The Third Red Eye Ninja

Anko and I refused to speak about that day.

In fact, it didn't happen….kind off. Anko swore she didn't mean to take advantage of me, apologized twice, put on her clothes and bolted out the door. I have to say though, kind of disappointing...was I really that bad?

But then again, I am thirteen, she probably feels horrible about what she did, overly dramatic much? Anyway, after Anko ran I spent the morning fixing my place up, we really broke everything in.

The dining table was thrown across the room, the couch was decisioned, the ceiling was covered with ink form the ink pot I carry a fork seals. Then comes my bed, it's frame was busted. Great, just great.

I assigned around twenty clones to deal with that before I went back to my lab. For the next four days I began to work on my project uninterrupted, improving on my cellular manipulation abilities;

Cellular Manipulation, Lv- 12 (90%)

By inserting the cells of a wood release user into an enemy, one is able to control their cells via the Mystical Palm healing jutsu.

CP- 100 per second

Chance of success- 60%

It took me so long to get it so far. I went through so many fishes and frogs it was insane. Luckily though this was a ninja village, so even if someone tracked my movements, it would just seem like a medical student working over time.

I did cover my tracks though, I was sneaky about things. I always had my clones use a henge, since they were clones of me I didn't have to teach them to improvise, they were masters at it.

I first began to work on how the manipulations were taking place, and then how far. By level 10 I could heal cuts, clouds, bleeds and many more. By using the technique on myself, I created a sort of pseudo healing ability that closed up wounds, stopped the bleeding effect and even grew back fingers.

This was all thanks to my special cells that wood release granted me. It was sort of like Tsunade's healing, except it wasn't automatic, and I was forced to actually us Mystical Healing palms jutsu to begin the process.

So it wasn't perfect, but hey, at least I'm getting somewhere now.

On the fourth day however, I was forced to stop working, because I felt a familiar bubbly chakra signature approach my door and knock on it several times, "OYE! YAMI! COME OUT!"

I sighed, "coming Naruto!" I called out as I summoned ten clones to continue working in my place. I removed my lab coat, yeah, that's right, I got a lab coat, and sealed my lab shut using a secret hand seal only I knew.

I opened the door and found Naruto standing there looking beaten and bloodied, but a smile on his face, "I did it! I got into the final round!"

I smiled, "good job! I knew you could do it! Come on, let's go to Ichiraku's, my treat!"

"Hey yeah!" Naruto cheered as we left the apartment.

"So how did it go?" I asked him.

"Hey, Sasuke told me you saved us from that creepy snake guy! Is that true?!" Naruto asked eagerly.

I nodded, "yeah, are you okay? Last I saw you you were pretty banged up."

"Yeah, that creep got me good! But I'll get him next time you hear!" Naruto cheered.

I chuckled, "I'm sure you will."

We reached Ichiraku's and Naruto ordered the miso ramen, and I got the chicken. But just as we were about to eat, I felt Sasuke and Sakura approach. I turned around and smiled seeing them enter the stand, "hey you two. Care to join us?"

Sakura nodded, "if you don't mind!"

"Hey Sakura! Come sit with me!" Naruto called her over, the girl happily agreed.

"Here, saved you a seat," I patted at the seat next to me which Sasuke took, "so what will you two have? It's on me!"

"Miso," Sakura said.

"Pork," Sasuke replied with a grunt.

"One extra misu and a pork coming up!" Ayame called as she and her father got to work.

"So, how did you guys do?" I asked them while we waited for our food.

"I didn't pass," Sakura sighed, "I got paired up with that Tenten girl and lost, bad. She managed to pass though, lucky bitch."

"I fought Hinata!" Naruto smiled, "she put up on hell of a fight though! I almost didn't pass!"

I blinked, "Hinata? Huh...I see...and you Sasuke?"

"Shino," he replied simply, "he Very powerful. A worthy opponent."

"Yeah! Sasuke used a tone of fire jutsus to kick his ass!" Naruto grinned.

"The Great Annihilation jutsu you taught me was effective," Sasuke nodded, "thanks."

"Hey, what are friends for," I smiled, "so, who are you facing in the final round? How many people are fighting?"

"Hm, I think around ten," Sakura said.

"Ten? That many? Damn, you guys must have had an easy exam if there were that many people left," I said with a whistle.

"How many people were there in your exam Yami?" Naruto asked.

"Six," I shrugged, "and even then that was too much. Anyway, so who're you guys fighting?"

"Tenten," Sasuke replied.

"I'm taking on Temari!" Naruto grinned.

I blinked, "what?! Temari?! Shit! That girl's a tough cookie!"

"Really?" Naruto blinked, "he he, dont' worry! I got this! I'll kick her ass!"

"You sure?" I blinked, "because...if you want, I could train you."

"Woah?! You serious Yami?!" Naruto blinked, "that would be so cool! But-ah, Kakashi sensei already got me a trainer."

"Oh? Who is it?" I asked.

"I don't know, I have to see," Naruto shrugged, "he said to met him tomorrow by the hot springs!"

"I see," probably Ebisu then, I turned to Sasuke, "and you Sasuke? Does Kakashi have you a trainer too?"

Sasuke nodded, "he's going to train me himself."

"Hm, so both of you are good, that's nice," I smiled, "I was beginning to think my nice vacation was going to be ruined."

"Hey! If you don't want to train us then why did you offer in the first place?!" Naruto cried out as our ramens arrive.

