
fourty one


"I see..." I couldn't even manage to ask Alios how Lizzie died. It came as a shock to me.

"It's okay, don't worry about it." Alios smiled at me.

Sometimes I wonder if he really is sixteen. He's way more mature than he should be.



"Can I borrow your phone?"

"My phone? Sure." He fished out his phone and handed it to me, "Why do you need it though?"

"I just need to look up something."


I took his phone and went and sat on the table in the corner. His phone was already connected to the WiFi so I searched some articles regarding Lexus.

I was wondering why he sponsored me or when did he come to the orphanage.

He was a public figure. So there were some articles regarding him. But none of them stated his visit to the orphanage. Or any orphanage at that.

So how did he come to know me?

I sighed and looked further when I stumbled upon a pretty old article. About 13 years old.