Part 1
"PUNY CREATURE!!! YOU DARE TO ATTACK THE GREAT ANNIHALASH!!!" it seem like the attack from the aberration of mana are ineffective against the monstrous Pitlord, causing the demon to become enraged and charge at the elemental.
"I think we might have a shot at this." Aethas whisper to Valeera, trying to keep a low profile in the chaotic fight between the 2 monsters.
"Imp, what are you waiting for! Go and attack!" Aethas order his demonic imp who seems to share the same idea as himself to keep away from the fight.
"Master! Hold on- I have a better idea, why not us wait for those brute to destroy themselves and we reap the reward?" the imp suggested.
"Well that's my business, what's the point of summoning you if you can't help me fight?" Aethas sneered at the pitifully cunning little creature.
"Ah my master, that is where you are wrong! Rizglop has a lot of use! But fighting is never one of them!" the demon bargained. "If I were to join the fight, it will draw attention to you and the mistress! Then everyone would die! Yes! Die! Hahaha!"
"However, if mater keep me here, I can help you look for treasures! Yes treasures! Rizglop good at finding treasures! We can split it 50/50! What do you say?" the demon eyes shone with greed as it glance at it surrounding. "Aethas, you can't possibly trust this demon…" Valeera whisper to Aethas, even without experience or knowledge, she knows for a fact that demon cannot be trusted, based on instinct alone.
"Alright Rizglop, we have ourselves a deal, but where are we supposed to find any treasures in this chaotic mess?" he questioned the cunning little devil.
"Don't worry about that master and mistress! In the name of the contract! I shall serve my master faithfully!" the creature swore, of course Aethas know for a fact that Rizglop will try to exploit any possible loophole that could bring itself benefits.
"Then my master, mistress- let us wait and witness your servant true prowess!" Rizglop proclaimed- just from the tone alone, Aethas and Valeera can safely assume that this creature is very egoistic, but at least this thing can be somewhat trustworthy, as the contract between Servant and Master are absolute, if it were to go against him- being banished or imprisoned is the least of it worry. As a warlock apprentice, professor Sunreach made sure to teach him the method of punishing his minions if there's a day that they goes against his will.
After letting Rizglop snoop around a bit undetected, the little imp finally managed to pick up on something. "Master! I pick up a source of magic here!" the creature called out to him, he could see what the little imp was talking about, it was a trunk placed under a pile of rubble covered in magical runes- it look promising yes, however the main problem is, the trunk is behind the enemy line, which now include a rampaging Pit Lord in the mess.
"DIE!!!" Annihalash roared as the monstrosity stomped both of it front foot onto the stone, creating a fiery infernal of fel-fire, annihilating the Mana Surges that was summoned forth by the Arcane Aberration, the stomp felt like a minor Earthquake as the entire structure itself vibrates under the force, of course being the engine of destruction and carnage itself, Annihalash didn't just stop there and body slam the Arcane elemental into the wall and give it a hard beatdown with a fist covered in Felsteel spikes.
The Arcane elemental howled in pain as the Felsteel spike ripping of mana off from it body, however this is not the end, as their location is right above the drilled point of the Leyline, the Arcane elemental quickly made use of such advantages and began draining power from the Leyline itself and heal it damaged body.
"WHY WON'T YOU DIE!!!" Annihalash pushed on the offense, of course the Mana Elemental doesn't just let itself be a punching bag, the aberration clawed and bite the demon with it arcane energized claws and teeth, burning the demon with each attack.
As for Aethas, Valeera and Rizglop, the three went unnoticed under the chaos and destruction caused by the two titans, if there's a better words to describe the situation of the fight, Aethas could concluded that this will be a draw and most likely ended in mutual destruction, assuming the Pit Lord don't just randomly rip a portal and ran back to the Twisting Nether and abandoned the fight all together.
However, it doesn't look like that's going to happen anytime soon, the Mana elemental had riled up the angry Pit Lord way beyond the point of salvation, now the Demon just want the creature dead at all cost.
Part 2
Using the giant distraction that is the summoned Pit Lord, Aethas stealthily went to the area that the imp pointed him to and pushed away the rubble and debris that's around.
"It look like an ancient enchantment of some sort…" Aethas mumbled as he placed his hand on the trunk and felt the ancient mana coursing through his finger.
