
Titan was a short plump three year old. He had a great smile. He wore a small blue shirt with a train on it. His mother was extremely pregnant and looked exhausted. She stood at the edge of the bus stop as all the seats were taken under the awning. There were two benches, one sat an elderly couple the other sat a high schooler. The teenager sat in the middle of the bench with his backpack taking up the rest of it. I huffed in disbelief at the discourteousness of this young adult.

"Titan, should I see if your mommy can sit down?" I could see his mother was in some sort of distress. Her face was sweating profusely and hand gone pale. Though it wasn't particularly hot out, I knew that while carrying a child you body temperature tended to rise.

"Mommy is tired, I gonna be a big brother," he said proudly. I stood and turned to the high school aged child. I knew he was close enough to hear my conversation. Yet he pretended as if he didn't notice me or the pregnant mother. I cleared my through loudly. He chose not to look up instead he turned his face another way. Now slightly irritated I went and stood right in front of him.

"Young man, I know you're ignoring me because you want to sit here. However, there is a pregnant woman standing over there. If you do not love she may become sick. I don't think you want to cause harm to a pregnant woman." I spoke firmly. The boys eyes never rose to meet mine instead he stood and moved to the other side of the awning. He stood jagged against its frame. I could sense that he carried a bit of guilt with him as he stood turned away from me. Quickly I ushered Titan and his mother over. Now in the shade her color returned slightly. She looked more relaxed no as well.

"Are you feeling better? I can get you a water if you need," I asked looking around for a store. There was a small convenience store across the street. It would take me several minutes to get over there. I could risk missing the bus. It was due any minute. The young mother touched my arm gently. I looked at her face. She smiled kindly deep in her rich brown eyes I could see her gratitude. It must be difficult for her to have such a young son and be so heavy with child. I've never considered children of my own because I always felt that pregnancy would ruin my careers. It may seem selfish but I also considered the long term impact this type of job could have on any future family. I didn't see myself as a person who could raise children and not see them for days at a time.

"Your family is beautiful," I said to her softly. She smiled sweetly.

"Thank you," she said placing a hand on her pregnant belly. Suddenly everyone enjoying the special moment was startled by the annoying sound of a car horn. I turned to see the culprit. Adonis Beamer sat in the bus lane. I could see through the window that he was waving me over. I sighed holding my head.

"Is that man your boyfriend?" Asked Titan, he pointed at the car while getting closer to me. He seemed to be trying to shield me from Adonis as if he were jealous.

"No, he's just an annoying little dog," I sighed frustrated. I stood as he honked once more to get my attention. It seemed that I had no choice but to get in.

"Then can I be your boyfriend?" Titan's face lit up with joy. He smiled as he took my hand firmly. He pulled with all his strength until I bent down to look him in the eyes. Then he pecked me on the cheek softly. I stood somewhat surprised, I watched him run back to his mother, beaming.

"You know what, kid, come find me when you're all grown up," I joked, and turned toward the car.

"Mommy, I'm big boy?" I heard him say as I opened the car door. I could see his mother giggle slightly as she quietly answered him, though I couldn't hear what she answered.

"Mornin," he said as we drove off, "kinda disappointed you didn't wait for me. What was that about with the kid and the kiss."

"What are you jealous of a little kid? Wait you are one!" I began to banter.

"Who would be jealous of a kid who kissed an ugly frog? Not gonna address why you left without me?"

"A frog? Really," I rolled my eyes, "I left early because I didn't want to be late and yesterday you were acting childish. I wasn't sure if you'd still pick me up." I huffed, feeling undignified.

"I am still your Captain despite what happens outside of work but I am sorry for the way I acted. That guy makes me crazy sometimes." He told me truthfully. I could sense a twinge of softness to his voice. The uneasiness inside me relieved itself a little.

"I'm sorry Captain. I should have at least let you know." I said quietly, I felt a little embarrassed.

"How many times do I have to ask you not to call me that? Seriously, I don't ask the guys to do it either. You're always so formal, geez." He rubbed the back of his neck in that way he does when he's nervous or uncomfortable.

"You know," I started, "You should never play poker." I teased.


"You have an obvious tell when you're nervous." I smiled brightly at him. He glanced at me for a moment then fixed his eyes back on the road.

"I've definitely heard that a few times from my dad. I don't really like poker though. I used to play spades with my grand parents. That was a good time. My grandpa loved whiskey while we played too. Once he got drunk enough his mouth got working and he told all kinds of stories."

"That sounds like a good memory." I said as we pulled in the fire station parking lot.