
fifty four

Days later, when I was leaving for school, mom came running to me, "Lexus!" She yelled and I turned around, "Did your dad do this?" Looking down at her hands I noticed she was holding the burnt shirt.

I should have thrown it away...

"Yes." I answered and she panicked, grabbing my arms she turned me around and lifted my shirt, then gasped.

"My God..." She stumbled back, "Lexus. Why didn't you tell me?"

I readjusted my shirt back, "No reason really."

"We could have gotten that treated..."

"That would cost too much, treatments are expensive mom, just leave it be."


"I'm leaving now, I'll be late otherwise." I began moving then paused and glanced back, "And- ah, I'll be spending time over at a friend's more. I'll come back home, time to time."

"Okay... You want me to tell your father?"

I nodded. She looked at me a bit weirdly, there was something in her eyes but I couldn't put my finger on it.