Grown man started to heard the Data at the main controller showed a significant amount of changes. Main concerned is the type of creature being detected from the main controller. Above all the sub-divisions need to send as many as possible soldiers their own defenses before the next security breach. Outer division still normal state but the task to do still plenty more. Division K45-Carlozer full momentum in this mission. The rest of crew at the Magma City is still grieving process after the second leader has passed peacefully on the lap of the Queen Mary. He had a great services until the last moment a little tragedy had happened to him. The clues are over the place to be process from the Rest of the Crime Detective. Division K45-Carlozer keep their momentum to the spaceships landed safely. Javi in blue helmets in a bulky motorbike full of scouting televisions,drones and ammo. Javi has the chance in bring their Magma City to better life for next generation. Magma City seen in front of themselves between the ruler and people a cyborgs has a ring on the fist embedded on Chyne. Chyne has served the City very well even though a generation to come has latest version of army. Chyne is a cyborgs programme Instinct and Navy concepts. Theoritical after Instict installation the armour would calculate better to predict on defending the Magma City and has a stamped and signed circuits to made decision if anything else change tomorrow onwards. Chyne has no weapons or sword nothing but a fighting skill level of a cyborg would be real cases. Magma City is the lowest usage of electrics in this moment. The shocking response division K45-CARLOZER on the fist glance that a lot of humans were dead. The spaceship landed in ackward way. The side of the swamp cooler and few alga covered the pod. The drone rotated in sudden.