
After a day of silence, tones sounded just as we finished cooking dinner. Unfortunately this meal would turn cold before we could return. Firefighters often eat fast or don't eat at all. I guessed from the tone out it would be a while.We had been dispatched to a gas station fire. Usually these kinds of fires burn hot, fast, and for a long time. The only way to get the fire out for good is to let it burn all the fuel. The only thing that we have to ensure is the pumps are shut down properly, and the structures around are protected. Dispatch told us to the gas station about a half mile away. Luckily we knew right where it was because we often fueled the rehab truck there instead of driving all the way to the city yard. It was also the same gas station that frequently gave free drinks to on duty firefighters. We dressed quickly, and arrived quickly. As we set our scene, and began spraying the area with foam, I noticed a small group of people have gathered around the outside of the fire. Many of them have been in the shopping center and come out to find a large commotion.

The gas station was set in the center of a parking lot within a small strip mall. The grocery store was also one of the ones that we frequented, along with several other restaurants. Next to us, a busy Parkway which had many cars slowing down and rubbernecking to see what was going on. I became increasingly concerned that there would be an accident along with the large fire because of the carelessness of some of those drivers. The fire began during rush hour and luckily the employees at this gas station were particularly vigilant. They were able to shut off the pump's immediately. Due to their swift actions, there would not be a lot of fuel for the fire to burn. In fact, it was very likely we would be able to return to our dinner rather quickly. Unfortunately, this meant more people out on the road and around our scene. I remained somewhat hopeful that soon I would have food in my belly. I felt a bit fatigued and I knew that the others must feel the same. The fire was dying down but slowly. This gas station would be closed for a while after losing an entire pump. I was curious how this spill occurred. There was quite a bit of gas on the ground yet I could see from my position the nozzle was in its holster.

"You see that," I pointed while standing next to Adonis and Jack, "The nozzle?" They looked but didn't seem surprised. Maybe it was nothing.

"Someone probably spilled it and didn't say anything. It's not unusual," Adonis leaned in,

"Asshole had to make our life difficult." I could smell his smoky turnouts as he brushed passed to talk to Rondo. He really was a sight to see in the gear. He was enough to make any woman's heart flutter. He casually strode back to me. Soon hazmat would be here to take over. Suddenly the radio in Adonis hand toned. Another call coming through.

"Engine 1, Engine 2, medic 2, ladder 1 respond to 1234 main on a structure fire. Multiple callers report seeing smoke and flames coming from residence." Dispatch said in an urgent voice. Suddenly my heart dropped. Shit, I thought, that's near my mothers house. Worry and fear filled my face and I could tell Adonis reacted to it immediately.

"Request mutual aid," he responded quickly.

"That's clear, request mutual aid." Minutes felt like hours as we waited for hazmat to clear us. The guys seemed to be aware that I was in distress.

"Engine 21 on scene, two story residential structure, flames from the alpha delta corner," Santa Fe's captain said cooly.

"That's clear," dispatch responds.

"Command to dispatch a tree collapsed on a secondary structure and flames have spread, requesting secondary alarm." His voice came urgently. My heart pounded in my chest. I was certain that my mothers house was not destroyed. We loaded in the truck and as I sat I placed my head in my hands. I tried to calm the storm that welled inside as I knew the life long memories with my father were gone. He and my mother bought that home after the first married. He spent years making it into a dream home for my mom. He made his mark on the entire building. I thought of the time he decided to "fix" a light fixture and found a mouse. He left a path of destruction trying to capture it. My mom was furious when she saw the holes in the hallway and even more when she found out the mouse had escaped. I stilled myself as we pulled on scene. Not wanting to see the destruction of my childhood home, I didn't look up until we came to a stop. Then it was time for my sorrow to be swept away and replaced with work. I was suddenly extremely thankful my mom was traveling with Tom. She had someone to lean on during disaster and she wasn't here to see her life with my father reduced to flames. Losing the house the same way I lost Dad made my heart ache. But I shook myself to focus. I couldn't let myself fall into despair.

Adonis stood beside me for a quiet moment. He always saw right through me and I'm sure he connected the dots already.

"It's a good thing Dianna isn't here. Can you get through this? I need you to work but if you're emotions are going to get in the way you need to go home," he said firmly, it had been a while since he talked to me like a captain. His eyes did not match the firmness of his voice. Illuminated by the golden embers of fire, his blue eyes held a soft hue.

"I can do this. It's just an old house, though I am sad to see it go, if I want to save anything I don't have time to sit and talk. What's my assignment?"