Valeera danced with her dual blades, with every movement she made an injury on the flesh of the traitor Dar'Khan Drathir, forcing him into a corner, even with his immortality as an undead and that of a Lich, being seared by Holy Water isn't a pleasant experience to say the least.
It wasn't long before Aethas finally regained a bit of his mana after spamming on fireballs and a chaos bolt, all boosted to the teeth with metamagic.
"Here's another surprise for you Drathir!" Even though the magic he regained is not enough to cast any powerful damaging spell, however it doesn't prevent Aethas from putting in a few buffs effect on Valeera, granting her even greater power- a condition known as "oversaturate", or so it is what he named it.
The moment Aethas magic hit Valeera, she suddenly felt an unimaginable surge of power from within her, boosting her fighting potential by at least another twenty percent! The power completely removed her muscle fatigue.
"What is wrong with you?!" Dar'Khan Drathir could not help but to exclaim loudly in utter shock, never in his unlife could he imagine encountering such a ridiculous scenario, he regretted underestimating one of the candidates who carried the will of Death, this forced him into a tough decision, he has to use his secret trump card.
"ENOUGH!" A wave of shadow exploded from Dar'Khan Drathir and knocked Valeera back by a couple of meters, temporarily stunning her and Aethas within the vicinity.
"I had enough of this little shenanigan! I will show you what it means to hold the power of an Apostle of Death!" Dar'Khan Drathir then pulled out a crystal vial tied as a pendant around his rotten neck, the vial held within a dark viscous liquid with moving faces.
"Behold! The Water of the Sunwell, corrupted by the shadow of Death!" he then uncorked the vial and proceeded to just… chugged it down in one gulp.
The two watched in pure speechlessness as the undead elf drank the corrupted water of the Sunwell like it was Mt.Dew Soda.
Before the both of them could comprehend anything, there was a loud bang, blood, guts and bone pieces were flying everywhere, when they finally noticed what all of that was about, they finally understood the situation.
The Great Dar'Khan Drathir, once an elf who could compete for the position of Grand Magister of Silvermoon, turned traitor and swore his allegiance to the Lich King and slaughtered 90% of the High Elven population before turning into a Demi-Lich and commanded the Scourge to wrought havoc onto the region of Ghostlands and the Dead Scars, perished on this day.
The cause of death? Suicide? More along the line of unforseen drug abuse disasters.
Both of them were flabbergasted at their situation, Valeera was expecting a tough fight after seeing Dar'Khan chug that vial, as for Aethas he was entreated by the prospect of the tainted Sunwell water to notice anything else, but in the end, Dar'Khan Drathir cause of them still left them speechless.
"What an idiot, I can't believe someone like that once becoming close to obtaining the position of "Grand Magister", he should have known how much power the water of the Sunwell actually contained, even if it was just a small vial and were tainted with the power of Death." Aethas shook his head in disappointment.
To set an example of the power of the Sunwell, which were created using the water of the Well of Eternity itself, the same one that almost summoned in Sargeras and the Burning Legion, the one that fueled the magical need of the Highborne, once was the greatest magical Empire this world has ever seen and also shattered the world itself.
Just a small vial is enough to then created the Sunwell, which intermed fueled the High Elven Civilization, to just casually drank it as if it was nothing is just pure idiocy, even if that was 1 in a millionth of the original power of the well, it isn't something a mortal body could handle.
Unless you are a powerful mage on the same level as the Highborn Queen Azshara or the current ruler of Quel'Thalas, Kael'thas Sunstrider of course.
"Rest in pieces you dumb fool… may you suffer less in the realm of the Shadowland." Aethas murmurs a silent prayer to a once ambitious fool before turning to the little Imp minion of his who is currently hiding behind a piece of broken wall.
"Ritzglop, call back the Demon Mercenary, their job is finished." he commanded in a stern voice.
"M-master, unfortunately I think we ran into a little bit of a problem." The imp starts to fiddle around with his fingers.
"Their leader, Hextraxis refused to listen to their employer's command and continued to remain here." he continued.
Dealing with Demons is such a pain in the neck, Aethas thought, thinking of how to punish these bastards for causing such a headache for himself.
It is not a problem that they are causing problems for the Scourge, however after causing damage to Deatholmes, they might decide to move further out and attack mortal settlements, that is the true problem with untamed and mercenary demons.
"Just take me to this Hextraxis or whatever the hell his name is, I'll "REASON" with this fool." Aethas grunted in irritation as he reached his hand into the bottomless bag and pulled out a scroll.
Seeing his master in such a foul mood, the little imp obeyed and quickly led his master to the great demon Hextraxis, which happened to be a being called the "Nathrezim" or in mortal tongue, the Dread Lord.
It wasn't long before they arrived at the gathering location of a large group of Demons, surrounding a being with purple skin, horns and large leathery wings, a Dread Lord.
"Listen to me Minions! After we wipe out these DISGUSTING rotten Insect, we shall conquer this world in the name of our great Lord! Vilganis! We shall eradicate all of these mortal insects and purge this world!" he continued to shout.
Eradicate? Insect?
"You are Hextraxis I presume?" from afar Aethas shouted at the Dread Lord, catching his attention and irritation.
"It is LORD Hextraxis to you, MORTAL!" he growled.
"Yeah yeah, whatever, are you done? Because if you are, fuck off." Aethas eyes flashed in a light of fury as he glared at the demon.
"You DARE to say such a thing to me, mortal?! Do you have any clue of who I am! I am the servant of the Great Doom Lord Vilganis! One of the great Lords of the Burning Legion!" he continued to ramble on.
"Good bye." Aethas directly tore the scroll within his hand, and immediately all the Demons within the radius of 100 meters were frozen in place.
"Good thing I had asked the teacher to inscribe a scroll of Mass Banishment, just for something like this." The now shredded scroll lit up in a green flame and the ashes scattered in the wind and instantly, all the Demons within the area were warped into a dark portal beneath their very feets, presumably back to the Twisting Nether where they hailed from.
"I definitely should learn Inscription next, these things are very useful." Aethas couldn't help but to admire his teacher skills, imagining what he could do with this kind of profession once he mastered it like he did to enchanting.
"Okay Valeera, let's return, I'm sure my parents are worried about us sneaking out like this." he sighted as he looked at the now once again muted girl now holding a small vial in her hand and gently placed on his own.
from the look of it, Dar'Khan only took in half a vial before he blew up to High Heaven, that is some potent drug there.
"The tainted water of the Sunwell…" my oh my, Aethas was surprised, he was indeed planning to look for this before heading back, but it seems like Valeera read his mind and scavenged it from the bit and pieces of Dar'Khan.