

Lexus didn't follow me. He let me roam around everywhere since he was so busy in a 'VERY' important meeting with his FRIEND.

I stood still by the side of the window in the corridor. I could see the busy streets and cars roaring on the road.

Why am I acting like this? Am I really that insecure? But why? I'm nothing more than a slave who has no idea what might happen to her in the future yet I acted like that.


I should go back to our room.

I made my way back to the room, closing the door behind me I noticed something.

The lights were on and Lexus was there half sitting on the desk with a very devilish smirk on his face.

"Seems like my 'baby' is finally back." He stood up and began walking towards me.


"I-i'm sorry master. I behaved like a c-child."

He stopped right in front of me and lifted my chin up, "What was it that you called me there?" His gaze was burning me. "Hmm?"
