Entering the Foosha Village, the three boys didn't stops running as they knew that there previous thought that it was safe was wrong. Running with all their might, Ace, Sabo, and Luffy decided to head to where Makino was.
As the three boys was rushing to the bar, Ace saw someone and it was like a light of hope for him. "OI! LOOK!" shouted Ace and Sabo and Luffy turned to look at the man, who Ace has pointed at. "GRAMP!" shouted Luffy and they quickly dashed toward the man.
"Gramp!" shouted Luffy again and the man turned to look at the three boys who was running toward him. "Oh! Luffy! Ace! Sabo! What are you doing here!?" asked the old man or Garp as he looks at the three boy, who hugging him.
"Help! Us! Someone is going to kill us!" said Ace. Luffy and Sabo nodded their head and looks at Garp as they were about to cry. Seeing the three boys on the verge of crying. Garp was shocked as he knew ho stubborn and strong will the boys were.
"What happen tell m" Garp ask the three boy, but as he was about to finished his word. A scream and shouts rings throughout the village.
"AH!" "HELP!" "ARGH!" "GO AWAY!" "AH!" Several shouts and screams could be heard from the middle of the village. Hearing the desperate cry and shout of the villager, Garp knew that something was wrong. Putting Luffy, Ace and Sabo down from his body as they hanging on him.
Garp walks toward the sound of the village and the scene stunned him. Big, small, giants, scary, and frightening several creature filled the village. Some of them stays on the roof. Some stays on the ground and some fly in the sky.
"What happen here?!" Garp was shocked and looks around and the villager was scared and some even sits on the ground and tremble in fear. Garp tighten his fists as he knew that he need to help and he was prepared to fight the creature, but a shouts interrupted him.
"WHERE ARE YOU LITTLE BRAT?!" shouts a voice as it was filled with anger. The shouts was loud and there was some trace of haki in it. Slowly the people in the village fainted as they couldn't handle the power of a Conqueror Haki.
Garp looks around to find the source of the voice and he spotted a man as the man was riding a snakes that was made from rock. "OI!" called Garp and attracted the man attention as he looks at Garp.
"THERE YOU ARE!" suddenly as the man or Ryuji looks at Garp. The man founds that behind Garp was three boy that he wanted to find. "Come here!" shouted Ryuji and rushed toward Garp as he jumped from Steelix toward Garp.
Seeing that Ryuji dashed toward the three boy behind him. Garp knew that the three boy must have done something and anger him. As Ryuji reached out his hands to grab the three boy. Without hesitation, Garp dashed toward Ryuji and raised his fists, before punching it at him.
"HM?" seeing the fists that Garp sends toward him. 'Focus Punch!' thought Ryuji and slowly he concentrate his energy into his fists and harden it with Haki.
Two powerful fists clashed toward each other and caused a huge explosion as the ground and air shakes. The clashed between two powerful force destroys everything near by and even sends the three boys flying back.
Ryuji and Garp was pushed away from a sudden powerful explosion. Ryuji and Garp stares at each other and clenched their fists. 'He is strong!' thought Garp as he was excited. As, Garp was excited, Ryuji was not as he turn to looks for the three boy.
As he turns to looks he found that the three boy were quietly sneaking to run away. "BRATS!" shouted Ryuji and instantly it frighten the three boys. They knew that they were caught and quickly runs.
"Oh! No! You are not getting away!" shouted Ryuji and raised his hand at the direction of the boys. "Telekinesis!" Suddenly as the boys were trying to runs away, their body stops moving. Ryuji smile and pulled his hand as the boys were pulled back toward him.
Garp was shocked and stared as the boys were pulled toward Ryuji as they floats in the air. He was amaze, but suddenly remember that Ryuji was trying to kill them. Garp dashed forward as he raised his fists again and punch it at Ryuji.
"Oh! No! You are not getting in my way again!" Ryuji hits in cane onto the ground and the grounds shakes.
As Garp was about to reached him, sveral vine popped out of the ground and bind him. "HUH?!" Garp was shocked as he try to break away from the vines. Ace, Luffy, Sabo saw that was bind by the vine.
They turned and saw that Ryuji was now holding a sword in his hands. "DIE! BRATS!" Ryuji swings his blade down. "NO!" shouted Garp as he glared at Ryuji.
"STOPS!" shouted a voice and instantly a figure appeared in front of the three boy. Ryuji stops his swords as he saw the person in front of him. "Out of the way! Makino!" said Ryuji as he glared at the boy.
"No! Have you have no shame! That you trying to kill a kid!" shouted Makino. "Shame?!" Ryuji sneered. "I have shame, but they don't! I took the boy into my house as they were injured! I treat them! But do you know how they repaid me!" shouted Ryuji.
Without waiting for Makino to answered, Ryuji glared at the three boy, Garp and Makino. "They try to kill my friend! They uses the kindness I give and barge into my house and almost killed my friends! So tell me! MAKINO! WHO! HAS! NO! SHAME!" shouted Ryuji.
Makino was shock, stun, and surprise. She turned to looks at the three boy. "Did you do what he said!?" asked Makino as she hope that it was not true. The three boy looks away, "No~" as they sweat hard and try to not look at Makino.