"Simple Naruto, it's because you do things for people you care for, even if it inconveniences you," I smiled as I picked up a set of chopsticks, "alright now, let's eat!"

Around a month later:

Cellular Manipulation, Lv- 20 (MAX)

By inserting the cells of a wood release user into an enemy, one is able to control their cells via the Mystical Palm healing jutsu.

CP- 100 per second

Chance of success- 100%

I got further ahead in my research than ever before. Using clones allowed me to gain experience faster, though the amount of EXP they gain was half, it was half more than I had at the moment.

I spent every moment of that moth in my room, fiddling with my cells and how to use them. In that time I figured out nearly every trick I could think off.

As long as I covered an organism with my blood, I could control it's movements easly. I could make sure that every part of it's body acted just like I was it to. It was like blood control, except it wasn't a jutsu, at least, it wasn't before I began.

Blood control, Lv- 5 (98%)

By infusing your own blood with a target, you can control their movements to a varying degree.

CP- 5,000 per 100 Kg of biomass

Control- 25%

Honestly, my cells were a god send! I began using my new powers to experiment on animals, just little ones, and only one one thing, mixing the characteristics of two different species into one body.

My end goal was to infuse Hiroshima's cells in Danzo's arms with Sasuke's cells which I gained. To do that I needed to be powerful enough to mix and fuse to vastly dient species, so that the process would be a success.

And I began this area of research two weeks into my experiments. I first began to combine the scales of a fish onto the fur of a rat. After a week, a hundred rats down, I managed to successfully graft the scales over the fur.

It was hard, but thanks to my cellular manipulation, I could combine it easily. And after this success, I decided to finally begin experimenting on the sharingan eyes I gained from Danzo.

I took a single eye first and attached it onto a live cat. It was old and in great pain, so I cut off all it's pain receiving nerves allowing it to have a few final days living in peace, and alo serving a greater purpose.

I infused the sharingan into it's right eye and infused the eye with Sasuke's own blood, just a smidge which I used my own blood to infuse. Then, I took half a finger from Danzo's right hand, which was completely formed from Hashirama's cells, and infused the cat with them, making it a major part of it's circulatory system.

And then, came the hard part, increasing the time scale of the eye artificially.

This time, I had manipulate the cells in the eye to speed up, to degenerate and regrow at extreme rates to make it seem like time was speeding up, that way, each time it broke down, the eye would be regenerated by cells that were a combination of Sasuke's and Hashirama's chakra.

I failed five times.

The first time the ey just exploded out of the socket when I began to age it. The second time it melted. The third time it turned to wood, it seemed Hashirama's cells were too powerful in that batch. The fourth time the eye didn't make it past two decades of wear and tear it simply stopped working, the chakra veins inside the eye was burnt out.

The cat all the time however didn't care, it just slept and slept. Lucky shit.

I was approaching the end of the third week of my vacation time, I would need to report for duty soon. I hadn't much time. So, with careful planning, I began experimenting with the sixth eye on Danzo's arm.

"You ready sir Pounce?" I asked the tabby cat which yawned in response. I led and scratched it's fur, I had melted it's eyes five times, but it never once noticed. Lazy bugger.

I turned to the far table where I kept Danzo's arm, I had it hooked onto a chakra seal that kept it active. The seal was a mixture of my blood and ink, so the wood release cells in Danzo's arms were kept active thanks to it and don't just wither and die.

I took out the sixth eye, it was on the lower forearm. I took it out and careful transplanted it onto sir Pounce empty right socket. The cat meowed, it looked around, up and down, the eye was perfectly attached.

I walked over to the fridge I kept in here and took out a small syringe which had Sasuke's cells that I had cultivated and purified. I held Pounce down as I injected the cells into the eye. I then slit my wrist and poured the blood over the cat, Pounce didn't even react, it was used to it by now.

I made the horse seal and activated the mystical palm healing jutsu and began manipulating my blood. It seeped into the cat's body and into the eye. First I began reconstructing the eye using Sasuke's cells, something I have had a lot of practise in doing.

The cells reacted like stem cells, or at least they did after I was done with them. I deconstructed the eye and reformed it fully, the sharingan still glowed brightly, though now if one would test it, it would match the DNA of Sasuke perfectly, registering it as his eye.

Then I began infusing the Hashirama cells which by now have become a part of ser Pounce circulatory system. So I had no problem drawing it into the eye through the bloodstream and begin breaking down and building the eye back up.

I began to sweat at this point as it took me a long ass time for this entire process, which only makes a failure that much more hurtful. I kept at it, slowly repairing the eye over and over again. It was slow.

An hour of this resulted in a decade worth of reconstructing. Soon two hours passed, my focus entirely on the damn eye! Three hours, damn it all to hell! This is taking too long!

And then finally, it hit the four hour mark, which was usually when things began to go wrong.

But. I persisted, I kept going, soon half an hour went by, and the eye was stable, it was still stable!

And then, the five hour mark, it hit and suddenly, the eye gan to mutate. A surge chakra came rushing out, all that energy I spent fixing and repairing that eye, it wasn't just being manipulated, now it was being stored away, every point being stored away, and now, it's being released.

I kept going, kept pouring more and more chakra into it.

"Meow!" Pounce yawned, as far as he was concerned, this had nothing to do with him.

And then


Quest Completed!

