Supon Nabe

"So in exchange for you help, the new Mizukage we place will have to agree to a peace treaty with Konoha?" Wagyu asked with a raised eyebrow.

1 nodded, "that is correct."

"And why exactly is that?" another resistance fighter asked as he leaned down on the table we all gathered behind.

After the battle was over the captured ninjas were put into the dungeon of the fortress the resistance used. The fort was cracking apart, but luckily a few ninjas knew Earth release and could fix up the whole place quickly. Damn, I really need to learn some Earth Release jutsu.

"Konoha needs more allies," 1 explained, "we would like it if we weren't threatened with war every decade or so. Hence, an alliance with Kiri can discourage the more moron of people from attacking us."

"Will this mean we're allied with your allies as well?" Wagyu asked.

1 shrugged, "it's not for me to say, nor your too decided. I'm assuming you aren't the leader of the resistance, yes?"

Wagyu raised an eyebrow, "and why do you think that is?"

"Because you would be far away from the battle if you were," 2 explained, "a Kage is a leader, you act more like a general."

The rebels looked at each other, clearly looking uncomfortable at the idea of showing their cards. They spoke to each other in hushed tones, whatever, I had other shit to do. I opened my status and looked at all the points I had.

I had 72, I needed use them;

STR- 162 (+5)

VIT- 110

DEX- 110

INT- 110 (+2)

CHA- 330

CC- 250

LUC- 100 (+5)

Points- 0

And then I opened my perk list to see what I could buy.

Snake Catcher- +10% more damage dealt to snake lovers (Conditions to unlock- Gain over -60 REP with a snake love.) Cost- 5 PP

Uchiha Genjutsu- Genjutsu 10% more likely to succeed(Conditions to unlock- Gain over 60 REP with an Uchiha.) Cost- 20 PP

Hm, I think I got that one from Itachi. I see, even though he respected me, I didn't know that until I met him, meaning I could have unlocked some perk without knowing!

Shark killer- +10% more damage dealt to members of the Hoshigaki clan (Conditions to unlock- Gain over -60 REP with a member of the Hoshigaki clan) Cost- 5 PP

A General's Orders- Unlocks party EXP share system! (Conditions to unlock- Gain over 80 REP with a general of an army) Cost- 50 PP

Okay, this one I definitely must have gotten from the general of the Hono army, there's no other way about it.

(Kisame) Eternal rival- Gain a second sense when it comes to the presence of Kisame Hoshigaki. (Conditions to unlock- Gain -100 REP with Kisame Hoshigaki) Cost- 5 PP

ANBU Stealth- -20% chance towards getting caught while sneaking around. (Conditions to unlock- Gain 100 REP) Cost- 20 PP

Okay, not much to go on, but whatever, I want them all! So I spent 105 PP and got all of them listed into my perk list.

There, not bad. I then returned to the argument the two sides were having, it was honestly boring watching these old men argue about whether they could trust us or not, honestly, it was. I didn't even pay attention after the fifth time the resistance fighters asked us if we were Kiri spies, these fools.

"So who's leading the rebels?" Zabuza asked, "is it one of the seven swordsman?"

Wagyu shook his head, "no. It's Mei Terumi, the heiress of the Terumi clan."

Zabuza's eyes widened, "M-Mei?! She's leading you all?!"

"You know her?" I asked, alerting everyone to the fact that I was actually present in the room.

Zabuza turned and nodded, "yeah. She's….scary. Se once threatened to melt...a sensitive area of my body off."

"That's because you cheated on her with someone ninja from Kumo," a jonin resistance fighter said causing everyone to chuckle while Zabuza growled threateningly at the man.

"Where is Mei Terumi now?" 1 asked.

"In Sky island," Wagyu replied, "she's currently getting ready to lead an attack on Lightning island...we were actually supposed to go join her. We expected out stronghold to fall but, well, thanks to..." he looked at me.

"Yami," I supplied.

He nodded, "right...well, thanks to your incredibly powerful genin over there we managed to survive. This will change our plans a little, but for the better. We already set a message to Mei about all of you, I'm sure she'll want to meet up."

"He's not a genin," Zabuza put in, "he's a jonin."

"A-a jonin?!" they all looked at me in surprise.

"I suppose that would make sense," Wagyu, the only one who didn't overreact, "someone that powerful can't be a chunin, it would be an insult to his skills. You tree hugger sure are lucky, but you better be careful, wasn't the last prodigy you had a clan killer?"

"I'm not Itachi Uchiha," I snapped, "nor will I ever be him."

"From what I saw you do today kid, I highly doubt that," a chunin resistance fighter put in.

I looked at him, "how many people did I kill?" I asked knowing the answer.

"A hundred," he shrugged.

"A hundred a twenty, exactly," I corrected him, "and while I did kill so many, I spared the lives of 42 people. And got at least two hundred more of the Kiri ninjas in the clearing to surrender without another drop spilt. If I was Itachi Uchiha, I would have killed them without question."

"And by being so lenient with your blade we now have another problem," Wagyu sighed, "the dungeons are full. We have fifty percent of all our men keeping tabs on the prisoners, they're more of a hindrance than anything else. It would be quicker to kill them."

A young looking genin level resistance fighter looked horrified-but we can't! They're our allies! It's not their fault they have to obey the Mizukage's orders!"

"-Shut up kid," a chunin snapped, "what would rather do? Spare them so that they can come back and kill us again?!"

"No but-"

"It's us or them kid, it's that simple," Wagyu sighed, "I wish we didn't do this has to be done."

I didn't like it, I didn't spare their lives only for another execution! I...I have to do something! But what can I do? If only I can store them away for sometime until they can decide what to do with them later! But I can't under a storage scroll, it's not designed to store a living being! But what about….my inventory!


Quest Alert!

Find a way to spare their lives!


10,000 EXP!



Do you accept?


I selected yes and spoke up, "I think I have a solution."

"Oh? And what is it?" they asked turning to me.

"Give me ten minutes," I activated Swift release speed up times 10 and vanished out of the fort, rushing into the forest next to the fort, looking for a live creature to test on. Quickly I found a rabbit I could use.

I grabbed it and canceled my jutsu, immediately the little mamale tried to escape, but I had it's ears in a vice, it couldn't even move. I opened my inventory and put it inside. I waited five minutes, until I was sure it would be dead because of the lack of oxygen and took it out.

Immediately it began to try and escape again. I dropped the rabbit and watched it run away. I gave chase with my normal speed, watching as it tried to run away. It's brain activity was normal, doesn't look like the status like nature it was in inside my inventory effected it in any way.

I grinned before I flash back into the for, I left a marker right where I was standing. I appeared in the war room once again, startling everyone.

"What the-how did you do that?!" a chunin growled.

"I can take care of your prisoner problem without killing them," I informed them, "they'll be unharmed and they won't take up any of your time."

"How?" Wagyu asked.

"I have a special storage seal," I explained, "I can't give you any details, but it allows me to store a human life, putting them under a form of temporal status, for them it will be like time stopped. Is this good enough?"

Lie successful!

The young resistance fighter nodded frantically while the others whispered amongst themselves before agreeing as well. Finally all eyes on Wagyu who kept glaring at me. Finally he sighed and nodded, "it's fine. Come with me, I'll show you to the dungeons."

We all followed him, I guess they were curious about my new 'seal'. We went two floors and there in cells filled to the brim were over two hundred captured Kiri ninjas. The injured had been patched up as best as they could. Obviously the resistance didn't want to waste medicine on these people.

Wagyu motioned a gaurd to open the door and pull a prisoner out. He was pushed towards me, he looked scared, he couldn't even meet my eyes. I pushed his shoulders and put my arms behind his knees, carrying him up. The man looked confused as to why I was carrying him like a bride, even the people behind me snickered.

I ignored them all and opened my inventory, tossing the man inside. The people gasped as the man vanished into nothing.

"You bastard!" a capture jonin cried out, "can't you at least give us a proper execution?! You have to have this monster do it?!"

"Where did he go?" Wagyu asked.

"I told you," I looked at man, "he's in status."

"Can you bring him back?" 1 asked curiously.

I nodded as I reached into the inventory and pulled him out. Immediately he began to flinch as he looked around, "w-what was that?"

"What did you see?" Wagyu asked moving before the flinching man.

"I...did I go somewhere?" the prisoner asked.

"He didn't experience time moving at all," I told them, "it's a new seal I developed to store away injured people, keeping them alive until we can reach a medic."

"Or give you the ability to transport entire armies by yourself," Zabuza hissed, "you just keep getting more and more dangerous kid."

"I'm going to be the shadow of the future Hokage one day," I smirked, "so you better not piss me off."

"The future Hokage?" 8 asked, "who?"

I turned to her and smiled, "Naruto Uzumaki."

"Ha!" 5 chuckled, "the day that kid becomes the Hokage is the day I'll become a cat lover!"

I shrugged, "I look forward to that. Now, shall I continue? Or what?"

"C-continue," Wagyu said worried as he stepped back.

It took me five hours to put them all away. Yes, four freaking hours. It took a minute to put away each person, yes a full minute, and that's if they were cooperating. It took three men to restrain a person and ring them to me. It was honestly a pain in the ass, but it had to be done.

After I was done we all gathered in the war room again, this time the conversation became about what to do with Yukiko.

"What do I care about some stray you pick up," Wagyu snorted, "do whatever you wish with her."

"You might not want to say that Wagyu," Zabuza snorted.

"And why not?" a chunin asked.

