Piece of paper

It's been two days since the appearance of this strange mysterious girl, in that time I've managed to discover her correlation between her and the organization known as Mao. I've also discovered that this girl has managed to obtain the abilities and knowledge to shoot a 'Triangular Power Beam' out of her hands by creating a triangle with her hands. Lucky my sharp charisma and quick thinking made it so that I managed to confront her and confirm my suspicions without getting harmed. I'm dealing with the leader of the organization, she is cunning, powerful and a brilliant tactician.

I must find a way to discover what her true intentions are and why she has decided to become a student at my high school. But I must do so in a non-suspicious way and doing so without being seen, for just like Mao said, "The organization is always watching."

It was another morning just like any other, I was sitting inside my classroom by myself as all the students were outside talking with each other. I do not require to socially interact with other people besides Chi at school for all the people besides her are obviously under the control of the organization, there's just no other explanation.

The organization is probably implanting thoughts and memories into their brains right now. They're probably talking about me right now calling me things an idiot, gross and creepy. I can just imagine their voices in my head with them saying all these things about me.

That's what they're probably thinking right... What else would they be talking about?

Man... I know I'm an introvert and all but It feels incredibly lonely when Chi isn't around to talk to.

I sigh and take my phone out of my school jacket, "Music, music, music..." I mutter to myself as I scroll through my collection of downloaded songs on my phone. I then plug in a pair of old earphones I had in my school desk into my phone and place them in my ears.

listening to music is one of my favourite pastimes, it requires no effort and concentration to do and you can do it whenever and where ever, it's extremely calming when you think about it. I began to lay my head atop my school desk with my arms folded, the music playing faintly and lightly despite being at almost max volume.

The song mainly consisted of an acoustic guitar and a man's' soothing vocals. Despite this, the song surprisingly made me light-headed and nostalgic. Due to the low quality of my earphones, the audio sounded as if there was a wall between me and the song like a person was trying to talk to me from another side of a wall. It's that nostalgic feeling you get when you sleep for most of the day and wake up late in the middle of the day to loud music being played by your neighbours or relatives.

"Yo," Mao said as she poked her head through the classroom doorway with her head slightly tilted.

I respond to her with a wave gesture, as I feel too comfortable to get out of my position of resting my head on my desk to do so.

Mao then slowly marched towards me like a child and bent down with her hands behind her back to match eye contact with me, "Whatcha doing in the classroom, class starts in 20 minutes, you shouldn't really be here. You should really be outside talking to your friends outside the classroom like Mochi."

"Firstly, Chi is away from school today, secondly you know why I'm here right now instead of outside the classroom. You've already gained control over my classmates and everyone in this school besides me, that's why it's almost impossible for me to begin socializing with my other classmates since your high influence over them makes them repel from me." I say as I softly lift my left hand and point at her.

"Hmm..." She then crossed her arms and began thinking for a while.

Heh, probably thinking of a new plan I see, trying to find a way to obtain information from me I guess?

"Aha!" Mao said in joy as she rushed over to her desk and pulled out a piece of paper. She then began to scribble on it with a pen. Mao then folded it up and placed it next to me on my desk, "Open it after class ends alright." Mao said with a wink as she walked off out of the classroom.

I then yawned into my right hand and picked up the note. What type of person does she think I am, does she really think I'm gonna wait until the end of class to open some note, it's not like opening the note now will be any different from opening it later.

I then unfolded the note with one hand and held it high up as I began to read it...


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She read me like a book...