
side story: The Reaper and the Mother

Unnamed like the rest, yet this reaper was new to his work. He was still getting used to reaping souls so his work was light.

Scary as he looked, he didn't possess any feelings. Perhaps he once did, once, of a time, he no longer remembered.

Today his work was almost done, he had one last soul to reap.

Of a woman.

Named Camilla.

She was to die in an alley, amongst the snow as she held her newborn.

He made his way to the alley, seen by none, heard by none.

He stopped by the fallen body who held her baby next to her, so tight yet with gentleness, unwilling to let go as if he was here for the child.

She trembled in the snow, holding on to life, perhaps she was afraid, not for herself but for her child.

The reaper wondered why? He couldn't comprehend it. Why would she not worry about her own life? Isn't that what a human is?