"Because she's a Karei, I'm guessing, the last one," cme the swordsman cool reply.

"W-what?!" Wagyu eyes winded, "how?!"

"We found her being kidnapped by a squad of Kiri ninjas," 1 admitted, "she's safe and sound."

"We must see her!" Wagyu said, "where is she?!"

"On our boat," 8 replied.

"We'll take you," 1 nodded as we all took off, the resistance fighters rushing towards the boat as fast as they could. I saw them leap onto the deck with 1 and Zabuza leading the charge.

"Stand down 2.1, 2.2," I heared 1 order, "they're are just here to see the Karei girl."

"Where Is she?! I demand to see her!"

I stepped on the boat I immediately spotted Yukiko's fearful face turn to me, running to behind me as she clutched my back, scared.

I sighed as I turned to Wagyu, "you're scaring her, stop it."

The man blinked, "she's a Karei! One of the greatest clans of Kiri! She has nothing to fear from us!"

I sighed, "yeah, well the last Kiri ninja she saw tried to kidnap her," I turned around to her and smiled, "are you alright?"

Yukiko nodded slowly , "y-yes. I'm sorry...are you okay? Did you get hurt?"

5 chuckled, "him? Hurt? Please. You should be worried about everyone else girl."

I shot the man a glare before turning to Yukiko and smiling, "I'm fine Yuki, I didn't get a scratch on me."

Yukiko nodded, "g-good."

"Is this fearful girl really a Karei?" Wagyu asked, "she has no strength to her, and her hair...surely by now it should have changed?"

"She's not a ninja, she's a civilian," I told them with a glare, "she's been raised as an orphan, unaware of her history. And whose fault is that I wonder."

"What are you insinuating boy?" a chunin growled.

"I'm sayin you have no right to demand anything of her when you morons are the reason the blood war got as bad as it did. Her family paid the price, so you have no right to expect her to be anything but what you allowed her to become."

The older ninjas looked away ashamed, my words struck true. But the younger ones, they looked pissed off.

"But is she really a Karei?" a younger ninja asked, "she doesn't look like it."

I narrowed my eyes, I was about to speak when Yukiko beat me to it, "a-and if I was a Karei, what will you do to me?"

"What?" the ninja asked, blinking in surprise.

"I-if I am a Karei, what will you do to me?" she voice soudning harder, "will you do what Kiri wants to do? Use me to bare you fighters?"

"W-what?! No! We would never do such a thing!" Wagyu protested, "if you were indeed a Karei we would help you get back your ancestral seat! We would ask for your help in fighting back the Mizukage! We would not lay a hand on you!"

"S-so you wish to use me? As a weapon?"

"No! As a symbol! Kiri was is the birthright of a Karei! As such you could be the new face of the rebellion! Help our leader gain over more people to our side!"

"So not a weapon, b-but a symbol," Yukiko glared at them from behind, "I never want to made to do something I don't like!"

"Then what do you want kid?" Zabuza asked in an amused tone.

"I...I," she looked at me and then 2.1 and 2.2, "I want to be free! I don't want to be in this land anymore! I hate it! I want to go the the Leaf with Yami and the others! I want to see the Hokage monument and it's many faces! I want to eat ramen and I-and I want to see the world!"

"You bastards," Wagyu growled, "you brainwashed her! You're trying to steal the blood of a founding member of Kiri?! Unacceptable! I'll have your heads for this!"

"Hey now, don't go making an bold claims," 6 replied as everyone, myself included, spiked out Killing Intent at the resistance fighters.

"How about this," Zabuza spoke up, "even if the girl wants to go to Konoha, she can't without the rest of them, and the team can't leave until the mission is over. So how about she stays, with us, until Kiri gets liberated. You have until tell to convince her to stay, and by the time the war is over, if we lose or win, the choice will be out of our hands. Sounds fair?"


Quest Alert!

Bring Yukiko to Konoha!



2,000 EXP!


-20 REP with Yukiko

Do you accept?


I sighed, it was a decent enough mission sure, but I wasn't interested in forcing her to come to Konoha, it would cause to much problems is Kiri thought I was manipulating her. So I declined the mission.

Yukiko nodded, "I won't change my mind! So you can try whatever you want!"

Wagyu growled, "I'll speak to Mei about this, she'll know what to do. Until then," he glared at me, "keep her safe."

And with that the resistance fighters vanished in a burst of mist. Zabuza sighed scratching his hair as he turned to Yukiko, "you're one big pain in my ass princess."

Yukiko looked down ashamed, "s-sorry."

Zabuza clicked his teeth, "it's fine. Just...make sure you accept the choice you decide to make. You don't want second thoughts with things like this."

Yukiko nodded, "r-right!" she latched onto my arm tightly, "I'm going with Yami no matter what!"

"Oh great, young love," 8 sighed as she ruffled my hair and walked away, "don't go making my babies you here?"

"S-shut up!" I growled causing everyone else to laugh and Yukiko looking confused, guess she wasn' old enough to understand what was happening.

They all set out for be, leaving me and Yukiko alone. I took this chance and turned to her and asked, "Yukiko...why me?"

She looked confused, "what do you mean?"

"Why are you coming with me?" I asked her.

"'re the first person who asked me what my name was, my real name. Not a family name I didn't know I had until a few days ago," she smiled, "you're the only one who wanted Yukiko, not lady Karei...whoever that's supposed to be."

I smiled, "is that so...fine, but I'm warning you, Naruto snores, so you're going to have to sleep with earplugs on." Yukiko chuckled as we spent the rest of the night talking about Konoha and all the things she could do once she came there.

Soon she got sleepy and went to bed, leaving me alone in the night. Alone...with nothing but the thought of all the people I was forced into killing.

A week later:

"Sky island is just up ahead," 1 informed us as we sailed behind a large brigade of boats, "we'll be arriving in ten minutes! Everyone get ready!"

I nodded as I turned to Yukiko, who looked unsure about everything happening. I squeezed her hand, "hey, it's going to be fine. I promise."

Yuki turned to me and smiled, "r-right! Thanks Yami."

I nodded as I turned around, walking below deck into my room. I gathered all my gear and weapons, arming myself for the meeting with Mei Terumi, the future fifth Mizukage.

It had been a week since we reached Sunny island and in that week the rebels managed to pack up everything they had on hand and skipped town, it wasn't profitable to defend that place anymore.

So while Sunny island wasn't owned by the Rebels, Kiri asl didn't have a foothold in it, thanks to the fact that I had all their forces on the island currently in my inventory.

When I came out the coast line was visible from the horizon. No one said a thing as we watched the island's coast come closer. And there hidden between two cliff sides was a harbour with ninjas on the docks, armed and ready.

The head boat of the resistance fighters docked first. I used my 8.0 Eyesight to and zoomed in on the far away bay, seeing Wagyu come out of the boat and be greeted with cheers by the ninjas on the dock.

Slowly the small armed group parted as a woman walked out. She was dressed in a blue kimono that exposed her legs and gave an ample view of her breasts. She had bright red hair, kind of sexy really, and bangs that covered one half of her face.

They talked, I couldn't hear what they were saying, but I saw the woman look over at our ship. We were then given the signal to com forward, in the way of a red firework being launched into the sky.

We sailed towards the dock, the ninjas looked nervous as we dropped down on the docks. I looked over, the busty red head smiled at us, she had green eyes similar to Sakura's and a body any woman would kill for.

Mei Terumi, Resistance Leader

Lv- 84

REP- 10

Zabuza got off the boat first with Haku by his side. He looked up at Mei, the woman's stare turned cold. "Mie," Zabuza nodded.

"Momoshi," Mie replied frostily, "it is….good to see a Swordsman of the Mist return."

"Really? I'm surprised you're happy, last I remember you were trying to melt my face off," he snorted.

Mie smiled turned cruel, "the next time don't cheat on me with some skank."

1 stepped off next, he motioned me to join him as we both took the lead, the others following behind closely with Yukiko in the back, flanked by 5 and 6.

Mei looked at us and smiled, "and you must be the forces Konoha sent to aide us," he gave a short bow, "on behalf of the resistance, I thank you."

1 and I matched the bow, "we're happy to be of assistance," 1 replied.

Mie nodded and turned to me, "oh, aren't you a cute one. What's your name cutie?"

I smiled, "Yami."

"Ah, the infamous second flash of Konoha," Mie nodded, "well, I'm glad to see the Hokage sent me his best. I heard you were responsible for saving the lives of my men on Sunny island, you have my thanks."

I nodded, "you're welcome ma'am."

"I also heard you had a member of my Land's founding clan members in your company," she said smiling.

1 nodded, "yes, that is true," he turned around and motioned them to bring Yukiko forward. The konoha ninjas moved aside, allowing the girl to come forward.

She looked at 1 with a glare before turning to me, looking scared. I smiled back and extended my hand, which she took, moving forward to face Mie, who's smile hadn't faltered one bit.

"So, what's your name?" Mie asked with a pleasant enough smile.

"K-Karei," Yukiko replied, knowing that's what Mie want to know.

"No, I know that silly," she chuckled, "I meant your real name, mines Mie."

Yukiko's eyes widened, "I-I'm Yukiko."

Mie smiled, "that's better. So, I hear you can change your hair, is that true?"

Yuki nodded, "y-yes."

"Cool! Could you show me?"

I rolled my eyes, she was talking down to her like she was a kid. Did she really expect- "s-sure," Yukiko nodded as she closed her eyes and allowed chakra to flow out, changing her hair snow white.

