Slowly, the fire began to fizzle out. Though the area was hot, flames had stopped emerging. Crews had started cleaning up. The Instant command released us from the scene. This fire was the worst I had seen. Exhaustion set in, I could feel it deep within me...

"Rory," Jack shook my shoulder, "You good? We are at the station." His dark brown eyes searched my soot covered face.

"I'm good, I just fell asleep." I smiled. I unbuckled from my seat and hopped down the two steps to get out of Engine 1. I looked over the pumper, it's was filthy. I sighed, this is gonna need a wash I'm the morning. Stride over to my locker and began to remove my gear. First I hung up my helmet and gloves. Then my jacket and finally I pulled down my bunker pants, leaving the boot in, I removed them and put them away. I slipped on my station boots and went to the dorm room. Sweaty and soaked I stared down at my shower kit. My heart began to race. I've got to calm down, I thought to myself, no one would come near me now.

" Hey," Adons' voice came from behind me, "You should hit the showers. I'm having the rest of the crew wash down the truck," he paused, looking through me, " I know you're gonna say it's no big deal, but we are here for you."

"Thanks," I said grabbing my kit and headed for the shower. The short walk down the hall felt like a trance. I was tamed by my heartbeat, as it was all I could hear. The rhythmic sound slowed the rapid flashbacks that displayed through my brain. I approached the door cautiously, it took moments before my hand listened to my brain, and reached for the door. Then jerking the door open I rushed inside slamming it behind me. Once closed I swiftly locked the door. Being in this room after everything, it felt surreal. I set my kit on the counter next to the door. It was a grey tiled counter top with two sinks and though I've seen it thousands of times before it felt new. That same grey tile matched the shower that I turned on. Stepping in the water was rebirth. It's steam and heat washed clean the stress and fear of the day. Once finished, I emerged from the shower reborn.

Though I felt resolved, my body felt tired. As I dressed my self, my arms and legs ached. I muddled my way to my bed. The air was cool on my skin as I lay there. Exhaustion gripped me and slowly I fell into slumber.

"Rory, wake up, you're gonna want to hear this," Jack spoke, startling me from sleep, "I can't believe she's sleeping at a time like this."

"Calm down, tell it to her gently," Jack's voice echoed near me, my head felt heavy. I was still so tired from lousy night before.

"What are you idiots doing waking me up before the alarm goes off." I grumbled quietly. Suddenly the station lights came to life, over the PA system the alarm dinged three times.

"Now look there's the alarm get your lazy princess butt out of bed. There's something we have to talk to you about," Adonis commanded in his best Captain's voice. I rolled out of bed into my boots and followed them to the communal room where Rondo sat staring blankly. I sat in the recliner next to him.

"What's going on guys," suddenly I felt a sense of seriousness in the air.

"The fire last night was not the headline for this morning," Jack trailed off. Looking somberly all of the sudden. He flipped on the TV to the local news channel.

"Danny Billings, former Alvin firefighter, charged with assault of a coworker was found dead in his cell this morning," the news anchor said, frozen all I could do was listen, " He was stabbed a total of twenty-three times. Investigators are still unsure how this occurred, however there was a electrical failure with in that cell block and he and several other inmates were able to break open their doors. All inmates were returned to their cells shortly after the failure. It is unclear how the failure occurred. However we are told, Billings was found with a statement admitting his guilt and asking forgiveness. At this time the corrections facility has declined to comment." The room fell silent for a moment. Sadness twinged in my heart for a moment, having worked with this man for a short time, I felt for him. That moment passed quickly and again I was angered that he would not face the justice he deserved. I looked around at the red of the crew, mouth agape. None of this was the outcome we wanted.

"Wow," I said, it was the only word I could muster. I did not feel relief and sorrow evaded me. In my head, I knew I was safe from from his touch.

"Kid," Smith called, " How you doing? I see you saw the news."

"Randy," I paused, " I'm not really sure what to feel honestly. I wish he woulda gotten justice." He seemed to understand.

"Well you know how easy judges go on these kind of cases. It's possible he would have gotten off. In the end, it's better that you don't have to go to court."

"I don't think what he did warranted being stabbed twenty-three times." Sometimes Randy had a very black and white point of view.

"Personally, I never liked the guy, and after he went after you, well no question he deserves it." He shrugged his shoulders in that kind of nonchalant way. An awkward silence fell on the room for just a moment. It was broken by the relief crew coming in. Randy coughed a bit, and finally returned to his office. He acted like an often acted like an over protective father. I always felt that Randy had a part of my dad since they were quite close before my dad was murdered. They worked together on several cases and made a great team. Maybe I felt that way because I wanted so badly to have a father.