[Extra] By chance

Fred's POV

Not even a month back in La Costa and I received a marriage invitation from Tony! Do you call it fate? I looked at the invitation feeling an odd sensation running through me. I can't pinpoint what feeling it was but I can describe it through an example. It was like seeing off your parents at the train station when you leave the house for the first time. As the train slowly picks up speed, you see your parents slowly disappearing from your view and an odd sensation settles in your heart. It was the very same sensation that was passing through me.

I was due to return in a few days but now somehow, I just didn't feel like returning. I put the invitation beside me and looked at my half-filled restaurant, towards the customers who were enjoying their snacks, laughing cheerfully with their friends and family. I don't know why, the scenario, though beautiful, made me unhappy, so, I settled at staring outside the restaurant towards the sandy beach.

A lot of thoughts were running through my head. I didn't like that uncle marrying my first love but I couldn't fight him since Tony always had him in his heart. I could only make space for myself as a friend in his heart but never got to the point of a lover. Before meeting Tony, I never gave much thought to life, love, and ambition but after meeting him lots of things changed. I fell for him head over heels, though, he had a kid and I was only a high schooler. I wanted to be a financially independent, strong, and confident individual who he can rely on. I wanted him to see me as a man and not as some infatuated teen. Now, I have become strong enough to be depended on but he was not with me anymore. Haaah! Those days will now be just fond memories of mine.

"Two bacon cheese sandwiches"

came the raspy voice of a man breaking my string of thoughts.

"Yes sir" came my automatic response but then I looked at the person who had ordered and my facial muscle quickly stiffened. It was one of the few people whose face I didn't want to see again, Mark Winters!

He was not in his usual business attire but in a casual tee and three quarters. He looked much more relaxed than I had ever seen him. His eyes didn't carry his usual cold scheming look but rather a very casual and relaxed look. I immediately responded in a furious tone,

"What the hell are you doing here?"

Mark rose his eyebrow questioningly. He spoke slowly like talking to a slow-witted kid,

"Ordering snacks to eat"

Though his reply was sensible, it still made me mad. I glared at him as if trying to burn him with my looks but he seemed unaffected. He lazily looked back at me and smirked bringing back the arrogant look he loves wearing during his business time. He leaned forward coming close to my ears and spoke in a soft whisper,

"Mr. D'Souza, please don't stare at me so passionately, I have come with my girlfriend here, don't want her to misunderstand!"




I controlled my urge to punch his ugly muck and quickly turned around to keep myself in check. I can't create a scene in my very own restaurant and scare the customers away. I passed his order to my associate who quickly noted it and ran to fulfill it. When I turned back, I saw Mark leaning on my counter with his back to me. His casual lazing back finally broke through my patience,

"Are you satisfied getting those criminals away with their crimes?" I raged, barely keeping my voice down.

Mark didn't turn. He spoke in the same cold calculative voice that was a signature of his, "That's my job Mr. D'Souza like serving me, your customer is yours!"

"You can choose your clients wisely! At least not criminals but some truly good innocent people" I hissed through my teeth.

Mark remained silent for almost a whole minute before turning and giving me a sharp like razor look, "Tell me something, Mr. D'Souza, who according to you is a good person?"

I was not prepared for him to ask this question. I was thinking he will defend his case but.....anyway...I answered after thinking a little,

"Someone who doesn't break a law, who doesn't hurt people"

"Oh," Mark said, smiling mystically at me, "Then, do you consider yourself a good man? Can you swear that you have never broken any law in your life? You have never hurt anyone in your life?"

I was stumped. He knew I can't swear to it. I have broken the law (drinking and driving past the speed limit and ending up in an accident with another car. I got my face changed because of it). I clutched my fist and looked at him with my eyes spitting fire. I forgot that this guy was a lawyer. Obviously, winning him in an argument was beyond my capabilities. Mark smirked, satisfied by my expression. He chuckled before saying,

"No one in this world is pure Mr. D'Souza! Neither you nor me. It is not my job to judge my clients, my job is to defend them. If I started judging, then I can't be in this field! So, please do YOUR job and stop poking your nose in others" he shrugged, finishing his dialogue at the same time as his sandwich was brought by my associate.

He picked up his plate, gave me one last smirk, and walked away. I saw his retreating back with a grimace. I was feeling so frustrated that I ended up kicking the counter and storming out of the restaurant!! I could feel countless eyes of my associate and my customers on my back but I couldn't care less.


How smoothly that bastard justified his case making me out to be ignorant and brainless. I couldn't even say a word to counter his! How annoying!! UGH!! I kicked the sand, taking out my annoyance on it. At the same time, I felt a vibration from my trouser pocket. I pulled out my cell phone to see the caller ID.

The name that flashed both surprised as well as reduced my anger a bit. It was Tanya!