I blinked and sighed as I rubbed my nose, 'right, she's a twelve year old civilian, I forgot.'

"That's so cool!" Mie said with a bright smile, "you know, I have a special power too!"

"Really? What?" Yukiko asked with quietly held back interest.

"I can spit out magam! Here watch!" Mie moved through several hand seals slowly and turned to the sea, spitting out a gob of magma that hissed as it sank into the water, turning into stone as steam came pouring out.

I snorted, "guess you really are the hottest woman in Kiri," I couldn't resist.

Mei raised an eyebrow, "did you just try to hit on me?"

"Did I succeed?"


+5 REP!

Mie smiled, "cute, come, I'll show you to our base," she motioned us to follow as she made her way through the crowd of gathered ninjas.

We walked into a giant valley that was hidden by a thick fog. I could barely see through the air, but from what I could see it was a pretty small village. Not even worth mentioning, unless you counted the hundreds of ninjas I found campin around.

Mie led us to a town hall in the middle of the village. The inside was a military camp, a giant table and on it maps and other valuable data that was quickly cleared out and taken away from our sight.

Mie sat down at the table, Wagyu and several other jonin commanders sitting down next to her while Zabuza and 1 stand before her, being our representatives.

Mie smiled and turned to Yukiko, "please Yuki, sit."

"T-thank you," she nodded as she sat down in the seat before me, sending everyone gathered a worried look.

"Now," Mie smiled, "shall we begin?"

"Before we do, I have something to say," Zabuza spoke up as he turned to me, "kid, the sword."

I glared at him, "the Hokage was clear, Kiri only gains the sword after you're war ends, not a moment before."

"This isn't the time brat," Zabuza growled, "we need every advantage we can get, give it, now!"

I rolled my eyes, "sorry, but I have my orders."

"What is going on here Zabuza? Explain," Mei frowned.

The demon huffed, "the kid managed to steal Samehada from Kisame, he currently has it in his position."

"Y-you have one of the legendary swords?!" Wagyu cried out.

1 turned to me, "why wasn't I told of this?"

I grumbled, "the Hokage didn't want this information getting out, obviously Zabuza disagreed."

"He isn't my Hokage," the man shrugged.

"The Samehada is the treasure of Kiri Yami," Mei spoke up, her voice sounding pleading, "it belongs with us."

"And I'll give it to you," I nodded, "but not until Kiri gains freedom and a suitable replacement has been found. The sword is attached to Kisame, and it is sentient, the moment I take it out it'll try to escape. So you'll need a way to control it and a new owner."

Mei and the others frowned, the woman nodded, "we have few candidates in mind and a seal method to contain the sword until they are ready. If you give us the blade we can begin training them, and eventually we will have three of seven blades on our side."

"Three? Which one do you have?" Zabuza asked.

"Hiramekarei, it's now owned by a chunin named Chojuro, he's….competent," Mei sighed before turning to me, "but if we had Samehada, then it could mean an advantage in our favour."

I took a deep breath and let it out, "I'm sorry, but my Kage gave me orders to keep the sword until you all win. And, if you need some stupid ancient sword to gain freedom, then you haven't earned it at all. You wish to gain equality for all? Then you can't do that with a relique that's famous for creating a world where that's not possible. Fight for the new world, show me you're worthy of it, and I'll give it to you on a fucking red pillow cover the moment you win. How's that for a deal?"

"Who the hell are you to decide that?!" a jonin cried out, "you aren't a member of our Land! You're a foreigner who has no right-"

"-Enough!" Mei snapped, "sit down, shut up, or I'll kill you." the man gulped at her gallery apologizing before sitting down, the others snickering at him.

Mei turned to me, and for a moment I feared she was going to try an attack, but then, she smiled. She nodded, "you are correct. We lost the sword, we lost the right to use it. Having a foreigner just give it back to us is insulting. What's next? Have them fight for us? Have them earn our freedom for us? No, we will earn it. Very well Yami of Konoha, keep the blade, but swear to return it on the eve of our freedom, is that something I can ask you to do?"

I nodded, "yes madam Mei, those are my orders, I'll gladly give it to you then."

"Good," she smiled, "now, without further interruptions, let's continue onto the war plans. Yes?"

Zabuza nodded, "lets. What's the plan?"

"We have in our control only two islands," Mie explained, "after you left Sunny island though Kiri sent more ninjas to take i over, which honestly is for the best, this way they spread themselves out thin, giving us a leg up on the battlefield."

Mei displayed the map on the table. The center Island, Kiri, was covered with ten blue flags, each with a hundred number on it, meaning the main island had a thousand ninjas in it.

Sunny, the island closest to Kiri, hence when Kiri wanted to reclaim it so badly, had five flags, around five hundred ninjas in it. Lighting, which was just East of Sunny island, had five flags in it and Mist, which was East of Lightning, had five flags as well, reasonably well guarded.

There were 30 red flags on Sunny island, which meant the rebels had three thousand people on this island, and twenty flags were spread out on the Storm island, which was North of Kiri, surrounded by the two neutral islands.

"How is Ao doing on getting Rain island and Cloud island to join us?" Mike asked one of her lieutenants.

"He's not making any progress to change their minds," the man to her right sighed, "he claims they don't believe we can win, and choose to remain neutral to side with the winner."

"Can't we do anything to convince them otherwise?" Wagyu asked.

"Well….I suppose if we can show the tides of war is turning to our favour that could convince them," the man hummed.

Mie looked at the map and hummed, "we can launch an attack on Lightning island and Sunny island, reclaiming the latter and bringing down the Kiri in the former."

"If you're going to just reclaim it why didn't' you just stay there?" 8 asked with a snort, "it seems like a waste of energy and manpower now."

"You would be well to watch your tough tree hugger," Mike's right hand man snarled, his name was Reigo, "we are aware how to fight wars, we don't need you to teach us."

8 snarled but said nothing. Zabuza then spoke up, "he isn't wrong. Why did you draw back? This seems like just a waste now. We had the fort, we captured most of tier men, now it just seems like a waste."

"Our own men were injured," Mei spoke, "I wasn't going to risk their lives for a pile of rocks. Besides, if we land on Sunny once more we don't have to attack them, the moment hears of us, they will coming running right for us."

I groaned, it was a smart plan but poorly executed. If it was me I would have sent a boat of fresh men to replace the injured on the island and have the people there defend it until that time. That way one could replace the people without losing their footing. But then again Mei didn't really seem like a general, more like a paragon if nothing else.

"So is that our next move? Reclaim Sunny and fight in Lightning?" Wagyu asked curiously.

Mei nodded, "yes, it is. A thousand men will go to Lighting, five hundred to Sunny and another five hundred will travel to Kiri, to begin taking out the edges of Kiri's forces, gaining a foothold in the land."

"Where do we fit in all this?" 1 asked.

Mei smiled as she pointed at Sunny, "I would like you all to help recapture Sunny and then come to Kiri, hopefully by then the team there will have gained a foothold for you all."

1 nodded, "sounds good."

They spent the rest of the day talking about the particulars and what they had to accomplish. I stayed silent and listened, keeping an eye on all the people gathered. And then when everything was done we broke for the night, with us Konoha ninjas given a large tent near the edge of the town while Mei invited Yukiko to stay with her.

The girl wanted to stay with me, but after I encouraged her to try and make new friends she readily agreed.

A Month Later:

Unfortunately, I couldn't just charge in and disarm everyone, literally and figuratively. This wasn't just about killing the enemy, it was about showing them that the resistance was powerful, and would win the heart and soul of Kiri.

And a Konoha ninja couldn't be seen helping out and fixing everything. So instead we were set up as support, mostly just making sure no one escaped, captured prisoner, and as for me in particular, I had the duty of storing away all the captured ninjas in my inventory.

1 and everyone else got super curious about this power of mine, but I refused to speak of it, telling them it was my jutsu, and they can go jump. The clan members were a little more understanding, while everyone else was just pissed off.

1 actually wrote to the Hokage to make him tell everyone how I did it, but Sarutobi was on my side as he refused stating that I had a unique bloodline that would allow me to form my own clan, eventually.

1 was a little pissed, but he accepted it as a fact. Hopefully.

Right now I have over 600 captured ninjas in my inventory. Yeah, that's a lot, I know. But i just grew over time and I never realised it.

Over the past month I did get training in from time to time;

Chakara thread, Lv- 40 (MAX)

A concentrated thread of chakra that can be attached to manipulate certain objects.

CP cost- 3 CP per minute per 1 feet

Max length- 350 feet

Chakra enhanced strength, Lv- 16 (0%)

Channel chakra into different parts of your body and unleash it with pinpoint accuracy to cause a large amount of damage.

CP cost- 80 per minute


Disturbance style, Lv- 50 (90%)

Akin to a warrior's dance performance, a user of this style is able to rapidly and relentlessly bombard their target with precision, at various angles and locations. This style, comprised of sheer unpredictable movements, can easily catch his opponents off-guard.

DMG- +195 + STR + DEX

Speed- 76% faster

Flirting, Lv- 18 (80%)

Your ability to charm your target to drop their gaurd, confuse them or getting them to like you.

45% chance of it working (+40% from Ladies man) (+30% from nobel)

+5 REP bonus if works

Kunai techniques, Lv- 30 (MAX)

Your ability to handle a kunai accurately.

Aquaracy- 100%

Bonus- 60% to DMG (+500% from Weapon's Master Perk)

Lying, Lv- 25 (35%)

You ability to lie to people without getting caught.