Obtain a Rinnegan

Medical knowledge- MAX level

Sasuke's Blood- (1/1)

5 Wood Release jutsus- (5/5)

Complete the process- Complete



I gasped, sir Pounce eye slowly morphed, changing for red with commas in it, into a ripple like design. It was amazing, a red rinnegan, I don't know if the change in eye color affected the end result or anything though...there's only one way to out.

"Thanks for this sir Pounce," I smiled as I rubbed the kitty's head, earning myself a meow. I then carefully removed the eye from the cats socket before putting it into a status seal that would preserve it in its entirety.

I gave Pounce another eye by creating it with my cellular manipulations, before setting the cat on it's soft comfy bed in one corner of the lab. I then summoned two clones, "you know what to do."

They nodded, "yeah, we do. Sit," they emptied the work table and I sat down on it. I saw the clones form a hand seal as suddenly I lost consciousness.

It felt like a moment later when I opened my eyes again, this time however, my left eye seemed to move faster, able to see beyond my lab walls, I could actually see behind my walls! I had X-ray vision bitches!

I looked at the clone to my right, he smiled, "the transfer was a success," he handed me a mirror and I looked at myself. My left eye was now a red Rinnegan, it's colour similar to that of a Sharingan.


You have obtained a Rinnegan!

Rinnegan, Lv- MAX

The legendary eye of the Sage of Six Paths.

CP cost- 10 CP per second


Advanced chakra sight

Sight through walls

Shared sight

Mastery of all five basic elements

Black Receiver creation

Deva Path

Asura Path

Human Path

Animal Path

Preta Path

Naraka Path

Outer Path

Woah! Now that's fucking awesome! I grinned as I looked at the ey, dismissing my two clones. I then focused on my eye and cut off the chakra flow, turning the eye from it's Rinnegan form to it's Sharingan form before it turned normal.

Damn, this was awesome! I could do some major hurt with these eyes! But...damn it, I need to learn how!

Grr, once more I gain a super awesome power but I have no idea how to use it! What am I going to do? Maybe Jiraiya could teach me? After all he did teach Nagato., that would just arise to many suspension, plus he never taught Nagato how to use the ey, just ninja stuff.

So it looks like I'm on my own here. know, I don't like having this eye's seems so...odd. I miss my real eye, which I saw sealed away on the table. Could I perchance have all three eyes? Maybe I should use the same process which I know perfect to turn my real eyes into the rinnegan as well.

But if I was being honest with myself, it was too great of a risk, I honestly was just winging it back there, it was pure luck that this happened. Hm, it is a Friday, allowing my luck to increase by 50 points. Maybe it really was just luck.

And then, if I do convert my eyes into the Rinnegan, what then? It's not like I could have three eyes, ha! That would be….oh!

Immediately I created five clones, the moved quickly as one grabbed sir Pounce and we began to experiment once more.

Three days Later:

I was ready. We experimented on sir Pounce for as long as we could, perfecting the method. The cat now sat happily with three eyes instead of two, asleep without a care in the world.

I laid myself back on the table, several clones gathered around me, reading the tools to begin the surgery.

"This is going to take a long time," a clone said, "do you think we can hold out until then?"

I shrugged, "you're going to have too."

The clone nodded, they touched my neck, and immediately I slipped into darkness.

When I woke up for the second time, I was greeted to the sight of only one clone remaining. He cleaned the surgery tools we kept around, wiping away blood from the scalpel and the rill.

"D-did it work?" I asked.

"You tell me," he said handing me a mirror.

I looked at myself, and there in the middle of my forehead was a tiny slit, almost like a thin scar. Only it wasn't one.

"Can you open it?" my clone asked.

"I'll...I'll try," I shrugged as I focused, send a verbal command out for the slit to open. The neural pathway was...odd to say the least. It was difficult to open it, which makes sense considering I have never used it before in my life.

But then, slowly, ever so slowly, the slit opened up, revealing a third eye present vertically on my brow. The red Rinnegan glowed brightly, my two natural eyes now back in place.

Immediately I was assaulted by a new line of sight, combing with the depth perception of my two eyes, enhancing my vision.

"Does the optic nerves function properly?" the clone asked as he took out a torch light and flashed it across the eye.

"It works feels odd," I told him as he began examining my eye.

"It should, human's aren't meant to have three eyes, the change in depth perception will take some getting used too," the clone hummed as he checked my eye, "the eye reacts normally sign of degradation. The operation was a complete success I would say."

"Good," I nodded.

"Try stopping the chakra flow."

I did so and immediately the eye turned back into a sharingan before turning into a black eye similar to my real ones. I smiled and then pushed the chakra back in, changing them back into the Rinnegan forms.

"The chakra flow is perfect," I smiled, "thanks," I then dispelled him, absorbing the memories of what the clones did to me after I went under for a second time.

First they removed the Rinnegan and replaced it with my original eyes. Then they began the process of altering my skull to allow for the process of a third eye socket. Using cellular manipulation, and a drill, they were able to create one that was perfectly symmetrical in nature.

Then came the hard part, creating the optical nerve and hot wiring the visual cortex into accepting the alteration. That's why it took so long, we needed to be very very careful not to damage anything when we added the third optical nerve.

But in the end, we did it, I know had three eyes, two normal sharingans and a red rinnegan on my forehead.

'Damn!' I grinned as I blinked my third eye before performing eye exercise, it seemed all three eyes weren't connected, the Rinnegan could move independently from the other two. Meaning I could technically see both left and right at the same time!

