Red hot

Since I ruined breakfast last shift the crew has me doing breakfast for the next three shifts. We always play games and tease each other. It's better to take it lightly, even though I'm usually picked on the most, I choose not to take it to heart. These guys are my second family and I know they always have my back. A lot of the older timers like Capt. Smith became father figures to me after my dad died. I'm gonna miss that old geezer.

"Yo, Red!" Capt. Gray stood in front of me waving his hand, "There you are, I've been trying to get your attention for like ten minutes."

" Captain, what can I do for you?" I said closing my fire cause and origin text book.

"Ah come on, last night I was Tom and now I'm Captain?" He put his right hand on the table and lowered his head to be level with my face. The distance was intimate. At that moment I felt my face turn hot.

"Um...well..." I stammered, finding the confidence to speak, " I would prefer it if you forgot about last night, captain Gray." He seemed displeased with that answer.

"Hmmm... should I? I'll consider it if you call me by my first name..." He smiled, pulling his hand back to his side, he stood straight, confident. I thought maybe taking him down a notch would do him some good.

"Well Cap. I would have to know your name. Maybe I should just keep calling you Tom. I'm sure the guys would love to hear all about how you came to earn your name." I bluffed knowing that I'd be a laughing stock if anyone ever knew. He seemed to know that my hand in the story was much more damaging. Smiling he stepped towards me.

"Would you like to know my first name? Maybe one day...we will share a last name," he beamed.

"Who wants to marry you," I gritted back, standing now I inched back. Hopefully making a clear line between us would show him how disinterested in him I was. Instead he giggled, turned his body, then while looking at me he smiled.

"Whatever, little sis, you might want to get used to calling me Adonis," he exited the room, throwing his left hand in the air, he said, " Enjoy studying."

Ugh.. I slumped in the chair. Why did I say marry. Covering my face, I sighed heavily. My face was hot and my heart pounded. My phone ringing sent me from my embarrassment. It was my mother. No doubt checking how it went last night. Boy does she got another thing coming.

"Hello mother," I said flatly.

" Rory, my sweet angel, how was your date.?" She chirped and for some reason it nullified my agitation.

"It was fine. You could have told me you were dating someone. It's a little awkward to go on a date with your boyfriend's son. Also even worse that he's my new captain. Don't tell me you didn't know either, woman, you know everything." I huffed even though I wasn't really angry with her anymore. She was silent for a moment.

"I just didn't want you to worry about me. It's been ten years since your dad... I don't want you to think I've forgotten..." she trailed off.

"Mama, I know you love my dad. He was the best dad but he was an even better husband. Like you have said it's been ten years. Daddy would want you to date and get married. He wouldn't want you to spend your life grieving him." I sighed, hearing how she worried about my feelings was like a gut punch. I should have told her to date sooner.

" I'm glad you feel that way. You know Tom is a really good guy. I really like him. We've been together for eight months now. I've been hoping he will pop the question."

"Wait...his name is Tom!?" A smile formed on my face having found some ammunition against Adonis.

"Yeah why?"

"Ah I just thought I misheard," I covered, unwilling to share the story of last nights events.

"Oh well, how did you like Adonis? Is he as good in person as he is on paper?"

"Mom, I really need to study for my investigator exam. So I love you but I gotta go!"

"Okay bye. Love you too." She sounded so happy. I'm really glad that she's finally dating. Maybe Adonis was right. Maybe they will end up together.

Tones came over the radio and again everything was left. This time we were headed to a small fire that had developed behind an abandoned building. Dispatch sent it out as a bush fire but usually these kinds of fires are all but fizzled out buy the time we get there. Even so we respond running hot. As I get my gear ready I look out the window to see that what I thought would be nothing was a full blown grass fire. It's gone out a couple of acres now and burning hot and fast. Over the radio Captain calls for mutual aid, to ensure we have enough people.

"Ah shit it's hot, looks like we got ourselves a wildfire," jokes Danny over the headset. Though in the engine I can't hear the uproar I can see the crew laughing. Danny drives onto the property and sets up parallel to the fire. Gray gives assignments. As a pipe man, Gray, puts me on the nozzle. I get started cooling down hot spots. Keeping one foot

in the black I soak the ground. The pressure and force of the water pumping through the hose feels powerful in my hands. Dirt and debris flys through the air coating me in thick muddy water. The fire is hot and the sun beating down is even hotter. My mouth suddenly dry, I lift my head, looking for my water. As I drink I see another crew corralling the flames ensuring more fingers don't branch out. Slowly they are winning a war against the flaming tall grass. Nature will put this fire out once there is no fuel to burn. Our job is to make sure it doesn't find any more fuel. As we wet down everything around the center the flames intensity dwindles until finally its last ember releases itself under the water.