
The reason he had to lose his sister

I ran through the blood and bodies on the street into the dark allies towards the hospital Canaria was in.

It was way past visiting hours but I had to get her. I had to save her.

I couldn't lose more of my family to these vicious people.

I went in the hospital through the emergency in order to avoid the staff.

The place was quiet with its usual aseptic smell of carbolic acid but it gave me a sense of relief.

It meant they hadn't gotten here yet.

They hadn't found Canaria yet.

As stealthy as I could, I made my way to the infant ward, tiptoeing my way to the incubator room where she was.

She was sleeping quietly, just like the other baby. Their incubators were separated by a glass wall between them. In short one could say, they were in separate room. The other room could be accessed through the transparent door.

I placed my hand against the incubator, staring at her chest rising and depressing slowly.

She was doing fine.