Hehe! This was awesome! I blinked the third eye again and again, I need to get used to this, hm, let's see if I can. I left the lab, for what felt like the first time in weeks, and yawned as I made myself some food. It was late out, the sun was going down. Guess it's dinner time then.

I looked useing my third eye to look around, getting used to the usual higher perspective I know had. It was like I could now see further, and more clear that an ANBU agent?

My new eye could see through walls, or rather a single wall and see the chakra signatures of the people behind it. This was why I could see outside my apartment and see an ANBU agent hiding in the trees, spying at my window.

I was careful to avoid the window, not giving him a clear enough view. I used my senses and sure enough he was there, only he was making a poor attempt to hide his chakra as a civilian, but bits and pieces always managed to leak out, and with my new eye it looked even more obvious.

I sighed, 'might as well see what this is about,' I grabbed my headband and closed my third eye before tieing my headband over it, blocking all outside view to my hidden eye. But just then I realised something, my eye could see through objects!

I could see through my eyelid and headband even if I didn't want too! This is so cool! It's like a hidden weapon, a third eye that keeps an eye on people even if they didn't realise it!

Sadly though I couldn't keep the Rinnegan active, any observant jonin would notice me channeling chakra to my forehead, and someone like Kakashi, Sasuke or a Hyuga will be able to physically see my eye's chakra patterns, hm, I'll have to do something about that.

But first.


I appeared behind the ANBU in my bright yellow pyjamas with orange leaf symbols etched on the fabric. The ANBU was shocked and turned around to gasp, "so," I raised an eyebrow, "what can I help you with Mr. ANBU?"

"How did you find me?" he asked.

"You're chakra suppression skills need some work," I shrugged, "now, what do you want."

"T-the Hokage asked me to keep an eye on you. To make sure you weren't attacked by anyone due to Orochimaru's death."

Gota, ANBU

Lv- 75

REP- -70

"Hm, I see," he hated my guts? Why? A konoha ninja shouldn't hate me so much...unless he wasn't loyal to Konoha.

He was a no name ninja, no special powers to help him see through my seals, which even a Hyuga would have trouble doing, so maybe he was a spy, only now I just blew his cover.

"Well then, carry on. Oh, and tell the Hokage I don't need to be baby sat, I'm plenty strong enough to kick ass on my own," time to give him a chance to escape.

"R-right," he nodded as I quickly went back to my apartment, shutting the door behind me. I activated my Rinnegan and looked through the wall, spotting him immediately take off. Gotcha!

'Swift Release: Speed up times 100!' I took off, putting on my jonin clothes and right armour along with my flack jacket. I then left my apartment and followed the 'ANBU' from a safe distance, keeping around 300 feet away, locking onto his poorly hidden chakra signature.

He did however seem some what competent as he began to run faster and faster, obviously he figured I was following him. Hm, time to hide myself;

Chakra Concealment- Make your chakra levels seems like that of a civilian. (Active)

There we go.

He seemed to relax a bit now, but he still took precautions. He tried to lose me in a large crowd of people, but it was pointless, my Rinnegan never lost sight of him, not even for a second.

I followed him further back now as he eventually stopped at a hotel. I stayed back and activated my 8.0 eyesight perk, which coupled with my Rinnegan, allowed me to see clearly into the hotel room, through the walls.

And I was honestly surprised by what I found.

Kabuto, he was still here, and what's more it looks like the ANBU was his plant. They spoke rapidly for a few moments, Kabuto smiled for a moment before he cut the ANBU's head off, killing the man instantly before he departed from the room, running off to the hospital, where his adoptive father worked.

I see, so Kabuto is scouting me out,, he probably killed that guy because I found him out. He's probably panicking, he wouldn't mess with the man who killed Orochimaru, meaning...he's going to try and run. Looks like it's time for me to shine.

I took off, coming up on Kabuto quickly, just as he neared the hospital district, just on the outskirts of training ground 3. He was about to lead over to the hospital grounds, when I came crashing into his side with a chakra enhanced kick aimed right at his spine, blasting him off course and into the training field.


You gained a critical strike! DMG is multiplied by 5!

6,800 X 5 = 34,000

Kabuto: 66,000/100,000

I landed before him and took out Kusanagi. I held it forward and ordered it to extend. Kabuto gasped as the blade came for him, piercing his chest clean through, only for his body to explode into dirt.

He was running away, I could feel him trying to run, "Swift Release: Speed up times 1,000!" I vanished in a blur and easily caught up with the rushing ninja who was halfway out the training field.

I smirked as I brought up Kusanagi, slicing away at his body, piercing his legs, back and slicing his achilles tendrils.


You gained a critical strike! DMG is multiplied by 5!

1,000 X 5 = 5,000


You gained a critical strike! DMG is multiplied by 5!

1,000 X 5 = 5,000


You gained a critical strike! DMG is multiplied by 5!

1,000 X 5 = 5,000


You gained a critical strike! DMG is multiplied by 5!

1,000 X 5 = 5,000

Kabuto: 46,000/100,000

"Scorch Release: Dragon's Breath!" I spewed out the flames from my mouth, bathing Kabuto's form in the flames.


You gained a critical strike! DMG is multiplied by 5!

6,000 X 5 = 30,000

Kabuto: 16,000/100,000

"ARGH!" Kabuto cried out as he ran out of the flames, burning and screaming for his life.


