If I Had Wings

Warning: This chapter has to do with heavy topics, and maybe difficult for the reader. Parental Guidance is recommended.

I stumble and at this point. I realize. This isn't my Hinata. I need to save Hinata, For our team. I did a mistake and I need Kageyama to know that he cannot hold is feelings back. Tell Hinata the truth about the calendar. I try to think what to do. I see Hinata in slow motion and he jumps. I start to tear up. At that moment, I realize I have a purpose. I sprint. Then one moment, light appears and I get wings. They are so pretty. I fly and I see the train coming. Hinata is in my arms. "Kageyama!" He says softly. "Hinata, I'm not your Kageyama. You're Kageyama made a mistake, you died. The whole team was broken without you. You need to stay strong. You need to get your team to nationals." I put Hinata in my past arms. "There will be a time where you go back and find what you are looking for. It might not make sense now but it will soon." I say softly to Kageyama. "Tell him the truth. You know what I'm talking about. I believe in you." I say and I see the calendar I was holding started to disappear. "It is time for me to disappear and go back to my life. Just please protect each other." The calendar disappears slowly and I start to go through memories that happened. I changed the future? What else did I change? My wings don't go away and they start to change. What just happened. I saved Hinata. Was this my path? I was told I was a sin to my family but my wings don't look like that. They are are are pretty and they are rainbow. Is that someone accepting me. Is that me accepting myself. My wings are there to stay. I'm back into the gym. I see no one here. What did I do? I saw people come in. "Kageyama where were you?" Daichi says. "No where. It's not like I went back into time by accident and saved the love of my life. Then talking to my past self. Then getting wings that fit me to save the love of my life and started to Know who I am as a person." Daichi looked at me, confused. "Suga do you got this one?" Hinata walks into volleyball practice. "Sorry I'm late!" he says. He comes in and kisses me.