12:00 o'clock, I arrived at the school with Laura and Keil, but Carmelle have a high fever. Then we saw Andrei and his member and the other member are not
there, we don't know where it was so I go in the Science Club, Keil at the Math Club and Laura is at the Technology Arts Club. I sit on the last seats and because all of the
seats are taken, then Andrei come in and I go up and bow and he goes in the last seats where I was and asked me in whisper "Umm, can I sit beside you?" and I said "O-okay"
then he sit beside me and the teacher comes in and we stand up and said "Welcome, teacher, it's nice to see you!" and we go sit. While our teacher was getting
ready on her first study for us, Andrei whisper on me "Hey Yuki, I will said my members name, the one that was in me earlier was my best friend, Gale, the blue-black
hair, the other ones are Hile, the browny hair and the other one is Aoi, the blue hair one." then I just looking in the window and he said again" Umm, sorry for what I do to
you and maybe you can forgive me? "then I just keep looking but his words are forgiving so I said to him "Th-that's okay, I can forgive you, but please do not do it again" .
Then the teacher give us a seat work and do it and the bell rang. Then the teacher was out in the Club room then Andrei go out and we bow at him and go in Keil and
Laura. We get a tray and get some burger and coke and go in our seats. After we eat, I go back in the Science Club to get my bag, Keil go back in the Math Club to get her
bag also Laura in the Arts Club. Then I was going in the Arts Club when I saw the 3 members of Mermaid Gang and go in front in me and said "Oh no, she was the
who talk on sir Andrei right?" said Unite who I bumped in the canteen "Yeah, we will tell that to our master. I by the way, I'm Claire. Haha get ready" said Claire who
just said her name right now "And I'm Kristina, and by the way tell me, are you going to beat us with your friends, especially Laura, don't worry, we will beat you four, and
get ready to meet our master, Angela, maybe in November or December. And by the way, what's your Gang name?" she said" Yeah? "Unite said then I said" Umm,
actually I don't have a gang with my friends. Umm, may I go now?" "No way!" Unite and Claire said then Kristina said "Okay" then Unite said "Why?" then she said "Just 00
it to me" then the go off me and I go in the Arts Club and after the Arts Club the bell rang and I go home not to wait on them and I arrived at my home and go to eat
and go to my room and go to the bathroom the take a bath and suit my pajamas and go in my chair to right my novel and I'm getting to sleep then I go in my bed and go to
sleep. Then I was sleeping when I have a nightmare and saw there Kristina, Unite and Claire was bullying me and no one just saving me then I saw Andrei who's
stopping them and they go run and then Andrei was going to kiss me when I wake up and thought to myself why I am dreaming this, wait a minute does I have a crush
on him? Then I just go back to sleep.