Goals and Preparations

A tired sigh escaped from a good-looking man seemingly in his twenties wearing blue robes as he sat down heavily on his chair. Taking a good look at his surroundings, he fell in deep thoughts. 

He was sitting at a small office with a rectangular table in front of him. Some papers written in a language foreign to him were placed at the wooden table. He browsed through them and surprisingly, he can understand them. With his palm on his forehead, he again contemplated about the situation he was in. 

He gave a hollow laugh before he finally got up and headed outside. Heading outside the room, a guard caught him off-guard. "Greetings. Lord Kalpow."

Although taken aback by the sudden greeting, he maintained his composure. "Hum. Are you free? I have few requests."

This time, the guard was surprised by the sudden question. He hurriedly nodded. "Yes, Sire. What affairs is Sire troubled with?"

"Good. First, prepare a carriage and guide me to the residence of Fief Lord. Secondly, report to me about all the nearing lower realms planets where Space Distortion is occuring. I want the reports within a month. Third, find the most trusted Information Agency within the Divinity Realm."

Although the guard was shocked, he didn't let it show to his face and quietly stated. "Sire. I require some manpower to complete your second request."

Kalpow nonchalantly threw a green token to the guard. "Take as many as you want. I will be waiting outside the villa." 

The Fief Lord was a middle-aged man named Taylor who laughed heartily as he welcomed Kalpow to his residence. "Hoho! It's been a good while since I have not seen Your Majesty Kalpow. Please come in. Melty! Bring out the million years old red wine!" The person he was referring to as Melty, was his wife. 

Kalpow helplessly smiled and shook his head. "It's not necessary. I'm just here to consult a few matters and go back to the Divinity Realm in a month."

Taylor showed a shocked expression before he eventually sighed. "Matters in the Divinity Realm are troublesome… To be brutally honest, I wanted Your Majesty to stay here but I'm afraid a small place like this can never hold Your Majesty forever."

Kalpow showed a bitter smile. "If possible, I too want to stay here passing my days in peace. Staying here for over a hundred years, I've become quite attached to this place… Anyways, let's forget about matters like this and get down to business." He paused and looked at Taylor whose expression turned serious and continued. 

"I have been ignorant in worldly affairs for too long so I want you to answer some questions regarding the Divinity Realm."

"I'll try to answer them to the best of my knowledge!"

"Good. Then, what is the standard Prince Consort's qualification? Has it risen or fallen?"

Taylor pondered for a bit. "If we are talking about the Otherworldly Divinity Imperial Palace, it's not changed by much. Origin Emperor rank 5 stage."

"Any new major superpowers?? Excluding the Otherworldly Divinity Imperial Palace, of course."

"His Majesty Dragon Blade's Seven Eastern Hells and His Majesty Cold Snow's Weaving Furnace Sect soared exponentially in a few centuries."

"Any offspring?"

Taylor had a bad premonition. "Wh-whose offspring?"

"Empress Divinity's."

Taylor almost jump out of fright when he heard the question. He hurriedly closed off the windows curtains and worriedly said. "Your Majesty! Discussion on topics like this are a taboo! Even if Your Majesty is a mighty Prince Consort, it will still deal a huge blow to you reputation if this matter were to be leaked. Coming to the question, as far as I'm concerned, no."

Kalpow chuckled. "I trust you. Mm…Arrange the portal within a month. I'll be counting on you." With that said, he left the residence after small chit-chats. 

He took out a pocket diary and noted down his goals. "It's better if I set my goals starting from minor to major accordingly. Let's start from scratch. Departing from this Eltora Kingdom and enter the Divinity Realm is the first step. Then, using the status of a Prince Consort, get a yellow-grade dimensional stone."

Dimensional stones are above saint level magic artifact used to bypass dimensional rifts and long distance space travels. They are categorised into four categories. White, Black, Yellow, Blue. To enter a Lower Realm where spiritual energy is almost negligible, one must have these dimensional stones. 

"Hopefully, even though the dimensional stones have sky high market prices, luckily the treasure house of the Divinity isn't small. Hm… that completes the second step. Now this is where the difficult part begins. Frankly, I have no idea where the hell is Milky Way Galaxy…no- let alone my galaxy, I don't even know where the fuck is my universe located."

"Poor thing is I can't even find out my universe browsing through the World Record. The reason being I don't know what it's referred to as. After some thinking, I have thought out two methods to deal with this problem. First. Look through the records to find all the universes who has a planet that sustain lives with 4.6 billion years of history and visit them one by one."