50% chance of success (+30 from nobel)

-20% if the lie is too unbelievable

Lying, Lv- 25 (35%)

You ability to lie to people without getting caught.

50% chance of success (+30 from Nobel's Tongue perc)

-20% if the lie is too unbelievable

Medical knowledge, Lv- 15 (33%)

Your knowledge about the human body.

Chance of success- 56%

Medical ninjutsu, Lv- 12 (28%)

Your ability to heal wounds using chakra.

Success rate- 42% + chance of success from medical knowledge

Limit- C rank Poisons, bleeding, C rank level injuries.

Shuriken techniques, Lv- 30 (MAX)

Your ability to handle a kunai accurately.

Aquaracy- 100%

Bonus- 60% to DMG (+500% from Weapon's Master perk)

Stealth, Lv- 32 (0%)

Your ability to hide in plain sight is crucial for being a ninja.

Chances of not getting spotted- 61% (+20% from ANBU stealth perk)

For stronger opponents, -2% for each level they surpass you

Yeah, I've had a productive month, since there's been nothing to do but fight and rest.

And thanks to the constant fighting I also gained another level;

Yami, Protector of Hono

Level- 50 (1,000/82,900)

HP- 12,350/12,350 (+20)

SP- 6,150/6,150

CP- 10,825/10,825


FIRE- 100% WIND- 100% LIGHTNING- 100% WATER- 100% EARTH- 100%

SCORCH- 100% SWIFT- 100% WOOD- 100%

POWER- 100%

Allegiance- Konoha

STR- 165 (+5)

VIT- 110

DEX- 110

INT- 110 (+2)

CHA- 330

CC- 250

LUC- 102 (+5)

Points- 0

Which of course unlocked another element for me, this time I chose Lava, since I could probably ask Mei to teach me as a favour.

And since I was ten levels higher now, I gained a new ability thanks to my 'Hero Maker' perk;

Hero maker- Every 10 levels, randomly obtain a power from one of the heroes you have fictions heroes you have made.

And the power I gained was….wait for it….

Underwater breathing- The ability to breath underwater

Yeah...I got a power from Aquaman, which sucks. was the ability to breath underwater! That was perfect power for this place! Just to test the powers out I took a swim underwater and stayed there for two hours, two freaking hours!

I haven't had a moment when this could be tactfully useful, but I swear I'll think of something! Either way, hopefully next time I'll get x-ray vision or something like that.

Since a month had passed I also gained my monthly lottery spin;

Monthly lottery!- Gain a chance to spin a prize wheel every month! Gain a valuable prize!

This time I got something useful;

+10 Skill scroll!

Useful, but for now I kept it away to use later, don't know when you might need it.

I also however did a little cheating. While in battle I actually grew bored at certain points, so bored in fact I wasn't even paying attention when I faced someone who was five levels weaker than me. So instead I decided to focus on other things, like jutsu stealing.

I wore my tinted goggles all the time now, it was odd for certain people, but I just gave the same lie about being able to track chakra movements and they believed me, thank God there wasn't a Hyuga among them to confirm my story.

Anyway, I used the goggles all the time now to hide the fact that I had my sharingan on to watch and steal the jutsus of other people. I managed to gain a plethora of new jutsus this way!

Water Release: Water Palm Wave, D rank

Water Release: Great Water Drill, C rank

Water Release: Hiding in Water, C rank

Water Release: Surging Sea, C rank

Water Release: Rampaging water, C rank

Water Release: Surfing Strike, B rank

Water Release: Running Water Spear, B rank

Water Release: Rising Water Slicer, B rank

Water Release: Water Fang Bullet, B rank

Water Release: Water Severing Wave, A rank

Water Release: Water Blade, A rank

Water Release: Torrent Bullet, A rank

Water Release: Water Dragon Whilrpool, A rank

Unfortunately I couldn't get any other elements, though people did use fire and earth release jutsus. I wasn't that relaxed. I got what I could, usually it was some moron that tried to act high and might, lording his great jutsu over me and how I would die. Moron.

I stole their jutsu, watching them do it in expert detail, and then goaded them into showing me more. And then finally when I got bored, I kicked their ass.

Most of the others were too exhausted from the civil war, but thanks to Gamer's body I was unaffected and thanks to Gamer's Mind I was mentally unharmed, unlike the ninjas I was with who were slowly starting to show signs of stress from the constant battles.

Yukiko stayed with Mei, after politely asking me if it was alright. I honestly didn't care, plus if she stayed with her it would be much safer. Last I heard from her she was training to use her family's kekkai genkai, which was nice.

As the month came to a close, the Sunny island was once again in the hands of the Resistance, with all 500 of the enemy ninjas either dead, dying or inside my inventory. Tada!

Which is exactly why we were all on a boat sailing to the main island, where the resistance had gained a strong foothold in the South East side, 300 Km away from Kiri itself. They had set up a main battle front and even a base camp, so far things have been steady, hopefully now that everyone else is coming to that place, things can finally start to get interesting again.

I looked out into the sea and activated my 8.0 eyesight again, "the land is coming up," I called out from the bow of the ship.

"You have pretty good eyes kid," 8 grumbled. As we came up on the coat everyone was silent, we were nervous for the new fight ahead. We got off onto the docks and took off, I took the lead and kept a lookout for enemies as we made our way to the camp site.

We arrived late at night, the camp was made on top of a hill, looking down over a large flat plain that was covered with water, fire with it's core topography altered to an almost unrecognizable extent. I saw a few chunks of lava near the enemy side, I'm guessing Mei's already here.

We came into camp, got our identifications in order and then brought into our tents where the others rested while 1, 8, Zabuza and I were summoned to the main tent.

We entered and once again found Mei surrounded by her men pouring over a map of the Land o Water.

"...With Sunny and Lighting islands now ours we only have to finish up the rebellion in Mist, that would force Kiri to retreat into itself," Mei said with a bregrudeing smile.

"Reports have come in that the Mizukage has become nervous, he's planning a full front attack on us, we don't know when, but apparently he's gathering around a thousand chunins, two hundred jounins as well as coming himself," reported Wagyu, who was looking through several reports.

"How credible are these reports?" one jonin asked.

"Very," Zabuza spoke up alerting them to our preakness, "we captured a couple of ninjas a few days ago, they said the Mizukage was planning something big. It can happen very soon."

"The full moon," Mei spoke up, "it's in three days and Yagura always said an attack during the night was ideal for a ninja. He would do it then."

"Are you sure he won't attack earlier?" a concerned jonin asked.

Mei snorted, "he would have to be an idiot to do so. His men also got hurt in the last conflict, he'll be putting them all at risk is he attacks again so soon."

"So we have three days to prepare?" Poshu asked, an elderly jonin with a long beard.

"Yes, three days," Mei's eyes narrowed at the map, "but we can't wait that long. This town," she pointed at a town twenty kilometers away from our base, "it's called Shinshu, it has over five hundred civilians in it. So far the war has never spilled over, but I suspect if Yagura himself in coming for this then we'll be putting on a big fight. We need to evacuate it. That should be our priority."

"We can't spare any men," Wagyu sighed, "everyone is still tired from the last fight three days ago, even the ninas from Sunny, Lighting, Sky and Mist are tired."

"It wouldn't be too many people," Mei insisted, "just around ten ninjas to get everyone out."

"Mie, if you truly wish to be the Mizukage after all of this, you can't be such a bleeding heart," Zabuza snorted, "spending ninjas to save a bunch of civilians is a waste of chakra."

Mei glared, "and that is exactly why I'll never let you gain that hat Zabuza. These are our people, it's time we stop seeing them as disposable but rather as they truly are. Our responsibility."

"I'll go," I stepped forward.

"Yami?" 1 asked.

I shrugged, "I'm not tired, and I can probably get there faster than anyone else. Plus, if I have to, I can be here in a Flash," I tossed 1 a fanged dagger. The man nodded and quickly put it away, guess he accepted my reasoning.

"I'm glad you're willing to help Yami," Mei smiled at me, "I'll have some more people volunteer, you can start tonight. For now rest, this will be a long journey."


Quest Alert!

Save the people of Shinshu!




300,000 EXP



Do you accept?


I pressed yes, "alright, but please limit the number of partners, I'm honestly faster on my own."

Mei nodded, "right. Good luck."

And with that I left, going back to my tent to sleep for four hours. You see while I may not need the sleep, I did need to keep up appearances that I was still human. Or else people will start to suspect something, and since I'm surrounded by ninjas, I need to be doubly careful.

That night I went to the main tent and this time met with two other ninjas, a chunin level ninja named Koro and a Kiri Hunter called Krill, though her real name was Senchu Fabara.

We were explained the mission by Mei herself, I was placed in charge, which seemed to bother Krill, but she didn't say anything about it.

"Alright team," I looked at them as we stood at the edge of the camp, "I'll be up front, I'm a sensor and faster. Krill, you take the rear and Koro you be at the center, got that?"

They agreed without a word. We set out immediately, running into the woods at high jonin speeds. It seemed even if Koro was a chunin, he was really fast, thank God.

We reached the village at around midnight and waited in the trees.

I turned to the two Kiri ninjas, "any suggestions on how we can wake them all up and send them packing?"

"A loud explosion should help," Koro grinned.

"No, it'll scare them, we need them alert, not afraid," Krill argued.

