
Perfect timing as usual. My mother stood by the door expectantly. She was tan from her travels especially under white Hawaiian style shirt she wore. It's peach plumeria flowers spread across her top brought out the deep red highlights in her sandy blonde hair. She wore it messily on a ponytail with a silk flower clipped in by her right ear. She looked stereotypical for someone getting off of an island getaway. Tom looked a little scruffy next her. His blue eyes stood out brightly against his tan skin as did his salt and pepper beard. I had never encountered him in his unshaven state. We stood their awkwardly for a moment.

"Well, I think I'll go get the bags..." Tom hurried out to the car. He walked quickly leaving a cool wind within this uncomfortable atmosphere. His blue scenic Hawaiian shirt ruffled in the air behind him. These two dorks can't go anywhere without couples' outfits. I shifted my body slightly to remove my hand from his. Suddenly my body felt a bit cooler. I realized a heat had risen to my cheeks while I stood in such an intimate stance.

"Mom, I'm glad you're back," I said shakily. She smirked and came closer for a hug. I accepted her embrace. I missed her deeply.

"You doing okay honey, we will talk later about grand babies," she whispered in my ear.

"Mom!" I exclaimed. Then I glanced at Adonis to see if he heard her words. He was smiling but seemed oblivious.

"You should get out of the house a bit. I want to get settled in and sleep. I had a long flight."

"About that, I'm sure you forgot but today is the party for the my class. You don't have to go if you aren't up to it." He fidgeted.


"She'll go get ready right now." She intercepted. As she did she pushed me passed him towards the living room stairs. I obeyed and went to get ready. As I climbed the stairs I heard her speaking to Tom. It was muffled and I couldn't quite understand her. Soon after entering my room and shutting the door, I heard Tom clomping up the stairs with bags. The bags banged on either side of the wall. I hoped he wouldn't fall or break my house. I wondered if Adonis would get jealous of Jet. Maybe I should spend time with him. I have feelings for him but if I weren't always by his side would it be different? I don't know.

We drove out to a public park near the library. It had a playground but it wasn't a fancy play set. Most of it was made in the old fashioned wood and galvanized metal. Newer parks usually had a combination of plastic and metal. Off to the side was a large picnic area with a tree canopy for shade. As we made our way from the parking lot which sat at the edge of the road, Jet walked toward us. He swung his keys in hand. He was dressed in casual jeans and a navy polo. On his arm he wore a compression sleeve covering the bulk of his tattoos but parts of water color poppies could be seen. I wondered what the full tattoo looked like. He smiled as he saw us, slowing down

to stop and talk.

"Aurora, how are you doing," he asked sweetly,

"Adonis wouldn't let me pick you up. He wouldn't even give me your number." He extended his hand to shake Adonis' hand.

"He was already at my house this morning so it made more sense," as I spoke the words, I heard how they might sound, "I mean he visited me and brought cake." I corrected awkwardly. The atmosphere felt weird suddenly.

"I will have to get your phone number today. I'd like to see you outside of these functions." His flirtatious voice vibrates along my earlobes. I felt my ears become hot from his words. Adonis clears his throat loudly and placed his hand in the small of my back to push me forward.

"Kids will be here soon, we are going to set up." He pushed us briskly past to the picnic area. I walked with him. Though I did want Jet to spend time with me. I could always use more friends despite the attraction I felt for him.

We reached the picnic area and immediately got to work putting table cloths on the tables. There wasn't much work to be done and kids were starting to arrive. Jet eventually returned from his car with a basket of dinnerware and two liters of drinks. He set them on a large folding table along with a bunch of pizzas. Several kids brought outdoor toys such as balls and frisbees and began playing together while they waited. A large game of soccer began with several of the boys and their younger siblings. I could hear the sounds of laughter surrounding me. Eventually Jet and Adonis began to play. Back and forth they passed the ball and scored. I watched along with some other women who sat chatting though they didn't engage me nor I them. I listened quietly to their chatter. None of their conversations appealed to me so I chose not to take it in. Jet was the first to make his way from the game. He was sweaty and sought water.

"Hey there. Is this seat taken?"

"No," I invited him, "How was the game?"

"Well, I'm no good at soccer so it went poorly. I got kicked out by my teammates." He chuckled proudly.

"Not sure I'd be so proud of that."

"Does that mean you won't go on a date with me?"