

"Yo-you're not satisfied?"

What is that supposed to mean? Why aren't you satisfied? Just why?

After kissing me like that you're still not satisfied? But you said you didn't want me as a sex slave so what? What do you want now?!!

I wish. I could actually say all this...

"I feel like messing you up more." My eyes grew wide. Mess me up more? I just stared at him wide eyed. "But. I won't do it now."

He took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

Oh good to know. So can I go now?

My face is still hot. Oh calm down Rosalie! His body was hot too.

Wait. Why is he hot? He looks pretty calm and composed.

Could it be?

"Master? You have a fever don't you?"

"I'll be fine after some sleep."

But, he said he can barely sleep. Isn't that the cause of it? Maybe I should do something- No! I'll get myself in a bad situation again. I should just leave.

I got up from my seat and went upstairs to my room to sleep.

He can deal with himself.