I nodded, "agreed. Do you guys know where the main hall is?" Krill pointed at a large bell tower in the middle of the town, "right, I'll ring the bell, you and Koro alert the village, take them to the assigned safe zone Mie gave us."

"The one behind the waterfall due West?" Koro asked.

"Sounds good, do it quickly," I nodded.

"Right," Krill and Koron nodded as they vanished in a blur. I made my way to the bell tower and rang it.




The people were slowly coming out of their homes. At the sight of Krill and Koro they became afraid, but the two managed to calm them down. It took over an hour for them to finally start leaving, gathering all their precious valuable and keepsakes.

I used shadow clones and sent them down to help out, helping the people to move faster. It was around 2 in the morning when I felt something at the edge of my sensor. A large mass of chakra was coming right for the village, moving with over 300 other chunin level and jonin level chakra signatures.

I focused on the large chakra signature, it was...huge, no, beyond that. It was bigger than Kisame's own chakra! Like three times bigger and….the three tails! Shit!

I ran to Koro and Krill's side, "the Mizukage and his army are coming!"

"What?!" Koro cried out in horror.

"How far?" Krill asked.

"Around...600 feet away, coming at us at around chunin level speeds."

"Half the people are still here!" Koro hissed, "it's not enough time!"

I closed my eyes and steeled myself, I knew what must be done. "How much do you need?"

"What? You can't be thinking of fighting them can you?!" Krill cried out, for the first time breaking her icy mask, "that's crazy!"

"I have no choice," I grumbled, "how much time will you need?"

"Ten minutes, maybe more," Koro replied, "that should be enough for everyone to clear out."

"You can't fight them for that long!" Krill cried out.

"Enough," I cut her off, "Koro, you and my clones do what you can to hurry them all along, tell them death is coming if you have to, just get as far away from here as you can. Krill, you go with my clone," I made one with 500 CP, "and return to Mei and tell her what's happening. Bring reinforcements, fast."

"But-" the clone stepped up, grabbed her shoulders and they were off in a flash of blue lighting. I turned to Koro and raised an eyebrow, he sighed and went off, guess even he knew to obey orders, even if it was coming from a kid.

I dashed off, it would take me three minutes to reach them at my current speed, I began spamming clones, creating a hundred of them, each with a hundred CP. I waited for a minute and then created another hundred.

I did this three times and each quickly changed into a rebel ninja, making it seem like we had a small army of ninjas coming to face them. Hopefully this would scare them off.

At the three minute mark I had three hundred clones out, each with a hundred CP, and each disguised. I myself henged into Mei, and watched my CP slowly regenerate back just as my small army came face to face with a scout.

"What the-" a clone swooped in from behind and grabbed the scout, vanishing in a blur of speed, dealing with him elsewhere.

I felt the rest of the ninjas move, they located us as well. Yagura himself came to the lead while everyone else flanked his sides.

I could see him now, he was dressed in the white and blue robes of the Mizukage. His men drew their weapons and got ready for battle, I had to stall, I had no illusion of actually fighting the man and over 200 ninja, I would fail!

I needed to really sell my disguise! So I began charging up a jutsu I managed to copy from Mei back when I first met her. It had only four hand seals, I copied it easily enough.

-100 CP!

I gathered as much lava chakra as I could and spat it out onto the ground, creating a line of lava in the land before Yagura and his army, prompting them to stop behind the line while my clone army and I did the same.


You have invented a new jutsu!

Lava Release: Magma Spew, C rank

User gathers air into their lungs and uses Earth chakra to create solid material inside. They then skew out a stream of magma out.

CP- 100

DMG: 200 + Burn effect

I ignored it, pushing the message aside. I looked at them each dressed in the uniform of Kiri, and their stupid headbands shining in the dark, morons. What kind of ninja keeps something that shiny during a stealth mission?

Yagura walked up, he took off his robes and hat revealing a grey, sleeveless shirt with the Kirigakure forehead protector attached to the front. He had short-sleeved mesh armour over which he wore a green poncho a turquoise sash around his waist and a matching green apron over his pants. On his back he carried a club with uneven sized hooks which had a green flower on the larger end.

Yagura Karatachi, Fourth Mizukage

Lv- 89

REP- -30

He smiled "well well well, it's been a long time Mei Terumi, heiress of the Terumi clan and leader of the rebels. I'm surprised to find you here in the night with an army of...genins? Really? I don't know how you managed to find about my attack, but you brought an army of genins as your backup?"

I smiled, the plan worked. He didn't even conder I was wearing a henge when he saw me spew out magma, since no one else in Kiri is supposed to be able to do that.

I flicked my now long red hair behind my shoulder, "we are more than a match for you're pathetic army Mizukage," I spat, "in fact, listen up you ingrates! This is your last chance, step aside and I'll spare your lives! Just drop your weapon and I'll let you live! Don't...well, then I can't be held responsible for what happens next."

They immediately began to laugh, "fuck you bitch!" a brave chunin cried out.

Yagura smiled, "someone remind me to give that man a raise," he grinned at me, "I'll now offer you the same deal Mei, surrender now, and I won't have you publicly executed. Instead I'll keep you alive, as my pet. I'm sure the combination of our blood lines will be most...exciting."

I shivered, "creepy! You're so freaking weird! Besides, are you sure a kid like yourself can even get it up?"

Yagura growled, "kill them all!" he charged forward, which was the exact moment both our armies attacked.

"YEAH!" the Kiri ninjas cried out as they charged forward. My clones however were smarter, running through the same seal for the exact same jutsu, they all whispered, "Swift Release: Speed up times 10!"

And they vanished, each clone grabbing an enemy ninja and dragging them away, leaving me and Yagura alone.

The jinchuuriki of the three tails saw this and raised an eyebrow, "impressive. So that's what you meant. Which clan do they belong too? Is it from Kumo?"

I shrugged, "you'll never know," I moved through the same seals myself, surprising the purple eyes boy, except instead of times 10, I kicked it up a notch!

"Swift Release: Speed up times 100!" It took 900 CP every 10 seconds. I produced now 3,000 CP every 10 seconds, allowing me to use it for how much ever I pleased since I made more chakra than I used up!

I vanished, the henge dropping immediately as I opened my inventory and took out two chakra metal trench knives and charged them with wind chakra. I moved to slice his neck off, when suddenly, he moved.

I had to stop my swing half way through as his bo staff met my blades, their metal cutting into the staff's body as he pushed me back.

"H-how?" I couldn't believe it! I was a hundred times faster than any normal jounin level shinobi should be!

"Bastard," his voice was slurred, like he was stuck in slow motion, "making me go full out from the start," slowly a red cloak of chakra began to appear on his body, covering him from head to toe with boiling red chakra.

His eyes oved to my forehead, "so you aren't Mei, but a leaf boy. What is Konoha doing here? And how do they have the lava release? That's the property of Kiri."

My eyes widened, 'shit! Shit! Shit!'

A single tail formed as he moved, charging at me with his staff. I blocked with my blades and moved back, he was moving at my speed, slowly another tail sprouted up, I saw his level, it had suddenly changed!

Yagura Karatachi, Fourth Mizukage

Lv- 89 (+20)

REP- -30

He had leveled up?! Just from using the cloak?! Fuck me!

"YOU CAN'T GET AWAY FROM ME!" he cried out as he charged at me, I jumped onto a tree and began to ran, I needed space for this, the forest is too crowded!

I put away the trench knives and took out the Gunbai, I'm going to have to get serious about this right from the go if I want to live! Which means...I lowered my goggles and poured chakra into my eyes causing them to shift, to change into orbs of blood red with two tomoes in each eye.

I turned around, I could see the corrosive chakra leaking out of his body tear away at his skin while also reproducing it. It was horrifying to see. And just then, I saw him go through hand seals, "Wind Release: Broken Wind!"

He spewed out a volley of wind arrow that flew right for me. I turned around and swung the fan, causing a gust of wind that deflected the winds away from me;


You have acquired a new jutsu!

Wind Release: Broken Wind, B rank

The user sends out a volley of wind arrows from his mouth.

CP cost- 600 for 10 arrows

DMG- 100 per arrow

Another cool thing the Sharingan granted me. I ignored the notification and kept going, the Mizukage barely keeping up. He was definitely faster than the average jonin, but I was still marginally faster. He was using all his focus just to keep up with me. Good, that means he doesn't have time to notice my hands moving through hand seals.

"Wind Release: Great Breakthrough!" he cried out as a wave of wind came right for me. I couldn't just deflect this, it was too large.

"Scorch Release: Dragon's Breath!" I turned and breathed out the blue flames of my iconic jutsu, that pushed the wind jutsu away.

Yagura however didn't care, as he came right through the flame, headbutting me as he charged straight through.

I had only one thought, 'Tekkai!' activating the perk, allowing my body to turn as hard as iron, gaining 500 durability that cushioned the blow.

-5,000 HP!

I went flying back, crashing through two trees before I finally landed on my feet in a large plain of land that had a pile of rocks serving as a landmark of some kind. I looked down, my entire armour around my gut and chest area had been ripped apart, just what I needed!

The only reason I didn't have broken ribs or internal bleeding was because of my tiely use of tekkai, thanks God I was level headed enough to remember I had that perk.

One attack as he killed half my HP. I saw him land before me, but instead of attacking he began to pat down his sides, my flames at at his shirt and hair, "fuck! This hurts!" he cried out.

'He can't think logically', I realised, 'the biju's chakra is affecting his mind,' I could use this. I summoned three clones, each with 500 CP, they charged forward as I ran back, I need time for my health to regenerate.

