
Twenty one

I didn't have any plans of staying and playing with a dude like him. He gives off such a bad, dangerous vibe. I kept walking when someone grabbed my wrist and I jolted around.

It wasn't him. In fact he stood right there where he was with a poker face.

The one who was holding my wrist was a young girl, around my age, dark black hair and lapis blue eyes, pale skin and a little taller than me.

But what really caught my attention was her choker.

Or should I say her collar, that looked very similar to mine.

I didn't realize when the blonde guy had walked up to stand beside both of us.

"You see," He stated and put his hands on her shoulders, "I promised my little kitten I'd give her a day off but she didn't have a friend." He smiled, "How about you become her friend?" He smiled yet it felt like he wasn't giving me a choice.

"Why me?"