
The laughter finally died down after some persuasion from Jet. Adonis being too gentle with the kids could not calm their ungovernable laughter. His kindness made my teeth hurt. I've always thought his inner soul was a wild grizzly, instead he's more like a teddy bear.

"Next class we are going to be having a party instead of practice since it's the start of your spring break and that means that we won't see you the following week." Jet announced to the ground. Cheers mushroomed loudly. Several mothers who had not waited in the corner of the studio began to trickle in. They smiled happily at the joy their children exuded.

"Hello, I'm Leila, are you Jet's girlfriend? I'm surprised to see you here he's never brought anyone," she said in a high pitch New Yorker accent. Leila could only be described as a gypsy. She stood about five foot tall with large heels. Her entire body was covered in jewelry. Though she seemed quite high maintenance, she also had a very sweet smile. Her bedazzled shirt barely fit around her breasts which protruded out of the deep v-neck collar. She wore heavy glittery lipstick and false eyelashes that sat on glitter eyelids. This woman liked to shine.

"Oh, no I'm not anyone's girlfriend. I only just met Jet today. I work with Adonis actually." Her face seemed to light up. Surprise was evident on her face.

"You mean Donny introduced you to his kids. He's even more protective than Jet. This is great! I was starting to worry they were gay for each other." She sighed with relief and placed her bony hand on her chest. Her manicured finger nails were about an inch long and definitely bedazzled. As she stood that way the boy with his fingernails painted came to her side. It was unclear whether she was being sarcastic or not.

"Mom, what are you saying to Miss Aurora?" He said quietly.

"Nothing Isaac," she lied, "How was school?" She turned to him looking him over. He quickly shoved his hands in his pockets. Did he want to hide his nails? I wondered if she truly meant what she said about Adonis and Jet. Would being gay change her opinion on the two?

"It was good I guess." He said sheepishly, making it obvious he was hiding something.

"Let me see what's on you're hiding." She said holding her hands out. He bashfully placed his teal fingers in her hand. She inspected the manicure. I felt a little awkward. I could not tell if she was angry or not.

"I let a friend practice on me but I felt bad taking it off right after she got done. Sorry." He seemed a little embarrassed about it. Had he actually forgotten or did he genuinely like it?

"Well I'm not worried that you got your nails painted. It's not my favorite color and I personally like more sparkle. She didn't do a bad job though. Do you like it?" Somewhat surprised he smiled.

"Honestly, I like it a little. I don't think that I'd like to wear it all the time though. A lot of people had some really mean things to say about it today. It's just nail polish." In his twelve year old head, he didn't understand how the world really was. Not everyone was accepted just because they wanted to be. Personally I was glad that his mother was accepting. I side stepped awkwardly. I felt as if I was stepping into a mother son relationship. Adonis waved me over after seeing my discomfort. Before I could get pulled into their conversation again I rushed over to his side. He was wrapping up with some guardians so I waited patiently behind him. I was trying to prevent any more misunderstandings. Jet stood to my left, we made eye contact and he walked over to me.

"Are you coming to the party next week? All the families are coming." He seemed enthusiastic alto hear my answer. His smile seemed inviting.

"Ah.. I can't really invade. I'm just grateful you let me join today." I fidgeted with my hands, eyes lowered. He waved his hand in my face to get my attention.

"The kids will be sad if you don't go. They don't make just anyone their class mom. They've all taken a liking to you. Just come I'll even pick you up," he pleaded.

"Rory doesn't ride in the car with strange men," Adonis burst suddenly from behind me. Jet immediately raised both hands and shrugged.

"Then how is she riding around with the strangest man I know," Jet retorted a malicious grim spread across his face. I stood screaming internally, why do I always get out in the middle, I asked myself.

"It's not really like that...First of all Jet isn't really a stranger but I really am more comfortable going with Adonis. As long as I'm not's also not that I wouldn't go with you Jet...Adonis and I are neighbors," I scrambled miserably. I could feel that I had not persuaded either of the two to let it go.

"Fine if you like Jet so much, he can take you, I have other plans before anyway," Adonis grumbled. Jethro seemed quite pleased that he had one. Great now I had a thirty minute ride with Adonis while he threw a tantrum. I sighed in dismay. I was about to endure the wrath of this overly dramatic man child. I dreaded watching the wrest of the kids leave, it meant I was one step closer to doom. Adonis and I left just as the last parent was leaving with their child. He made her stay behind to take care of the mats on his own. I felt sorry for him and even tried to convince Adonis to at least stay long enough to wipe them down. The fiery look I received was enough to silence my argument. I knew if I pushed him, it would only make him more upset.