Damn, I never realised what a crazy HP regeneration rate I had until now! 2% for every ten points in STR I had, meaning for 165 STR points I had I had a regeneration rate of 80% per minute. In a minute I'll be fine.



You have learned a new jutsu!

Water Release: Piercing Stream, A rank

Sends a blast of water out from one's mouth faster than sound that can puncture steal.

CP cost- 200 per blast

DMG- 1,000

And he just killed one of my clones, great. I turned back to see one clone forming the Rasengan while the other fought him head on.

I keep running, a mental map of the area coming up in my head as I lead him away from the village of civilians. Just then I got a message;

You have gained +5,000 EXP for killing enemy!

I smiled, the clone army I had that kidnapped Yagura's army was finally killing off those batard! Finally! I've been waiting for those morons to do something!

But just then two clone dispersed, they had lost to two of the Kiri ninjas, shit! I looked at my HP, almost full, damn it! Because I'm moving so fast ten seconds seems like forever!

Poof! Poof!

Yagura just defeated my clones, great! I kept running and made three more clones, two took off to one corner to ready A Rasen Nova Blast while the other stayed with me. We nodded to each other as I put the Gunbai away and took out a dagger in each hand.

"Enough!" There was a blast of water that came at my back, my clone and I separated and saw a ten foot deep canyon carved into the ground.

I turned to see Yagura charge at my clone first, damn it, I need him! I put my daggers in my holders and blurred through hand seals.

My clone doges Yagura's claws and moved back, desperately avoiding his tails and limbs. Eventually my clone was trapped, pressed up against the giant pillar of stone, with nowhere to run. Yagura smirked as he moved through hand seals, I used this second to move.

I flashed over to the daggers my clone headl, using them as anchors. I landed on the dog hand seal and took a deep breath, condensing my chakra into water in my mouth, spewing it out, 'Water Release: Water Dragon Whirlpool!'

Water bullets came out of my mouth, moving at Yagura. The man eye's gasped, he knew he couldn't dodge, he wasn't that fast, so instead his hand seals changed, moving through a new set faster than the naked eye. But not faster than mine, especially when I'm already moving faster than the normal jounin.


You have acquired a new jutsu!

Water Release: Water mirror, S rank

The user creates a large, flat, circular pool of water in front of their opponent. Its surface acts like a mirror, perfectly reflecting the attacking targets. They counter the attack completely, while repelling them in the process. However, upon impact, the reflections disperse into water.

CP cost- 5,000



My water bullets were reflected in the mirror causing copies of them to emerge and clash against each other. I felt my clone grab my shoulder and flash away. I found myself a good thirty feet away, watching as my attack was candled out, and Yagura dispelling the jutsu before turning to me and charging.

"Minato and Obito?" my clone asked.

"I'll throw it, you plough it," I took out a dagger in each hand and charged, leaving my clone behind to channel chakra into the plan of his hand, forming a spiralling ball of energy.

"Water Release: Water Fang bullet!" Yagura cried out sending a spiraling ball of water at me. I managed to leap over it and bring my daggers down on his bo staff.

We began to fight, his style using his bo staff for defense while his legs tried to break my kneecaps open.

I slipped into my own Disturbance style and leaped around him, swiping at him with my blades, keeping him on his toes as he desperately blocked my faster moves.

I looked over, my clone was ready. I moved back and quietly threw away one dagger while crying out, "this is the end for you Yagura!" I charged forward.

"We'll see about that Konoha ninja!" he cried as charged forward, holding his staff in his teeth while he charged on all fours like an animal.

His eyes grew green the influence of the Biju taking over. I threw m dagger at his head, as I predicted he tilted it to the side, allowing it to go behind him.

"Now!" I cried out as I flashed away to the dagger I had throw just moment ago. Yagura's eyes widened, but before he could move, there was a second flash of blue lightning, as my clone with a fully formed Rasengan appeared over his back.

"RASENGAN!" he cried out as he pushed it down, smashing Yagura into the ground, the very Earth below him cracking under the pressure.


You gained a critical strike! DMG is multiplied by 5!

-50,000 HP

Yagura- 350,000/400,000

Yagura coughed out blood, "w-what?"

My clone grinned, "we're not done yet," he plunged the dagger down onto Yagura's back, embedding it into his spine.


You gained a critical strike! DMG is multiplied by 5!

-50 HP!

Yagura- 349,950/400,000

The clone then dispelled itself, which served as the signal for the two other cones I had made, sending off to form a Rasen Nova Blast.

There were two flashes of blue lightning as they both stood over Yagura, my clone dispelling was the signal for them to move. And n each of their hands was a glowing blue ball of fire than they smashed down over Yagura's head.


The explosion was so terrible I had to leave before the fires got to me. As the first came streaming out I had no doubt the power wasn't enough to defeat Yagura. He wasn't a jinchuriki for nothing.


You gained a critical strike! DMG is multiplied by 5!

-40,000 X 5 = 200,000

-200,000 HP!

-200,000 HP!

Yagura- 0/400,000

I gasped, was it over? Did I do it? Please tell me it's over, please, please!


Boss has regeneration! Second wind granted!

Fuck me! Of course he's not dead, he's a fucking jinchuuriki!

I need to keep hitting him! I can't let him get up! I channeled chakra into my arms, and formed two more clones with 500 CP each. They took off into the trees, I don't know if I can catch him with the same tactic again, but it won't hurt to try.

Slowly the flames died down, but before they fully finished there was a raw animalistic cry.

"RAAA!" the flames were suddenly killed off as coral began to grow over the land, spreading out to cover the ground while a mist of water covered the air.

And in the middle of all this was a burnt Yagura whose entire back was burnt with scars and the back of his head sprouting a huge scar that was quickly closing up. His hair however was burnt and his scalp was covered with burns.

His skin then began to peel off, slowly as a blood red form silhouette of a form took his place. He activated stage two of his biju's power. He dropped to all fours, as he took on the form of a human turtle hybrid, complete with a shell over his back and white glowing eyes replacing his purple ones. Three tails swung around his back and pure raw killing intent came pouring out right at me.

Yagura Karatachi, Fourth Mizukage

Lv- 89 (+60)

REP- -70

Yagura- 1,500,000/1,500,000

For a moment Gamer's Mind faltered as I felt the rage cut in deep. It paralyzed me, made me scared for my life. But then, Yagura moved and I snapped out of the daze I found myself in.

I dodged right as he came crashing on the spot I just stood on. I moved, avoiding his charges, his tails and his claws. He was faster now, he could keep up with me, I no longer had the advantage of being 1.5 times faster than him.

I didn't doubt one strike from him could kill me, I have to be careful. Just then Yagura got a sudden burst of speed as he appeared behind me, swinging his tail at my head.

"Shit!" I cried out as I threw at punch at the oncoming tail, knowing if I clocked it I was dead.


-2,000 HP!

Y0u have a broken hand!

Time to recovery- ½ week

My first cracked, the tail was deflected thanks to my increased strength, but my left hand was shattered, broken broken.

"FUCK!" I cried out, not in pain but in horror, I needed my other hand to make hand seals! There goes half my jutsu library!

I ran backwards as Yagura, now more the Sanbi than human, came after me, knowing he could hurt me. I need to heal it, I need time.

And as if they could read my mind my clones appeared from the treetops, with another dual Rasen Nova blast ready.

"GRAA!" he noticed them, good. He changed focus to them instead, striking at them with his tails and limbs, but my clones weren't that stupid, they kept dodging, knowing if they got dispelled I was dead.

I barely managed to form the horse seal and hand my right hand glow green as I began to heal my left hand, setting the bones right quickly and probably painfully, I didn't know, thank you Gamer's Body. I saw my HP slowly regenerate back to full strength, and then;



You gained a critical strike! DMG is multiplied by 5!

-40,000 X 5 = 200,000

-200,000 HP!

-200,000 HP!

Yagura- 1,100,000/1,500,000




I kept running, my hand's injury slowly healing itself, so very very slowly. I know it was going as fast as my skill level permitted it to go, but it still took too long! I felt something snap in place, I turned and saw tree being knocked down n the distance.

"Fuck!" I cried out as I kept running forward until I ended at the end of a cliff, looking down at a large valley that I remembered seeing. Koro wanted to bring the villagers here, to my right was a giant waterfall, THE HIDDEN CAVE!


The villagers! They were all inside, I could sense them all along with Koro! I could sense them all! I didn't realise it, but I lead Yagura right to them! Shit! I was so focused on the fight that-

"ROAR!" he was right behind me, I couldn't use my powerful jutsus, I couldn't do anything….I had no choice, time to use my secret weapons.

I ripped off the cloth bandages around my hands relieving three kanji runes on each forearm. 'King,' 'Fire' 'Blaze' 'Cut' 'Stone' and 'Hinokami'. I bite my thumb and drew blood, running it down the King seal on my left hand.

"Come forth King!" I cried out as the seal glowed, summoning forth a pokeball that automatically released King before putting itself back into the pseudo storage seal I made.

"King!" the thing cried looking at me, 'what do you need boss?'

I blinked, "you can talk? Wait, forgot about that perk! Shit, not the time, King, there's a monster of an enemy coming right for us, use everything in your power to keep him down!"

'Right! You can count on me boss!' King grunt as the tree line before us exploded, throwing trees apart, broken at the trunk. Standing before us was the three tailed red skinned Yagura, now sprouting a broken shell on his back and blood pouring down his side.

