Singing along the Oak trees

A pedestrian walked along a hefty road in the morning. The Suken just wanted to a meeting at the his last school. She not going to be able to wait so long, if he not arrive. She just turned 16 last week. She required to finish off the droid Califri every morning so she can have a morning breakfast. She managing a cyber-cafes and a lot of people coming in during weekends. She always brings a fan at a gun. Gun in dark coloured. She is seven years apart in standard year. She is being brutal in front of The Suken. Last week her has to meet the Instinct 435-SubZero Bio operate a new 57-Venus to upload more tasks completely. If a teenager under her age the task is very limited depends on the Intelligence Quotient, this morning she sent E-mail to The Suken how much she finished task between task. She is being finish off task along an emotion so the community will extend the rest of knowledge on cyborg replication and fighting formation. The droid is important and must be at her side before the droid thrown to dustbin. She had a Finland looks in blonde haired thick skin not too tall but a little bit high, still the vision of a star in the dawn until noon. The shape of hers is almost great fighter but lack of sleep eyes. Her eyebrows thick as the fox made vicious mimic. The haired thick ringing entirely. She had to hunt the death of Meruwala. The Suken just at her back while she packing her ration to start the process of Fist Instinct. The dreadfully task to transfer a task to manage into task. If the Intelligence Quotient is in syncronize the task and main files the rest is just behind the corner. Just clicked of a button. Both of them has the same attitude in bachelor programming an University beside Shibuya Temple. The bag-pack has the University badges. The bag-pack in a good condition even though it's free. An Android 36-FC officer just arrived at the spot between them. The rest of it palm at the chest both of them. Then, the officer showed a visual to the wall near them. The officer put the Lazer-gun behind at save at the back compartment. The main tasks for both of them were completed as the eye on the turn RED. The red colour the city their born and raised. This is a precaution activity. if other Bachelor comes to the Saga City the eyes of Android 36-FC will bit different. The Suken looks close my on at officer body as the vicious fox jumps over prey. She kneeling in front of the officer to show respect instead of bow. Her name is Eva.