Enemy had obtained burning status. - 100 HP per second.

"Sealing arts: Body restriction!" I slammed a scroll onto Kabuto's body, the ninja was so busy trying not to burn to death he couldn't resist the simple ninjutsus before it convert his enter body, making him immobile, but hey, at least he wasn't burning anymore.

"Well, this is going to be a pain," I grumbled as I put Kabuto on my shoulder and took intent on delivering him to T & I.

Twenty minutes later:

Ibiki sighed, "you always bring the most surprising people in here Yami."

I shrugged, "I try. Do you think you can get anything out of him?"

"We sure as hell will try," Ibiki grunted, "did you have to bring him in with half his body covered with third degree burns?"

I shrugged, "he'll recover. Plus I wasn't really thinking straight, I honestly just wanted to get this over with and go back to bed. I haven't slept in three days, I'm exhausted, add to that this mess...honestly Ibiki, it's too much."

"I see...what happened?" Ibiki asked, his tone softer, "was it...Orochimaru?"

"What? Oh, no, nothing like that," I smiled, "I've been practicing a new jutsu actually, so it's been taking up most of my time."

"Oh...I see, well that's good. If you do any issues though-"

"-You'll be the first person I talk to, promise," I smiled, "so, how is our other guest doing?"

"Sorry Yami, but that's classified, I can't tell you. If you want to know you'll have to ask the Hokage."

"Oh, guess I'll ask him right now then," I turned to the door just as Hiruzen walked in, hat and all. Ibiki and I bowed, "lord Hokage."

"Yami, Ibiki," he nodded, "what is going on?"

"Kabuto was Orochimaru's spy in Konoha," I told him, "I caught him and one of his lackeys spying on me. When they realised I was on to them they tried to lose me. Kabuto killed his spy in room 304 in the Dancing Leaf hotel. I then followed him to the hospital, I couldn't risk any medical information getting into his hands, so I decided to stop him and bring him here for questioning."

"I see...and you heard them mention Orochimaru by name?"

I nodded, "they did, as well as Oto, but at that point the spy couldn't say anything more as Kabuto had stuck a knife in his throat."

"I see...very well, good job Yam, I'm sure Kabuto will be a wealth of information," he sighed, "more damn paperwork."

I snorted, "and you wonder why I don't want your damned job. Anyway, if that's all, I'll take my leave lord Hokage, see you in one week's time."

"Take care Yami, oh ad try to get some sleep, you look like a zombie," Hiruzen chuckled.

"Yeah the way, how's Yagura?"

"The Yamaha's are making progress, slow progress," Hiruzen sighed, "but they are getting somewhere."

"Hm...sorry I can't be of any help, but that genjutsu is far too powerful for me."

"It's fine, please, think nothing off it. Enjoy your break."

I nodded, "right," and took off, leaving them to discuss secrets in private. As I made my way out of the building though I felt a familiar chakra signature walking towards me. As I turned the corner I almost bumped into her, she froze on the spot and I smiled, "hey Anko, fancy seeing you here."

"Y-Yami! Hey man! How's it been! Long time!" Anko smirked, "been enjoying your downtime?"

I shrugged, "it's going fine. But I'm honestly really eager to get some sleep. I've been training a new jutsu, so it takes some time. How have you been?"

Anko nodded, "ah, good, I'm good. So.." que the awkward silence.

I chuckled, "it was nice seeing you again Anko," I walked past the girl, "by the way, if you want repeat of that night, all you have to do is ask!"

"HEY! Don't say that!" Anko hissed, but I was already out the door.

I chuckled, I guess a month is too short of a time for her to adapt to what happened. She did technically sleep with a minor, even if by law I'm an adult.

I need to experiment with my eye, I need to figure out what it could do. So instead of going to my home I left to the park where I entered a level 1 natural dungeon and began my training process.

But, first things first, "Scorch Release: Purgatory Tsunami!" I blew the flames out and allowed it to consume the forest before me. This killed the pokemon around me, hopefully now I can have some peace and quiet.

Now, let's see if I can use the six paths. I removed my headband opening up my third eye. I channeled chakra into it and focused, immediately a menu popped up.

Mentally request the path to acquire it.

Hm, how about, 'Deva Path,' I suddenly felt a rush of power gather around my body, my chakra was mutated as suddenly it began to rubble, begging to be release. I threw my hands out as the words came automatically into my head, "Shinra Tensei!"


The entire land around me exploded from me feet as everything, the air, the ground and even the flames I sent out before were all blow away, a huge twenty feet long crater forming around me, with me standing in the middle before I began falling down.

"Fuck!" I cried out as I braced for the impact. I managed to land in a roll, reducing the damage, sighing as I looked around at the giant crater I had formed.

-2,000 CP!



You have discovered a new skill!

Shinra Tensei, S rank

(Only accrue if user can use all five elements)

Shinra Tensei is the Deva Path's ability to manipulate repulsive force at the user's will to push matter or techniques away.

CP cost- 100 CP per 1 foot of area repulsed

DMG- 500

I grinned, thank God I could already control all the elements! Cool! Now, what next? Hm, maybe I should first master all the jutsus for the Deva path. I first repulsed everything away, let's see if I can do the opposite.

But I need to pull something, so I made a clone, but the moment I did, there was a suddenly change in vision.

"What the fuck?!" the clone and I cursed. Our visions, our third vision from the Rinnegan, it's been split. We could see two different visions, I could tell from the way everything looked.

