
Caesar’s story

Caesar [8 years old]

When a person says tribe. A very old image comes to mind. Like those people who lived in the forests in tents but our tribes here were different.

One could say they were clans but they stuck to their ideologies like tribes and their ideologies were shit.

People in the head families played games to secure themselves.

I was the heir to my tribe and lived in the main mansion in the city. Being the next successor I was given everything. The best education, the best teachers, me and my mother had the best chef all for ourselves but like i said, people loved playing games here.

Games that ruined lives.

I was the first son from the second wife of the head of the tribe while the first wife had only three daughters.

Although I had a younger sister, Maya,too. The fact that I was the only son gave my mother the upper hand and so my sister got all the luxuries too.