
The things he craves but denies

I followed Arius to the VIP ward, his words still on my mind. 'I do care'

I sighed, he caught me off guard and dragged me here with him while all he meant was that he cared for his slave.

'I wouldn't want my slave to get hurt when I have things they need to do.' These were the words that followed after, 'I do care.'

I want to whoop his ass but I can't which means I need to whoop someone else's ass.

Eli stood outside one of the rooms and I hesitated to go after Arius. I mean, he's here to visit someone he knows. I shouldn't be going in even if he is the one who dragged me here.

I glanced at Eli and he nodded at me. Indicating that it was fine for me to go in.

There was a woman there, lying on the bed, probably in her late thirties. An IV drip attached to her arm.

As we went over to her, she opened her eyes and smiled at Arius.