"I-Is this because of the eye?" my clone asked in disbelief.

"Nagato shared his vision with the dead bodies...the jinchuuriki when they were brought back had shared vision's possible," I closed all three eyes, and sure enough I could still see through my clone, I could see me with my eyes closed, "damn, I never realised how good I look."

"Oh please, we use shadow clones all the time," the clone snorted, "anyway, what do you think is the limit on this?"

"I don't know," I said opening my eyes, "let's find out," I grinned as I crossed my fingers, summoning twenty more clones as we were all opened up to twenty more pov shots!

"This is amazing!" a clone said.

"Quickly, let's all go outside the crater and look in!" another suggested as they did just that. Soon I had a view of the entire crater with me in the center. It was like a third person view, and I was a character in a video game! Heh, ironic.

"Alright, that's enough," I called out, "time to test out the Deva Path! You ready!"

"Hell yeah!" the clones called out.

I sent chakra into the eye and thought, 'Deva Path,' and slowly the same gravity manipulation chakra came over me, this time I sent it inwards, and I felt tendrils of chakra go out, before being sucked back in.

"Bansho Tenin!" I found myself automatically saying as the chakra wrapped around the clone before me, pulling him forward like a magnet.

He went flying through the air and landed right before me before vanishing into thin air, I gained his memories, the feeling of my powers were absolute, like a sort of jutsu that couldn't be blocked.


You have discovered a new skill!

Bansho Tenin, S rank

(Only accrue if user can use all five elements)

Bansho Tenin is the Deva Path's ability to manipulate attractive force at the user's will to pull matter towards them.

CP cost- 100 CP per 1 foot of area attracted

DMG- 500

I grinned, "Alright then, let's get shit started! Come at me mother fuckers!" my clones cried out and charged at me, I grinned as I gathered my chakra and threw my hands out moment before they reached me, "Shinra Tensei!"

They all popped as my repulsion force hit them, leaving me blinking and alone in an even deeper crater, "ah...maybe I need to learn how to control this."

One week later:

I spent hours working on my new powers. Since time slowed to a stop inside the natural dungeons I could train in them for how much ever I wanted. Though my body did physically age from the intense training.

Though I managed to reduce the ageing process a lot thanks to my cellular manipulations, I still did age significantly from all that time I spent in the natural dungeons. I spent at least a month practising each path. And I wasn't even fully successful.

I managed to master the Deva Path quickly enough, though the finer skills too some time to master. The pushing and pulling was fine enough, but it was the last jutsu of this path that had me excited.

Chibaku Tensei, S rank

The user releases a black sphere from his hands which acts as a centre of gravity, drawing in everything in its surroundings to create an enormous satellite.

CP cost-

10,000 for small sized satellite

50,000 for medium sized satellite

100,000 for large sized satellite

500,000 for Moon sized satellite

Needless to say, I was so not going to master this thing fully anytime soon.

I then began practising the other paths. After mastering the Deva path I moved onto the second path, Asura. And it was creepy.


You are trying to access the Asura path! But you have no weapons listed under that category! Please create said attachments before proceeding!

It would seem Nagato created the weapons he used in the mechanical body. He created the chakra canon and that sword and even extra hands. The Asura path operated like a quick equipment system, allowing me to use a weapons easily and quickly.

I first used my Ring of Stars as a weapon for the path and found that the moment I activated my Asura path, the Ring would automatically come to my hand, regardless of where it was. Even if it was in my inventory. As such I got the basis for the Asura path locked down.

Asura Path, S rank

The Asura Path grants the user the ability to augment their own body to summon mechanised armour and various ballistic and mechanical weaponry.

CP cost- 200 per item

Slots used-

Right forearm- Ring of Stars

Right palm- Gunbai

Left palm- Fanged Dagger

I didn't have anything else amazing, like a chakra canon or even a robotic limb to use. So I left the rest of it empty. I did however get a quest.

Quest Alert!

Create weapons for the Asura path!

Additional limbs: (0/4)

Additional weaponry: (0/2)


Full power of the Asura path


Limited use of the path

Do you accept?


I accepted, though I did never got time to make any sort of progress in the quest. In fact I also didn't get any time to make those chakra blades I so wanted, there was just not enough time, I was far too busy working on the Rinnegan, which I'm sure was a much higher priority.

I did however have clones making up plans for the additional weapons I could use, so when I did finally have time to spend on the project I didn't have to waste it coming up with new ideas.

Then came the Preta path, which allowed me to absorb all forms of ninjutsu. This path was relatively easy to master. Hell I Didn't even have to do anything to start it up.

Preta Path, S rank

Allows the user to absorb all forms of chakra, including most ninjutsu.

Conversion rate- 60% of all chakra absorbed is channeled into CP

Then I tried to use the human path;

Human Path, S rank

Allows the user to remove the soul of a target from their body and absorb any and all knowledge they posses. This will result in vicitms death. The soul will be stored in the King Of Hell summon.

CP- 1,000 per soul

But I couldn't experiment with it, as cones didn't have souls, so I couldn't absorb them. I would need a live human to test it on and...well, I'm not that fucking sick.

So then I moved on to the Animal path, or the summoning path. I was actually putting this off for later, but I figured I might as well get it over with. The animal path was different however, as it couldn't be used while inside the NAtural dungeon, so I had to leave.

