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The journey to the border was longer than expected. It made me realize how far from home I was.

But with the help of the Arab men, we made it to the edge of the country.

"You see that fence?" Qasim said, "You cross that sharp at 12 am, there is no electricity there for a minute because the servers are switched." He looked at his watch, "You got five minutes. Then you climb through it and run like crazy until the time you reach a slum." He explained everything the best way he could to a pair of kids.

"Thanks Qasim." I looked behind him, "Ahmed and Bilal. Thank you so much."

"Yes. Thank you for helping us." Caesar spoke as well.

We did not tell them the rest of our story.

They did not ask us anything further not even why Caesar was covered in blood and yet they helped us.

Ahmed patted our heads, "It's okay kids, there are always people worth saving. Be the bigger person and help others out." He grinned and we both smiled back.