
Prologue- Chapter 1

"Never in my life have I needed something so much and never known, until I've received it"

"Never knew how precious it could be till I had it"

"And never knew how much love it could possibly give me until it did."

"Something so lovely, I could never let it go."

Chapter- 1- An unexpected guest

1.5 years later


Everything goes on. Nothing has stopped. That's life and that's just how I wanted it.

I finished the documents I was looking at and handed them to my secretary, Lee.

"Have Ben look over these once."

"Yes." He nodded.

I took a deep breath and looked out of the window. The two figures standing there by the main gate caught my attention.


I looked at the woman he was meeting. She handed him a basket and almost collapsed in his arms.

Why would she come all the way here when she's sick?

I shook my head.

Maybe I should give Ben a vacation but then again he has to go to Russia as a representative.

I walked out of the room to go and meet his wife.