"Earth Power!" I cried out as I continued to heal myself.

"GRR!" King cried out as he stamped the ground as suddenly the Earth below Yagura's feet exploded outwards, throwing him backwards through the sky.

-250 DMG!

Yagura- 1,099,750/1,500,000

"Nice!" I grinned as I felt my fingers slowly get put back in place, "keep it up!"

'Right!' King nodded as he charged ahead, 'Horn Attack!'

I curled and uncurled my fingers, feeling them finally back to normal, though my wrist was still shit.

"ROAR!" came a cry as I head something get smacked, I saw King go flying through the air and over my head, going towards the lake behind me.

"Return King!" I cried out as the seal released to pokeball that summoned King into itself before it sealed itself away once more.

I turned to see the jinchuuriki come charged back at me.

"GRAAFF!" it opened it's jaw as red and blue chakra came pouring out of it, combining together to form a ball of black energy that it clenched it into mouth. I knew what i was trying to do, the ultimate attack of any biju, the tailed beast bomb.

King had bought me some time, enough to let me heal my arm enough to use seals again, which means, I can use my hand seals again. I began moving through seals for the latest jutsu I learn praying that my sharingan copied them correctly.


The ball came flying straight at me.

"Water Release: Water Mirror!" I spewed out a burst of water that formed a giant mirror bigger than my body.

-500 CP!

Out of the mirror an identical ball of energy came flying out as it met the tailed beast bomb head on.


The blast was so powerful, I felt my feet get lifted off the ground throwing me into the air, falling down into the lake behind me. My googles, hood and mask were ripped off my body, the top half of my body bare and my sharingan eyes revealed to the cold night air.

I crushed, no time for humility. I bit my left thumb and put the blood on the seal for Hinokami.

"Go Hinokami!" I cried out, releasing the pokemon below it.

"Mol!" it cried out as I landed on it's back, using my chakra to stick myself onto it's back.

"Take us up!" I cried out.

'As you wish,' it nodded as it flew up into the air, allowing me to see Yagura, who had also been sent flying back, slowly recover from the blast.

"GRAA!" he cried out again, charging up another beast bomb.

"Shit! Hinokami, you think you're safeguard move can stop that blast?" I asked as I summoned a clone who immediately began channeling chakra into the palm of my hand.

'My move cancels out all attacks, regardless of strength,' Moltres replied.

Yagura swallowed the ball causing his neck to bulge three times it's size. He threw vomited it out, sending it out as a bright white beam of energy right at us.

"Then use safeguard, now!" I cried out.

'As you wish,' it snorted as it crossed it wings, summoning a barrier of white flames before itself.


The force of the bomb was stopped right in its tracks. I felt vibrations, it's power vibrate past Moltres' barrier, shaking my bones. But the safeguard held true, it actually managed to deflect the blast downwards into the water.


The water exploded upwards, the explosion cracking the ground and the valley the river formed. The lake below exploded as the area slowly became shrouded in mist. Even the waterfall was shaken, the water blown away revealing the civilians and Koro inside.

"Yami?!" he cried out in slow motioned.

I ignored him, no time to waste! I turned back, I could sense the bijuu, but I couldn't see it! It kept moving about, shit man! "Hinokami, use Sunny day!"

'Right,' "Mol!" it cried out and flapped it's wings, sending a wave of energy outwards that seemed to melt the mist away, clearing the clouds in the skies and any sing of shadows from the land. The moon light came down brightly, showing the forest in all it's glory, and Yagura who was charging another tailed beast bomb.

"Safeguard!" I cried out.



The blast was sent over the waterfall this time, narrowly missing the people. I cursed, I can't keep doing this. I turned around, my clone healed a Rasen Novel Blast in his hand and nodded at me.

"Hinokami, Solar beam!" I cried out.

"MOL!" it cried out as it began to gather energy into it's mouth.

"GRA!" Yagura knew something was going on, instead of another beast bomb it drew back and leaped forward, shooting into the sky like a bullet as it snuck into it's shell.

"I got this!" my clone cried out as he leaped down from Moltres' back and met Yagura, bringing both fists down over it's shell.


Yagura: 1,098,000/1,500,000

The monster went flying down due to the new added momentum, crashing into the waters below. My clone landed on the side of the cliff and began forming a rasengan in his hands.

"MOL!" Moltres was ready, it flew down and charged a beam of energy downwards into the lake, right at an emerging Yagura, who didn't expect the attack.


You gained a critical strike! DMG is multiplied by 5!

2,000 X 5 = 10,000!

Yugara: 1,088,000/1,500,00

The blast was like a pillar of light descending from the heavens, striking Yugara further into the lake, parting the water like the red sea, bruning the gathered lake into steam as the monster was sent further and further underwater.

Moltres kept the blast up until the entire valley was covered in a thin layer of mist, relaying a batter's Yagura in the bottom of a now bone dry lake.

"Now!" I cried out, the clone on the cliff side threw a dagger out at Yagura's form. It struck true, hitting his shell. I then splaced a seal on Moltres's neck, making him.

The clone and I vanished, appearing together on top the monster's back. The clone moved quickly grabbing the Rasen Nova blast from my hand, allowing me to flash away to the anchor I left on Moltres.


You gained a critical strike! DMG is multiplied by 5!

-250,000 HP!

Yugara: 838,000/1,500,00

I panted, I felt my energy drain, that last move, it took so much out of me. My chakra was slowly regenerating, and so was my stamina, but it was slow.

But I knew Yagura wasn't defeated yet. I opened my inventory and took out my Gunbai, "Hinokami, HeatWave."

'As you wish human,' it nodded as slowly it's wings began to heat up, rising in temperature. I screeched into the sky as slowly it became hotter and hotter, glowing like the sun.

I wasn't staying still however, as I began to go through hand seals for a new jutsu I was developing, one that was based on my scorch released, a combination of Great Breakthrough and Great Fire Annihilation. I ended with the half bird and half tiger seal.

"MOL!" Moltres cried out as it flapped it's wings har, sending a tsunami of fire downwards at the mist covered form of Yagura.

"Scorch Release: Purgatory Tsunami!" I cried out as I breathed out a huge sea of blue fire that flew down like a wave of water.

Scorch Release: Purgatory Tsunami, S rank

The user breathes out a wide area jutsus version of Dragon's Breath which is hot enough to melt glass.

CP- 2,000 CP

DMG- 5,500

I then gripped the gunbai and swung it across the red flames of Moltres and my own blue flames, pushing them forward with a gust of wind.

I felt the chakra mix the two fire attacks together. Allowing them to become much greater than their separate parts. Making something stronger, much stronger. The blue and red mixed, forming a purple flames that collided with the ground, destroyed the layer of rock and sand.


The flames were stronger than I expected, they began to come back up again as a backdraft, it cracked the rocks along the valley as it came up higher and higher.

"Protect the people!" I cried out as immediately Moltres moved to the waterfall cave opening and closed it's wings, summoning a cloak of white flames, it had used safeguard once more.


New jutsu invented!

Comibation jutus!

Purgatory Tsunami wave, S rank

Combine Purgatory Tsunami with Heat Wave by using wind chakra.

CP cost- individual costs

DMG- 100,000


You gained a critical strike! DMG is multiplied by 5!

100,000 X 5 = 500,000!

Yugara: 338,000/1,500,00

That's still not enough?! FUCK!

As the purple flames battered us, Moltres' sole focus was on keeping the barrier up. Slowly the fires began to die down, the lake had now been transformed into a hell pit, the ground flash fired into glass near the edges while the very center of the ground was broken apart as the stone was melted into lava.

And in the very center, surrounded by lava like a cocoon was an unconscious three ailed Yagura. I narrowed my eyes and observed him;

Yagura Karatachi, Fourth Mizukage

Lv- 89 (50)

REP- -70

HP- 338,000/1,500,000

SP- 890/ 1,000,000

CP- 90,000/ 3,000,000


Allegiance- Kiri

STR- 72

VIT- 81

DEX- 55

INT- 71

CHA- 3,000

CC- 30

LUC- 3

Yagura Karatachi, the jinchūriki of the Three-Tails and the Fourth Mizukage. Yagura began a bloody, despotic reign that contributed to Kirigakure being well known as the "Bloody Mist" due to being under a genjutsu all this time.



Genjutsu control (Sharingan locked)

Burning- -50 HP per second

I groaned, that's right, Obito tricked him, shit, that means I've been fighting a poor guy who's been nothing more than a tool in Obito's hands! Could I fix it? Could my sharingan undo it? I had to try at least, I owe the guy that much.

"Hinokami, make sure the civilians are safe," I instructed the bird as I jumped off his back and landed on the broken cliff side.

'Why do you care so much for the humans?' Moltres asked, 'with your powers, you could be a God to them.'

I snorted, "what's the point of being a lonely god?"

I saw his REP increase to 35 in one sweep. He nodded, 'understood, master,' hm, was that respect I hear in his voice? Whatever, not the time.

I ran down the side of the cliff and reached the now shattered bed of the lake. I ran to Yagura;s side and used chakra threads to pull him out of the lava and placing him before me. I then looked him over with my sharingan and made the ram seal.

I focused my chakra, "kai!" I pushed it through my eyes, causing my commas to spin as it entered Yagura's system.


You need the Mangekyo sharingan to break this genjutsu!

Well that's a bust, I sighed as I got up and made two clones, each with 5,000 CP, enough to make one final Rasen Nova Blast. If I couldn't free him, the safest thing to do will be to kill him.

