
Robbie's POV

Mum and I were shocked into silence. Even dad looked dumbstruck by his own confession. He closed his eyes for some time, regaining his composure, and opened them exhaling loudly, trying to stabilize his emotions, before assuming his cold, indifferent mask. My mouth was open wide enough to fit an egg into it. So, dad really did have Twen with him all this time? It was mum who recovered first and asked in an angry, firm tone,

"What do you mean, Ric? Didn't you just say that you backed out?"

"Yes, I did, but Stephan didn't!" Dad replied, looking agitated, "You know that in the past, his import-export business was just a sham. He used the business as a pretext to smuggle drugs and made his fortune through that. I was worried that he would use drugs on the boy. So, I got back on the plan, but I told him to hand the boy over to me."

"And what about Tony?" I asked hurriedly.

"What about him? I don't care what he does to him! I didn't want the kid involved, so I got him out of the way!" he said with cold indifference.

"So, all this time, you knew where Twen is, and you kept lying!" Mum said, now angry tears forming at the corner of her eyes.

Dad didn't look at us and was staring at the opposite wall. He doesn't look remotely guilty. Rather he has a determined look on his face. He spoke emotionlessly,

"I just did what I should, for this family and business. That Omega was obstructing it, and I just removed the obstacle, that's all!"

Mum and I were speechless. I never thought that all this would take such a grim turn. I was relieved that Twen was not in the hands of that awful man's minions, but at the same time, I felt furious that dad put Twen and Tony in danger. Heck! Tony is still in danger. It is already more than forty minutes since he has been abducted. I can only hope that that sick a**hole doesn't do anything to him before I reach him.

"Where's the child, Ric?" Mum asked in a deadly calm voice.

"In our farmhouse. I have two bodyguards by him and sent Dr. Foster to check on him. He is fine," Dad replied off-handedly.

Mum and I looked at each other. She spoke to me in a soothing voice, "Honey, I'll go check on him. You focus on finding Tony!"

I nodded. Dad didn't stop her. She looked at dad, and there was clear disappointment in her eyes. She opened her mouth to say something, but nothing came out. She closed her eyes, exhaled deeply, turned, and left.

Now, we are the only ones in the room. My heart has already been beating so fast that I am surprised it hasn't exploded yet. I asked dad in a grim, dark voice,

"Where is Tony?"

"I don't know," Dad replied coldly.

"STOP LYING!" I said with a thunderous roar. Even someone as cold as my dad looked at me with a shocked expression. I stormed down the room and slammed the glass tabletop hard enough to break my own hand, "You said you didn't know where Twen was when you had him all this time, and now you're lying about Tony's whereabouts. Tell me where he is, or else, I won't leave any stone unturned to destroy this beloved business of yours."

Dad gave me a frozen look. He spoke each word through gritted teeth, "I got back on plan to get the kid out of the way. Why would I stop Stephan from removing that Omega from my path? I left the rest to him. I don't know where he took your b*tch!"

I went numb. I could see that this time dad isn't lying. I turned and quickly picked up the phone to make a call to Fred. I can only hope his cousin can track Tony down though I don't know-how. I turned to dad and glared at him, but he ignored me. I spoke to him coldly,

"I hope you can explain the facts to the cops. I am abdicating my position as the heir."

"WHAT?" Dad hissed, "Listen here, you brat, I didn't raise you and train you so that you can walk out from our family as you wish! This family and this business is supposed to be carried on-"

"I REFUSE!" I thundered, "I don't want anything to do with the family that threatens the life of my son and my partner!"

"Is your relationship with that damned Omega so important that you would give up on your father? Are you going to abandon your mother for that b*tch?" Dad retorted furiously.

"ENOUGH!!" I roared, turning to him, gripping my cell phone in a tight trembling grip, "Which father puts his business above his son's happiness? What father puts the lives of two innocent lives in danger to protect their family honor? What has Tony even done to be the victim of your wrath?"

Dad glared at me, gritting his teeth. He bristled angrily, "That Omega has literally broken our family apart!"

"No, Tony did not break our family apart! YOU DID!" I yelled so loudly that my throat felt strained, "It was your blind following of family tradition that didn't let you see our love or mother's loneliness! To you, I was and am always just a tool for your family business. From my childhood, all I have heard and learned is family business!! When have you ever spoken to me or spent time with me as a family?"

