
A goal to achieve


"Your arm's bleeding!" Azalea seemed worried about me, she was panicking seeing the little wound.

"It's just a cut. It'll heal."

"But look at the blood."

"It probably cut a vein."

"But-" I gently placed my hand on her cheek and she looked at me.

"You shouldn't worry about your enemy so much.'

"Enemy? You?"

"What else do you think I am?"

"Now a days, I'm wondering that."

"You don't need to." I turned around, "Go back to the mansion. I have some business to attend to."

"You'll go alone? Where?!!"

"Yes. To make sure this doesn't happen again."

"They came for me didn't they? I mean they shot at me…"

"No. There's no need for anyone to come for you. Go back. I'll take care of it."


"Well look who it is!" Ryan Black, younger brother of the boss of one of the most powerful mafian clans, Samues Black spoke as soon as he saw me.

Ryan himself has a prominent position. It's just that he's too reckless. A little too reckless.