"There are too many variables and inconsistencies within this method. Not to mention, an absurd amount of time it would take to find. I can rely on the second method. That being, get the Soul Orb in my possession but it's too nigh impossible."

"The Soul Orb is a magic artifact with rank even above God. It's owner is the uhh… it cringes me a lot to say this but can't help. It's the current Heavenly Empress of Vast Sky, aka, the Lord of the Multiverse. With my status, she might let me use it but absolutely not let me take it no matter what the price I pay. I do have an alternate solution for this but it depends on many factors."

"That completes the third step. Supposedly, even if I do get the Soul Orb and I'm free to return, it would still be too early for me to return to Earth. My comprehension of Space must be enough for to travel countless universes. That marks the end of the journey of 'The sudden transmigration of a twenty-nine year old father in an Eastern Fantasy'. I wonder what both of them are doing right now… Hopefully, brother will look after them."

Kalpow closed his eyes for a while before settling down his mind. He soon reached his villa and headed towards his personal library. After inquiring his servants, he found out it that the fastest time to prepare a portal to the Divinity Realm will require him about twenty days. 

Since that's the case, why waste twenty days lazing around. Unfortunately, his library doesn't keep any World Records, he went through several Space Scriptures for the first week diligently without any rest. It was simply a piece of cake to do so because his attainments in Spiritual Force is on a transcendent level. Due to this, he felt extremely grateful to the previous owner of the body. 

Not only has he inherited the "real" Kalpow's body and experiences but also his terrifying level of comprehension in all the elements. Exactly. ALL!   Fire, water, Earth, Thunder, Wind, Dark, Light, Space, Time, etc. Not even a minor law was missed by this dude. No wonder he has qualifications to be the husband of the most terrifying woman in existence. 

After reading almost all the Space Scriptures present in the library, he took out the Spatial Ring of the "real" Kalpow and looked through it. "Hmm… the inheritance should be around here. Oh. Got it."

He slowly took out a thin black page. It was plain black. No wordings could be found. Such was the inheritance of the most supreme powerhouse who stood at the absolute peak. It was originally found by his wife, Empress Divinity but after some complicated plot twists and a grand battle, she made copies of the inheritance and distributed among all the other consorts. 

Naturally, he wasn't the only Prince Consort. There are over four hundred Prince Consorts, each of them unfathomable and outstanding individuals in their fields. Without thinking any further ahead, he studied the black page quietly. The given black page has the complete comprehension of Space Laws. 

Studying quietly for almost an hour, he gained sudden enlightenment. Kalpow suspected the reason being not due to luck but rather due to the "real" Kalpow's originally high comprehension ability. 

Sitting cross-legged on the floor like a stone, he understood several unclear concepts in Space. If before, Kalpow, with his understandings of Space Laws, put each and every big shot scientists in NASA to shame then right now, their knowledge when compared to him today would be like a drop of water in a lake. 

Three weeks passed in the blink of an eye. The Fief Lord came to report the news that the Portal is ready but he had to wait because Kalpow was still in seclusion. A day later, Kalpow's eyes abruptly opened. 

"At least I've managed to comprehend the Space Laws to the peak for now but it's far less than enough. Travelling through universes is not a big deal at all but travelling around trillion times faster than the speed of light is a matter of concern. If it's in some medium other than vacuum, then I could have worked it out but it's space after all. And guess what, Einstein's theory is relativity still holds true for any medium in space."

"In other words, to not convert myself into energy, I must resist or produce an equal amount of energy it will take to convert myself to energy and that will require tremendous effort. It's hard to describe it, so I'll just have to test it out. Well, enough of this, it seems that the Fief Lord had come and preparations are all ready."

Kalpow stood in front of the portal. Behind him were several powerhouses of the planet he was staying. He looked at them and sighed. The "real" Kalpow seems to have developed and changed the entire continent. So he was bound to have many people respect and awe him. In novels, these acts would bring rather hate and jealousy from all over the world but in reality, aside from a few schemes and rumors from time to time, nobody even tried to stir up trouble. 

He swept his gaze across the huge crowd gathered. Someone clapped. Followed by another. Then, every one present started to clap in succession. Nobody cheered but Kalpow understood that this was a show of respect and appreciated it. Obviously, the crowd knows that cheering his name raucously would displease a grand character like him. 

He turned back and disappeared without a single word to the crowd. But he shook his head and quietly muttered to himself, "I'm not qualified enough to give a grand speech. After all, even though I have his memories and strength, his feelings are his alone…"