"Well no shit genius! Oh my apology master- I have a bad habit of sprewing cursed, existing in the Twisting Nether can change someone as noble as I, quite drastically." Rizglop ran to the trunk and pulled out a small stone with an evil looking rune carved on it.
"Load and behold! Witness the prowess of I! Rizglop, the treasure hunters of worlds! The plunderer!" the little minions gave a little speech before smacking the stone onto the lock, creating a small explosion and kicking up dust.
"What the hell you little shit!" Aethas cursed as he tried to cover Valeera who was next to him from the shards of stones and dust flying outward of the explosion.
Luckily, it seems like no matter how much of a ruckus they caused, the two monsters that is currently fighting for dominance is too busy to notice them.
"Alright, let see what's inside." Aethas open the trunk, and the content were revealed to his eyes, which is a pile crystallized Mana Crystals, however this one seemed different from the rest that were laying around the corridors and passageways.
"Well… that was a waste, just a bunch of crystallized mana crystal, here I thought it would be some artifact…" Aethas sighted, in the end, it's just mana crystal, but at least it would be of some use once he manage to bring this trunk back to Tranquillien- but of course, he had to find a way to get out of here first.
"Hey Rizglop is there a way out of here?" feeling that it's pointless to stay here any longer and get caught in this hot mess, Aethas couldn't help but ask made the foolish action of asking a Demon for help, of course, being a Demon Rizglop.
"My apology master, but I doubt my option would… well, be healthy for your well-being…" Rizglop answered, Aethas could already guessed it- a trip to the Twisting Nether, not the best place for kids to be in, since the place is infested with Demons and horror from the Dark Beyond.
"But I don't think you have to look for that route to escape master, as you can see- it looks like those 2 brutes are about to be done… well maybe for the Pit Lord." Rizglop commented, seeing that the Pit Lord body had been horribly mutilated.
"You need a way to prevent that Arcane elemental from regenerating! Cut off it power supply!" Rizglop pointed out. "We have to locate the focusing Keystone! That's what must be supply the Arcane elemental!" Valeera voiced her opinion, of course she isn't the only one who thought of that plan, but the problem was where is the damn Keystone hidden.
"You mean this thing right here?" however, beyond Aethas expectation, Rizglop dug out a rune cover stone from it pouch and showed it the 2 children's.
"Are you messing with me Rizglop…" Aethas couldn't help but to have the urge of chaining up this little bastard and burn it soul for years to come.
"Now what's going to happen to that Arcane Elemental." Valeera couldn't help but to voice out her curiosity, technically it should feel the effect of regeneration weakened the moment the focusing Keystone was taken away- however it seem like the Pit Lord is doing a nice job of keeping it distracted.
"MY POWER! WHAT IS HAPPENING!!!" the Mana elemental howled, feeling it power being weakened considerable, and the regeneration effect had long been stopped, seeing the Arcane elemental regenerating effect had disappeared, Annihalash laughed menacingly and continued it vigorous rampage using the last of it vitality.
"BE DESTROY!!!" the Pit Lord bellowed and grab tightly onto the Arcane Aberration and ready itself for self-destruction.
"Master, Mistress- I think you might want to find some cover…" Rizglop advised the two children, knowing how dangerous a Pit Lord can be at the moment of death before it returning to the Twisting Nether, upon picking up what Rizglop was trying to warn them, he immediately pulled Valeera behind a large fallen pillar and duck- what happened next almost rupture their drums.
*BOOOOM! *crash! *crash! The Pit Lord Annihalash blows itself up and brought half of the chamber down with it, all Aethas hope for is that the Arcane elemental perish alongside that piece of menace from the Twisting Nether.
"Did both of them perish together?" Valeera asked, clearly shaken up by the event that happened today, clearly this too is more adventure than she could have bargained for.
"...hopefully it is- dear god, just how resilience is this thing?!" look like they had their hopes up too high, when the dust finally cleared, the figure of the Arcane aberration can still be seem, however this one is clearly weakened to the extreme and is fizzling out from the plane of existence.
"Just stay right here, I'll be right back." Aethas gently patted Valeera head before heading toward the residue of the Arcane elemental. "Aethas! Wait stop!" Valeera try to follow her crush, however Rizglop grab hold of her hand. "I don't think you want to get in between what he's about to do." the little demon advised.