
I hate you. I don't

I opened my eyes and blinked the blurriness away. I was in a single bed in white room that smelled of medicine.

I turned my head and found a tall man with black hair and grey eyes, wearing a doctor's white coat, filling an injection.

He looked like he was in his mid-thirties. I coughed a bit and he noticed me.

"You're finally up. You've been asleep for a day." He came to me with the injection, "I'm going to inject you, so try to stay calm." I nodded and he gave me smile. After injecting me he looked at me again, "You're lucky, that was a strong poison."


"Hmmm." He nodded


"Well, he's poison trained since he was a child, so he's almost good."


"Well, he did drink a lot and poison is poison no matter how trained you are for it but well I guess he'll be fine." He put a bandaid on my arm where he had injected after cleaning it up, "Oh! I'm Eli by the way."

"Azalea." I tried sitting up.

"I know. Arius told me about his new recruit."

New recruit?