I could see that dad was tongue-tied. He looked taken aback by my sudden reversal in attitude. I guess I just have had enough. All this time, I followed whatever dad said without a word hoping that one day he would recognize my hard work and talent. That one day we would be able to have a family dinner or spend some time together, but that day never came. Once I was successful in one endeavor, dad would hand me another. It was never-ending. Neither I had my family around, nor did I have one genuine friend. All those who wanted to be close to me were only because of my status as the heir of the Walker family. The only person who ever showed genuine feelings and love for me without even knowing my true origin was Tony. For the sake of my dad's social status, I even abandoned him. This bitterness and emptiness I had felt all these years had finally surfaced. I just couldn't stop myself anymore.

"Tony never chased me. I did. Whether in high school or now, it was always me who chased after him. You call him a cheap gold digger, but he has never asked me for a single penny ever. He never blackmailed me even though he had my son and could have easily done so. He just wanted to live a peaceful life, but now..."

I couldn't speak as a lump formed in my throat. My eyes welled up to realize it is all my fault that Tony and Twen are going through such sufferings again! I desperately wanted to give them a better life. I just wanted them to live happily, but because of me, they both got into such a mess. Dad didn't speak either. His eyes were bulging as he stared at me. I looked up at him, hatred burning in my eyes,

"I will never forgive you for this dad! Never! If anything happens to Tony, you will lose your son and this business as well!" I said, turning around and making a call to Fred.

Dad was clutching his fist tightly. He was looking at the floor, and his black and white hair covered his eyes. I couldn't tell what he was thinking or what emotions he was going through, but frankly, I don't care any longer. The phone rang three times when Fred's booming voice,

"Did you talk to your dad? Did you get any news about champ and Tony?"

"Twen is fine. I am texting you the address of where he is. My mum has already gone to retrieve him. Can you please ask Sam to go too?"

"You found Champ? What about Tony? Is he there as well?" Fred asked in a shocked voice.

"No. Dad took Twen, but Tony was taken by someone else," I said, my voice breaking.

"Who took him?" Fred asked, his voice suddenly sombre.

"His name is Stephan Olsen. Fred, can you, can you please trace him?" I pleaded.

There was a momentary pause. Fred spoke in a serious tone, "Olsen? Don't tell me it is that celebrity-faced politician! Why would he..."

"Please find him. Please! I beg you. Before that bastard does anything to Tony, please find his whereabouts!" I am trying so hard to hold back my panic and tears that it is almost choking me.

"What is it, uncle? You don't sound well!" Fred asked, concerned.

"Please find him! I'll send you the cell phone number and the car-" I started saying when,

"That won't work. He has a burn-phone, and he never uses his own car," It is dad, but his voice sounded strange, almost like a robot.

I looked at dad, bewildered. He wasn't looking at me. His eyes are still hidden behind his hair. I asked in a doubtful voice,

"What do you mean?"

"He is a crook. He won't do anything that could possibly trace him down," dad still spoke in the same mechanical voice, "Trace Amanda. The last time I saw him, he was with her," he said and looked up, his eyes are dark as the abyss, "That's the most I can do for your Omega."

I didn't know what to say. Why did dad suddenly help me? I really can't tell what is going on in his head. One moment he wants Tony out of his way and another moment, he is helping me find him? I am so dumbstruck by dad's frequent change of mind that I forgot I was on the call with Fred. It was his voice that brought me back from my thoughts,

"Hey, uncle? You there? Helllooo? Old man? ROBBIE!!"

"Huh? Ye-Yes...I am sending you a phone number to trace. It might very well lead us to Tony. Once you get the address, send it to the cops and me."

"What are you going to do?" Fred asked.

My face contorted in an ugly expression, "I have someone to take with me. I'll meet you soon," I said, hanging the call.

Dad was standing with his back on me. I narrowed my eyes and spoke in an indifferent voice, "Why does he have Amanda? You let him borrow your employees now?"

"She is Stephen's employee. I borrowed her to tail you."

I suddenly felt my head spinning. Just how much of my life was controlled by dad?

"Perfect. I guess I should thank you for making sure my life runs according to your wishes!!" I bristled, "Anyway, do not even think that I'll forgive you or take back my position as the heir."

"I am not asking for it!" he replied in a deadpan voice.

There was a silence that rolled over the entire room. I stood staring at his back,

"You threatened me about divorcing mum before. At that time, I was not sure if mum wanted this divorce even though I know both of you do not have a great relationship. But now I am telling you, Divorce mum."

Dad said something which I expected,

"Divorcing your mum would create a scandal and a negative family image-"

"Stop being so stubborn, dad! I don't want mum to stay in this meaningless relationship. You should know this more than anyone that it is only making both of you suffer. You are the head of the family now. You can change the rules. You don't need to follow the old ones!" I retorted.

Dad remained quiet. I breathed out as I turned around to leave. I didn't want to waste any more time here. I started walking away as I said,

"Do yourself and mum a favor. Get divorced!"