
Azalea’s story part 2

I woke on something way softer than the dirt floor of the playground.

With a drowsy head I looked around and saw plain blue walls of the bedroom. I looked down and found myself on a double bed.

The environment felt safer but completely strange at the same time. It was nice to be on a comfy mattress but it was scary not knowing whose it was.

It was definitely not my house.

I glanced around again. I was alone in the room so I decided to get off the bed and go out through the door in the corner.

Getting down from the bed was a bit hard but I managed. I did fall flat on my butt but it didn't hurt.

I stood up and walked out of the room through the door which was slightly open and I didn't have any trouble opening it more to pass through it.

Outside the room was a lounge. I walked in hoping to see Dahlia or someone I knew but it was empty.

"Lia?" I looked around when I called out to her..