put a target on yourself the size of a mountain."

I smiled, "I'm used to people stalking me..although it's usually for the wrong reasons."


Quest Completed!

Show off and draw attention to yourself in the third round of the chunin exams!


A page in the bingo book!

+50,000 EXP


You have leveled up!

Yami, Little Professor

Level- 43 (21,300/57,900)

HP- 8,450/8,450 (+20)

SP- 4,200/4,200

CP- 4,975/4,975


FIRE- 100% WIND- 100% LIGHTNING- 100%

SCORCH- 100% SWIFT- 100%

POWER- 28%

Allegiance- Konoha Civilian

STR- 50 (+5)

VIT- 60

DEX- 60

INT- 40 (+2)

CHA- 80

CC- 150

LUC- 27 (+5)

Points- 6

I sighed, "yay! I won!...Do I get like a cash prize or something?"

Onoki snorted, "yes. You get 20 million Ryo in the bingo books. Have fun getting hunted boy. Come Kurotsuchi, we have to get back home, now."

I watched Kurotsuchi shot me a regretful look as she walked away with her grandfather. I smiled, maybe I made a small difference after all. Maybe peace...isn't that far off.