
A family


Azalea and I walked back into the mansion.

"You're really not leaving right?" I asked her and she chuckled.

"No! I came back because I don't want to leave." She held my hand, "Besides…" I saw a light blush on her face, "It gets a bit lonely…"

I smiled and kissed her cheek before she could react, "Well, that's a relief." As we entered the mansion I took a deep breath and stopped right before the stairs.

"Is something wrong?" She immediately caught on.

"Yes. No! Not wrong! Unexpected…" She looked at me weirdly and raised her eyebrows at me, "I hired a nanny for Athena and well I like the nanny-"

"Excuse me!??"

"..." I looked at her confused when she suddenly yelled, then it hit me, "No!! The hell! I mean I like her as a nanny. She's a good caretaker!"

"Oh okay."

"..." I sighed, "Well she wasn't feeling well so she sent her daughter here instead and her daughter was the most unexpected person ever." I started ascending the stairs and Azalea followed.