The Rasen Nova blast formed quickly, I waited for my chakra to reach a hundred percent once more before I created another clone with 500 CP and we both moved away, while the previous pair charged at Yagura.



You gained a critical strike! DMG is multiplied by 5!

-40,000 X 5 = 200,000

-200,000 HP!

Yagura: 138,000/1,500,000

It hit him, he didn't wake up, like I was afraid he would. Instead his form gave out, causing him to turn back into his human form, whose skin was now covered in blood.

I helped out my hand allowing the clone to put chakra into it, forming the last Rasen Nova Blast I would need. But as I stepped up to him I paused and began to think.

It wasn't fair, if he was anything like Naruto then his life had been shot, his entire life he had been nothing but a weapon and now...he's going to die, and for what? Fucking Obito Uchiha.

I didn't want to kill this guy, no...he would be far more valuable alive, and as an ally. If he dies then the Sanbi goes free making it only easier for the Obito to gather them all. No...this man could be useful.

Only problem is, I looked up to see the people from the village and Koro all looking down at me, waiting for me to finish this. I sighed, well, time to see just how powerful the sharingan really is.

I relaxed the flow of chakra to my eyes, making them go back to being black and killing the Rasen Nova Ball. I turned to the clone, "put him inside the inventory, he's coming with us."

The clone smiled and nodded, "yes boss."


You have spared the life of one man! +1 Ponts and +1 PP!

I ran up the side of the cliff and into the mouth of the cave where Koro came up to me, "Yami! You took down Yagura! You did it! You freed Kiri!"

I smiled, "yeah, is everyone safe? Is anyone hurt?"

"Not-your friend kept us safe," the leader of the village, an old man that walked with a cane, spoke as everyone looked at Moltres' beautiful form.

"What's her name?" a little boy asked in wonder.

I smiled, "Hinokami," I told him.

"The God of fire," Koro grinned, "so appropriate! Damn man! Leader Mei is so going to be excited for this! Did you put Yagura in that storage seal you put all the other prisoners in?"

I nodded, "yes, that's right."

"That's good! Now we can hold a public execution of that bastard! Make him pay for what he did!"

I sighed, "well, you see Koro, that's where you're wrong."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Sorry about this," I channeled chakra into my eyes, "excuse me, everyone! Can I get your attention please!"

"Y-Yami! You're eyes!"

"Forget!" I channeled chakra into my eyes, making them spin quickly as I used a memory jutsu I read up in the library.

Genjutsu: Memory Destruction, B rank

Allows the user to scramble the memories of their victims.

CP cost- 50 per victim

Limits- 1 week

Success rate- 40%

But thanks to the Sharingan I gained a +40% chance of success since I was using it, and thanks to the Uchiha genjutsus perk;

Uchiha Genjutsu- Genjutsu 10% more likely to succeed

Brought the rate of success upto 90%. Causing everyone in the cave to drop down in a faint as I removed the last two minutes of their memory. I missed a few of the villagers in the back, but they were easy enough to fix, since they were the only ones still awake.


Your skill leveled up!

Sharingan, Three tomoe, Lv- 3/3 (MAX)

The dōjutsu kekkei genkai of the Uchiha clan that appears selectively among its members.

CP cost- 200 CP per minute


Chakra sight

Clarity of vision

Copying jutsus

Visual Genjutsu gains +50% chance of success

Huh, neat!

As soon as they were all done the clone dispelled, informing me that it finished putting all the trapping seals we knew onto Yagura before throwing the now human jinchuriki into the inventory.

He had even gone a step further and cut off one leg , cauterized the stump while throwing the limb into a lava vein to burn to serve as proof.

'Why did you spare his life?' Moltres asked.

"He's just as much a victim as anyone else here," I told him.

"Ergh," Koro grumbled as he was the first to wake up, figures, being a chunin and all. He looked up me, "Yami?! What are you doing here?! What about Yagura!"

"Dead," I replied as I held out a hand helping him up.

"D-dead?" he blinked as he looked around, "what happened to them?"

"The same thing that happened to you," I told him, "the last attack was too much for even Hinokami to block," I motioned to Moltres who rolled it's eyes, "you all got knocked out, I ran a medical sca on everyone, they're all fine, don't worry."

"Thank god," he sighed before blinking, "but wait! Did you say dead?! Did you actually kill Yagura?!"

I nodded, "yeah, he's body burnt up from the attack while the Sanbi was released. It looked looked to be getting awake so I teleported it away."

"Teleported it away? Where?!"

"I don't know," I shrugged, "my first concern was getting it away from you people."

"Damn...but where's Yagura's body?"

I looked over who the hell pit I had made, "somewhere down there."

"W-Woah!" he exclaimed in horror, "you did this?!" he looked at me, fear in his eyes, I saw his REP go up to 50, "ah...Konoha wants to be allied right?"

I crinkled, "yes, that's right. So you have nothing to worry Koro….unless you guys try and start something."

"With you on their side, no way!"

Lie successful!

'Mater, there are more humans in coming' Moltres spoke as it flew off, flying up towards the cliff side where I saw Kiri headband wearing ninjas gathered on one side of the waterfall while the rebels gathered on the other side.

I opened my senses and realised they were all here, hm, okay then. I turned to Koro, "I'll take care of this, you make sure the people are all right."

"Right," he nodded.

I leaped out of the cave entrance and flashed over to Mother's head, where the seal I left behind still worked.

Hinokami flew down over the waterfall between the two armies, both looking at me and the legendary bird in awe.

"Yami!" I saw 8 and the others cry out in relief upon seeing me.

"Yami! Are you okay?!" Mei asked.

I nodded, "a broken wrist and exhaustion, but I'll be fine."

"Where is lord Mizukage Konoha scum!" a Kiri ninja cried out.

I turned to him with narrowed eyes, "he's dead," I pointed at the hellish valley behind me, "I'm sure if you look you can find an arm or a leg somewhere down there."



"How can a mere child defeat a jinchuriki?!"

"H-he defeated the Mizukage?" Mei's one visible eye widened as her REP went up to 75.


Quest Completed!

Save the people of Shinshu!


New title!

New Perk!

300,000 EXP


You have gained a new title!

Biju Fighter- +40 REP to everyone you meet who's aware of your victory.


You have gained a new perk!

Three's company- +100% more power to Water Release jutsus


You have leveled up three times!


Please select a new elements!

I selected boil, maybe Mei will be more open to teaching me now.

I turned to the Kiri ninjas, "I'll give to you all now the choice I gave to Yagura. Surrender now, or die!"

"East shit kid! You expect us to believe you actually killed a jinchuuriki?!" a jonin cried out.

"It's true!" we all turned to see Koro climb up the waterfall, panting as he did saw, "I saw it myself! He trapped the Mizukage into the lake and burnt him alive! Look, the entire lake bed has been changed! There's nothing left!"

"That purple light we saw, was that you Yami?" Mei asked.

I nodded, "yes, it was Hinokami and I," I pated Moltres's neck as the bird thrilled loudly.

"Is that his summon?"

"A phoenix?!"

People began to whisper and talk, I could see REP scores changing, either from respect or fear I didn't know. One thing I did know, was that the main leaders of the Kiri forces hated me, their REP going down till -80.

"You bastard! I'll kill you!" a jonin Kiri ninja cried out as he began to go through several jutsus, but before he could even finish it, there was a flash of grey as he looked down at stumps where his arms were.

"ARGH!" the jonin cried out as he sank to his feet, only to see a new pair of feet standing over him. He looked up to see Zabuza with his Demonic blade standing over him, "Z-Zabuza!"

"Goodnight," the Demon on the Mist said as he cut the man's head off in one swoop.

"Ninjas of Kiri," Mei cried out, "you have one chance. Yagura is defeated, join us! We don't have reasons to fight anymore! You have done your duty to your country! You can stop this bloodshed! Tonight, right now! Under the watchful eyes of a phoenix, the bird of light no less! Let us put aside our differences and fights and stop this bloodshed!"

The people looked at each other, the battle they were so eager for drained out of their eyes. They knew they couldn't win, not against the fresh rebels and the legendary bird they faced.

And while I didn't need the ego boost, I'm thinking my princess also had something to do with it.

They dropped their weapons and got on their knees, putting their hands up. Mei directed her ninjas to bound and tie the Kiri ninjas up.

"Take us down," I ordered Hinokami who obeyed. The moment I touched ground I returned him to the seal, sighing as 1 and everyone else approached me.

"Are you injured?" 2.1 asked.

I nodded and held up my left arm, "broken arm. I managed to fix the fingers, but only because I needed them to form seals. The rest is still...broken."

"You go after an jinchuriki all on your own, and you return with a broken wrist?" 1 asked in a sarcastic voice.

I sighed, "yeah well...what can I do? Nobody's perfect."

"You need to rest," 2.1 replied, "I don't know how much your chakra reserves are full, despite you seeing so much chakra before. I suspect you're bodies running on pure adriel, you need rest Yami, now."

I nodded, "yeah...okay...I need it anyway. You guys got this right?"

1 looked over his shoulder as Mei and the others take everyone into custody, he snorted, "yeah, I think we got this. Sleep kid, you need little monster."

I yawned, my eyes felt heavy, "yeah...maybe...whatever. I'm too tired. Night," I then flashed away into my tent in the rebel camp. I snuggled into my sleeping coat and yawned, today was too long for my taste.