990 A.D

It was a pitch black night when you could hear a woman in pain coming from a small hut.

The woman inside the wooden hut was laying on a bed giving birth at the moment squeezing her husbands hand in pain.

That same night cry's of a baby could be heard coming from the same wooden hut of the pregnant woman.

It was a healthy baby boy that had been born his new given name by his father is Kean Calinson.


I opened my bright blue eyes I was very small and crying in my new mothers arms with a man at the side who I identified as my father.

"Fuck your God!" I screamed it out but all that my parents heard was me crying even more.

"Is something wrong?" She said this while nursing me in her arms helping me to fall back to sleep.

"Well 10 minutes into the world and the little man is already fast asleep" It came from a deep voice my new father.

I was picked up and put into some wooden made crib that was very uncomfortable and only had a blanket inside.

My Father and another went to sleep in the bed next to me it was no different to mine in it being very uncomfortable.

It made me wonder what year I was born into as I thought I would be reborn or transmigrated into the Vampire Diaries World not the Stone Age.

Well all I need to do is wait I have nothing better to do anyway except survive until I become a Vampire.

If I am in the TVD world and it's the Stone Age now would I run into the Mikaelsons? That would be fun but very dangerous.

Right now I need to go back to sleep I don't want to be tired in the morning so I can see the world outside.

In the morning I was woken up by my new Mother picking me up into her arms smiling gently.

Right now I guess it was breakfast or feeding time I have a problem with that as I am born a ghoul so what do I do?

//Ghouls cannot eat human food or it will make them very ill or weaken them depending on how much they have eaten

Having a better look at her she had blonde hair, light blue eyes and wore simple red clothing another thing that caught my attention was that she smelled like roses.

My father behind her held a stern look with mousey blonde hair,blue eyes and wore black clothing around his shoulders hung a bow and he smelt of death.

"Good Morning Kean" She was still smiling at me and I could feel the love radiating from the smile.

I guess my new name is Kean it seems I responded to my mother by smiling back and moving my arms around towards her.

She found it very cute but my father still held his stern look.

"I'm going out hunting for food now I'll be home later" He didn't even say goodbye and left through the door with his sword , bow and arrows.

Mother was left standing with me in her arms the smile on her face had gone she looked at me with tears in her eyes.

I guess they don't have a good relationship but it doesn't matter to me I wonder what Father is going to bring home to eat.

A few hours later father came back into the house covered in blood but dragging a dead body of a man on the floor.

What is going on is my father a murderer? I looked in the direction of my mother but she had no hints of terror on her face. Does this occur often?

Father stripped the man of his clothes and did a hand gesture to Mother who responded by looking for something then a large sharp knife came into view.

Mother handed over the knife to Father and he began cutting the mans body into sections and in the end left the head.

Mother picked up the mans parts and put them on a sort of plate and headed over to the dinner table she put them down.

"They did all this without communication it suggests they have down this before I need to leave this family quickly!" I was shouting

It came out as cry's and it got my mother's attention whilst my father was sitting at the dinner table looking down at the plate.

"Awww are you hungry too?" She stood up and walked to me with the plate and held what seemed to be a finger to my mouth.

I look over to see my Fathers eyes they became black with the exception of the pupil being red a ghouls eyes.

What the fuck God?! Before I could say it or cry it the finger was forceful shoved into my mouth.

My eyes became black with my red pupil and before I knew it i was sucking on the finger meat.

I don't have teeth yet so all I can do is take in little bits at a time and hopefully not choke.

This is my only way of eating as Ghouls can't eat human foods and it's the Stone Age where coffee isn't invented yet.

One thing I have found out is that my family is also ghouls and my neighbours so a community there are about 75 of us in the whole entire world and we have grouped together.

There is a big difference though between me and them and that is they don't have or can use their Kagune if they have one.

I guess this is Gods little surprise that he mentioned before dropping me into that black hole.

I wonder if God sent me to the right place as there are no ghouls in vampire diaries so did he make a mistake and send me somewhere else?