I traveled outside the village, making sure I wasn't followed. I then found a cave in a mountain that was around a twenty kilometers away from Konoha. I then began the Animal path, and slowly all the relevant information came to my head.

It seemed the Animal path was quite possibly the weakest of all the paths and the only thing it could do was summon animals, granted they were powerful animals, but still. But, I found out that in order to do that, I had to first embed a Black Receiver into the creature in order to control it.

So I got to work.

In the cave there was a giant bear which I managed to capture chain up. I then began the task of forming a black receiver, a metal like substance that, while not as hard as steel, I could still use to deflect kunai.

It took me some time, a few days of meditation, but I finally managed to construct a black rod from my own chakra.

Black chakra Receiver, B rank

Allows a Rinnegan user to create a chakra receiver that acts as high-frequency chakra demodulators, allowing users to transmit their chakra into these receivers and whoever the receivers have been embedded in.

CP cost- 500 CP for 3 foot long receiver

CP transmittable:

Limit of 500 CP per second if target is a hundred kilometers or closer

Limit of 200 CP per second if target is a thousand kilometers or closer

Limit of 100 CP per second if target is ten thousand kilometers or close

Note: One can only control a target if one's chakra overpowers target's own

I produced a chakra rod and stabbed it into the bear's behind. It cried out, but I slowly pushed all the chakra Is about producing into it's system. The bear was nothing, it barely had any chakra of it's own, only a hundred points. It was overtaken in five seconds.

And then, the bear changed, it's eyes turned into my own red rinnegan as suddenly I could see from it's perspective. I could see as it did, and more importantly, I could order it around. Because:


You have obtained a chakra slave!

Chakra slave: Once your chakra flood's the victim's system, they become a mindless entity. Their personality will be locked away, allowing you to control what they say and do.

Bear- Lv- 14

HP- 4,000

SP- 5,000

CP- 100

No special skills of note.

And thus I obtained my first unofficial summon.

I found that by using the Animal path, I could summon anyone that was my chakra slave, like the bear. I didn't have to use any hand seals or a blood sacrifice in order to summon them, which was a big plus. Unfortunately, as I discovered, I couldn't summon them inside a Natural dungeon, too much time and space manipulation going on.

Animal Path, S rank

Allows the Rinnegan user the ability of summoning various animals and creatures to aid it in battle.

CP cost- 500

Range- Limitless for chakra slaves.

500 kilometers for others

Sealess if the summon has similar chakra. Seals if the summon if third party.

But regardless, thanks to this, I had myself more animals to control. Yay! But, I needed powerful summons, not just a damn bear. I could try and get a summoning control, but I realised I honestly didn't have the time, there was just too much to do!


Anyway, back to work. I returned back to the Natural Dungeon and continued working. I had two paths left, the Naraka path and the Outer path. The Outer path was difficult to use to say the least. It proceeded over life and death itself!

I didn't really know what to do with it though, I mean...could I really revive people from the dead? Should be possible right?

Outer path, S rank

The user is able to revive the dead, transmit chakra to receivers, as well as manifest chakra chains.


You have gained a new jutsu!

Demonic Chakra chains, S rank

The user is able to manifest chakra chains which bind and restrict the power of anyone they touch and cause a great deal of pain.

Note: They can only be used on those that are chakra slaves.

CP cost- 500 per second

Durability: Indestructible


Outer Path- Samsara of Heavenly Life, SS rank

This reincarnation ninjutsu used through the Outer Path, which can infuse new life into the bodies of those who have died in exchange for the user's own life.

CP cost- Everything

Yeah...I am so not ready for those. And I'm definitely not going to use the reviving one. No way if fucking hell!

But I did unlock the path, so for now that's enough. And then came the last path, Naraka Path;

Naraka path, S rank

Summons the King of Hell which aides in the path. It has two main functions, Revive and Destroy.

CP cost of summon- 5,000

Hm, okay, now I'm interested. I went through the hand seals in my head for the 'King of Hell,' and I slammed them into the ground. Suddenly there was a ring of red fire, blood red, like the colour of my eye.

Out of the ring of flames came a gant figure, he wore a royal high collar with a black raised head ornament displayed like the rising sun, giving him a black halo. The creature's zipper slowly opened up, showing the King's face. He had a crown with the kanji for Hell on it, red skin and eyes with red hued Rinnegans.

King of Hell, SS rank,

A chakra construct that is the visual representation for the doors of Hell, falsely named, 'The King of Hell'.


Naraka path:

Interrogation- is capable of discerning whether an individual is lying or not.

Revival- is capable of full healing any person placed inside his mouth, even if they are at the doors of death. CP cost- 5,000 Limit- 1 at a time.

Outer path: Aides in 'Samsara of Heavenly life' jutsu.

I grinned, yeah, I can totally use this.

I grew older with my time in the Natural dungeon, growing taller and stronger. I now stood at 5 feet 4 inches, not bad for a thirteen year old. When I finally left the dungeon, it was time to see the Hokage once more, since technically, today was the last day of my vacation time.

The Next Day:

"The informant you captured was very useful Yami," the Hokage said as he pushed a folder to me. I picked it up and looked it over as the old man continued, "he gave us information on all of Orochimaru's bases and operations. It seems he wasn't just a mole like we suspected, but rather his right hand man."

"Well then it's a good thing I didn't roast him alive," I snorted as I saw the Land of Rice, now the Land of Sound, was dotted with several bases and highlighted markers, "damn, that's a lot."

