Chapter 1: Transmigration

Wei Wushian opened his eyes abruptly!

Seeing on unfamiliar ceiling his right hand slapped down onto the bed trying to jump up before his eyes were comeplelty open. His instincts as the greatest martial artist kicked in. Unfortunately, his hand was too weak to support his body weight. He fell straight back down.

"Y..young Master " he heard an anxious voice from the side.

Looking over he saw a young girl around 17 years old. She had long black hair and blue eyes her lips were pink and looked extremely soft.

"Ahh" Wushian's head started to hurt.

Foreign memories started rushing into his head. He came to released that his been transmigrated into the body of a boy with the same name as him Wei Wushian. He was no longer on earth but in the realm of cultivation.

"Y..y..young Master I'll inform the family head your awake right now. Please don't get out of bed!" after saying that the young maid ran out of the room. The worried look on her face was now gone and replaced with one of relief.

Wushian started to examine his new body. Only for his lips to twitch two times.

Blocked Meridians, Skinny Arms, Joint Stiffness...

What kind of person was this? Had they never exercised a day in their life? For us to have the same name. I feel ashamed. This body was far too crappy.

He could only shew as he thought back to the last moments of his life and he felt embarrassed. To think the greatest martial artist in the merium had died from old age. As a warrior, he wanted nothing more than to die in the heat of battle. Sadly he was just too powerful. No one could be his match. He had lived up to an almight two hundred years even outliving most of his disciples. Ah, it was truly hard being too extraordinary.

While he was busy thinking of his past life he heard loud footsteps coming from outside. The door suddenly burst open. Wushian looked up to see an old man with long blonde hair, blue eyes, long majestic beard, and a ripped body. He was wearing a long white robe but one could clearly see he was quite fit underneath. Behind him was a woman with long silver hair, pink lips, and silver eyes. She appeared to be her late twenties wearing long blue robes. Her eyes were watery but had a look of relief on her face.

The old man took huge strides towards the bed and immediately hugged his body.

From his memories, Wushain recognizes this old man as his grandfather. He was the Leader of Wei Clan. Even though the old Wushian was a useless cripple and many people called him trash. His grandfather never stopped believing in him and would buy the best medicine to cure his crippled Meridians.

"Master the young master is still recovering from his injuries, please don't do this" the young maid saw that Wushians face kept twitching as if he was in intense pain. She hurriedly tried to separate them.

The old man reluctantly released Wushian from his arms. His eyes were watery as if he would cry at any moment.

"Little Wu those brats of the Jing family went too far this time. You almost lost your life going after that princess" Tan Wei Wushian voice was stern and one could hear the anger in his voice.

The women behind him walked forward as she embraced Wei Wushian tightly.

"Little Wu. Don't let mother worry so much I thought I had lost you. After you recover mother will take you to teach does brats a lesson once more"

When the little maid in the back heard this her lips twitched three times.

"Madam, you've already slapped the young master of the Jing Clan twice already. I'm afraid if we try anything else the head of the Jing clan won't take this lying down."

"Hmph, if I want my son to beat that brat who can stop me. If Jing-Long Min that old bastard tries anything I'll beat him and his whole clan to death"

Tan Wei nodded his head in agreement. If it wasn't for the clan elders begging them to not cause any more trouble in the Jing Clan, Min Wu Wushian would have not stopped at slapping their young master twice. Those two slaps had already taken out of most of his teeth. This had enraged Jing-Long Min. The father of Jing Jun Min but he couldn't do anything in Tan Wei's presence.

Tan Wei Wushain was the head of the Wei Clan and had a cultivation of Foundation Establishment 2-dan pinnacle. His cultivation was only below that of the emperor of The Crescent Moon Kingdom. The Wei Clan was number one in terms of power compared to the other three primal clans. The Jing Clan was only second in power. How could they stand up to the Wei Clan even if its power was declining?

Luckily Jing Wu Long the head of the Jing Clan was friends with Tan Wei so this matter was not blown out of proportion. He knew his clan was in the wrong this time so he allowed Min Wu to slap Jing Jun Min twice to calm her anger. He also gave her some medicine for her son who was bed written. Jing Jun Min and his followers had beaten Wei Wushian too severely.

Wei Wushian watched the exchange between his maid Kier and his mother. A bright smile appeared on his face. From what he knew from the memories of the old Wushian his mother and grandfather really carried for him. In his last life, he didn't even know his own mother are father. He lived his life as the greatest but it was lonely. He had only two disciples who he considered family. Now having a mother and a grandfather who cared for him so deeply he couldn't help but smile.

"Mother thank you but I'm fine. I'll stop chasing after that princess she clearly has no interest in me. Jing Jun Min can have her for all I care."

The three hearing this was surprised. They knew how much Wei Wushian cared for the second princess. He would always save his money and buy her gifts only to be constantly rejected. Jing Jun Min also liked the princess. Upon seeing Wei Wushian constantly talking to her he was enraged and ordered his gowns to give him a beating.

"That's good. Mother will leave you now to get some rest. If you need anything just tell Kier" Min Wu was very happy. She did not want her son chasing after someone who treated him so badly and didn't even do anything while he was getting beaten.

But maybe the beating was a blessing in disguise? She couldn't help but think.

'No no Min Wu anyone who beats your son other than you deserve to be beaten a thousand times' thinking that she walked out of the room.

Wei Wushian felt a shiver run down his spine. He didn't know why but he felt he should never anger his mom any time.