Chapter 3: Time fly by when you're having fun!

Part 1

Later that night, when everyone were at the dinner table.

"Alright sonny, mind explaining what that was this afternoon- or just tell what this is." his dad unwrapped a cloth containing fragments of his shiny marble grenade, or what was left of it anyway, after he dug it out of the tree.

Aethas is currently sweating bullets as he looked at the fragments on the table, struggling to find his words on how to explain this mess.

"Erm… it's just a little fun experiment, I just want to apply the knowledge professor Sunreach taught me at class today." Aethas tried to show his cute and innocent side as he replied, the puppy eyes is also a bonus.

Mother Aethas raised an eyebrow as she inspected little Aethas handywork.

"Professor Sunreach would taught these kind of offensive magic art at school? I didn't know that you can teach children anything other than the basic defensive art and basic understanding of the arcane art." she pointed out- which was true, most children in Azeroth simply does not have the mana capacity to cast even the most basic spell.

At most they will be learning the basic art of enchanting, disenchanting, wards and basic understanding and defense against magic theories, like what Aethas learning currently- all of these are a special case since he is of Elven descend, whom are widely known to be very talented in magic as it is their birthright, courtesy of his highborne ancestor.

"Tell me son, what else do you have hidden up in your room? You've piqued my interest now." inside father Aethas head, there was nothing but praised for his genius of a son, to create such magical items at a young age, one could imagine what kind of wonder he could create in the far distant future- plus, if he could "borrow" some of these items, it would do wonders in his fight against the undead, one could load these explosive marble into a rifle and create a basic form of artillery- even though father Aethas dislike the gun technology, he admitted that they are very useful weapon.

Weeks later, in the gloomy woods bordering the Ghostland.

"Take aim! And hold!" father Aethas is currently commanding the Farstrider valiantly on the frontline against the undead horde that shambling toward to invade and destroy what remaining of Eversong Forest, under the influence of the current Lich King Arthas- these monstrosities are relentless in their mission.

"Release the arrows!" he commanded, and upon so- a volley of arrows rained down upon the shambling undead horde consist of mostly of skeletals being, remnants of the first invasions, braves Kal'Dorei who sacrificed themselves to hold off the Scourge.

The moment the volley of arrows made contact with the undead Scourge they exploded, sending bone shards and bit of rotten flesh flying, seeing this many of the Farstrider were showing look of amazement.

"Captain! These arrowheads are amazing! Did you see how much damage they've done to the vile Scourge?!" his second in command couldn't help but feel excited, at first he thought 'How could a toy of a child, who is barely 10, could contribute much to the effort of pushing back the undead and possibly cleansing Eversong Forest of Scourge presence?'

"With a bit of modification from our mages and craftsmen, these "toys" can be very- heated in the hand of professional." a Logistic specialist pointed out. "The child who invented such a beautiful piece of art deserve much praised." he added.

Hearing such praised, father Aethas couldn't help but feel proud of his cute son, he had introduced his son little project to his unit 2 weeks prior, much to the dismay of their discontent toward their commanding officer eccentricity, however orders is order and thus, they leave it to the logistic specialist to incorporate the toys into their arsenal, when the first prototype came into light, which was an arrowhead completely made of a special alchemical glass, enchanted with a minor fireball spell, father Aethas immediately put them to the test and demonstrate the capability of the prototype on a captured undead.

But after a few more improvements on the prototype, the result was satisfactory to say the least, if years of fighting the undead had taught them anything, brittle bones and large potential energy do not go together.

"I'm sure when words get out to all the other units, and one that fought bravely in the Ghostland, they will do everything in their power to get a hold of a crate full of these little precious at any cost." his second in command rubbed his hand greedily at the thought of selling these weapons of war.

"Leave that idea aside after we finish cleansing our lands of Scourge presence, other than that, when will the next batches of Reaver Flare be ready?" that was the name he had given to the arrowhead.

"Our Jewelscrafters and Enchanters are working overtime as we speak, sir- currently, we 20 quilvers, each containing a minimum of 15 arrows ready for service, unfortunately we are lacking trained professional for such task, the concepts are simple enough fortunately, all we need is manpower." the Logistic specialist answered.

Part 2

Our protagonist is oblivious to his father current ecstasy of course, as he is currently in a fantasy world of his own, busy counting gold coins from a small coffer his father traded him for the right to produce and incorporate his "toy" and experiment into the military.

Now Aethas has enough gold coins to fund all kinds of possible experiment in the near future and expenses for buying magical grimoire as well- these can be very expensive.

"Aethas! Your friends are waiting for you outside! Go out and play! Stop hiding in your rooms all the time! It's not healthy!" mother Aethas voice called out from the kitchen.

"Yes mother! I'll be down in just a moment!" it has been roughly a month or so since Aethas was reincarnated over, a lot had happened, such as making a lot of friends at class and creating a grand scheme to take over and rule the world and possibly the infinite Dark Beyond, screwing over the Burning Legions and such even before the "Heroes" of Azeroth has the chance of doing so.

"Aethas!" by the time Aethas walked out of the house, his friends are all already assembled, waiting patiently for him as their leader, it was only right for them to do so due to the fact he has demonstrated his capability during classes which make him rank above many of them in terms of practical knowledge and theories.

The group of kids include 4 boys and 2 girls, adding Aethas into the mix that would make a total of 7 children, their plan for the day was "Let go to the Dead Scar!" exclaimed one of the boys with excitement! However all the other children quickly jump and cover the idiot mouth up, this was supposed to be a secret between them!

If the adult were to know what these kids are up to, they would freak out beyond reasoning, who in their right mind would let children venture into an area infested with undead Scourge? Other than Aethas own parents? Although where they will venture is only the outskirts of the Dead Scar, which were only infested with a couple of brittle bones Scourge from time to time- but nevertheless, dangerous.

However, of course Aethas being who he is, prepare for such a scenario of encountering the undead, he had made a backpack full of enchanted explosive marble for such occasion, if they encounter any Scourge along the way, they could yeet a couple of these babies through a sling shot- and there won't be a piece of the undead intact.

Aethas goal for visiting the Dead Scar was to salvage any magical items if there's any left, courtesy of the fallen defenders and scourges during the first invasion- and possibly any knowledge on Necromancy, even though it's a forbidden art and a very dangerous one, if he were to be caught trying to learn such a taboo subject, his fate might be at the burning stake- however, that is only if he were to get caught.

To him, there is no right or wrong in a school of magic, what determined what right or wrong is he himself! And as long as he didn't screw up, the path of great power is always there for him to walk, such is the fate of all "Isekai persons"... well most.