"And a lot of potential enemies," he smiled, "since you did technically kill their Kage."

I shrugged, "if he can get killed by a Jounin, he deserves to die."

The man sighed, "migh isn't everything Yami."

"I know that lord Hokage, but when dealing with people who care for nothing but power, might is everything."

"Well said," the man smiled, "now, the threat of Oto trying to gain vengeance is too high, especially during the chunin exams. Your first mission will be a B rank, during the tournament I want you to be on standby, incase Oto tries to pull something."

I nodded, "sounds good. And the second mission?"

"That far more difficult," the Hokage put down his pipe and took off his hat.

I blinked, "damn, you're taking off your hat. It's that serious?"

"Indeed...because I cannot in good concious order you to do this, not as your Kage. I can only request you, whether you accept it or not...that's wholly up to you," the man aged before me, he looked far too old for my liking.

I sighed, "enough with the drama old man, tell me the mission."

"Otot, before Orochimaru took over, was known as the Land of Rice. It had several ninja clans present in it, none off note, but they were many, and they often raged war against themselves. The way Orochimaru gained the daimyo's ear to establish a ninja village, is by promising to end the blood shed, and he did...only now the people faced a new threat, him.

"Your mission will be to infiltrate Oto and begin dismantling each of Orochimaru's bases, one by one. You will free the people suffering under his men and establish a real ninja village in it's place. A proper Oto. That is, if you choose to accept the mission."


Quest Alert!

Stay alert for the chunin exams!


50,000 EXP

3 Great balls


Total destruction of Konoha.

-40 REP

Do you accept?



Quest Alert!

Save Oto!

Number of Orochimaru's bases destroyed: 0/165


1,000,000 EXP




Attack on Konoha, potential destruction

Do you accept?


I narrowed my eyes, "something isn't right...what's the catch?"

The Hokage sighed, "the mission will take three years to complete...until that is done, you are not permitted to return to Konoha. No exceptions."

I winded my eyes, "t-three years? But I can do it one! I mean if all I have to do is destroy a couple of bases-"

"Then yes, one year would be more than enough. But I'm not asking you to just destroy everyone that comes in your'm asking you to do what you do best...inspire them to better than their previous selves."

"What are you talking about old man?" I growled, "I don't inspire people, what the hell-"

"-Before you came Anko was a broken shell, now she is finally getting a chance to be happy. Sasuke was consumed by vengeance, but even before you revealed your true identity, your influence on him was unmistakable. Yagura would be dead in a ditch somewhere, you saved him, allowing us to try and save him. You saved nine hundred men, when someone else would have let them die for their country.

"You see the best parts of people...that they themselves don't want to see. The people of Oto have been shown their worst fears in need to make them think otherwise. I don't want you to just break Oto and rebuild it...I want you to heal it...heal it from what Orochimaru did to it."

"Why do you care so damn much?!" I slammed my hands on the table, he didn't flinch, "you're the Hokage of Konoha! Why do you care about Oto?"

"Because...I am the reason they had to suffer Orochimaru...if I could...I would fix it myself but...I'm far too old. I'm nearing 70 years Yami, I can't spend time outside this village like I once could. So...I'm turning to the one man who I know who would want to save the people there ...the one person who wants to save the world, not destroy it. So..I have no one else to turn too."

I looked at the quest options and I sighed, I grinned, flashing the man a happy chuckled, "alright old man, no need to flattr me so much! You got yourself a deal!" I accepted the quests.

Hiruzen looked surprised, "y-you do?"

I nodded, "hell yeah. You're right, I wouldn't let a land suffer, and besides, three years by myself in another land? Should be fun!"

The Hokage sighed before leaning back, relief flooding over him. He smiled, "thank you Yami, thank you for doing this. I know it is a selfish thing to ask of you..but I couldn't let his actions on this Earth remain a stain as it is."

I shrugged, "it's fine...but ah, you're going to have to deal with Naruto and Sasuke and explain to them why I'm gone."

The man chuckled, "fine, agreed. Now, let's discuss the people you'll be bringing with you on the mission to Oto."

I raised an eyebrow, "it'll be faster if I just went alone."

"You are the second last Uchiha, the Second coming of the Yellow Flash, the wielder of the Scorch Release and a very unique form of chakra control. There's no way in hell I'll be able to send you alone without the council objecting. I'll have to send a minimum of three people along with you."

I sighed and rubbed my eyes, "fucking politics. Fine. Anyone in mind?"

The man nodded, "a few, yes. But I have to approach them first before I can confirm anything, after all, they'll be in the same boat as you, I can't just order them to do something so selfish."

I shrugged, "I'm sure they'll understand. Anyway...I was wondering, since I'm going to b gone for sometime, could I maybe get some help from the village about something?"

Hiruzen nodded, "of course, just ask away."

I've been waiting for this moment for some time now. Before I figured I'll casually mention it after a mission or two and get it, but now since Hiruzen owes me… "I was wondering if there were any ninjas in the village that could use Wood Release."

The Hokage looked suprised, "Wood Release? Why is that?"

"Well," I made several hand seals ending with the snake on, "Wood Release: Thundering Growth," I targeted my chakra at the potted plant near Hiruzen's side and the Hokage watched with wide eyes as the small tree slowly grew bigger and bigger, finally now fully grown.

His eyes snapped back to me, "you….are such a headache," he sighed, "why can't I just retire already?!"