
Things I can’t stop myself from


The distillery was nothing more than ruins. The place had closed down years ago and was now nothing more than a place for kids to dare other kids to camp out at night.

"What's this place? Is there where the murder happened?" Azalea asked me.

"Yes, the victim, Riri was raped and killed here." We walked around the site ,"It used to be a distillery but was closed down when the owner died. Some people wanted to make it a chemical plant but in the end that didn't work out either."

"I see."

"Look around the place closely and be careful around the shelves. Some chemicals might still be lying around."

"Okay, but why exactly are we here?"

"I'll tell you later. Go look around and try to memorize the layouts"

She and I parted ways. There was actually no need to come here other than the fact that I want Azalea to memorize the place.

Riri was new here, she settled down in this town due to her health since the town's air is a lot cleaner than the city.