
The coincidence I waited for all my life

I heard a knock on the door while I was standing in the library going through some files. The door opened as I turned my head towards it and saw Zara enter the room.

"Yes?" I asked her while still keeping my eyes on the document I was reading.

"Arius I need to talk for a minute, you're not busy, are you?" She asked politely.

I shut the file and turned to her, then shook my head, "Its fine. Is something bothering you?" I saw her nervous face.

"Oh nothing serious, just that, I think I'm coming down with a fever so I wanted to tell you that I might go home tonight." She seemed a bit stressed about it and I guess it was making her worry.

"I see…" I acknowledged the fact but what about Athena?

"Don't worry about Athena." She spoke as if she caught onto the question in my mind , "My youngest daughter will come in place of me for a day or two."

"Your 'youngest' daughter?"