Finding Hope In The Toughest Places

Warning: This chapter has heavy topics and maybe be difficult for some readers. Parental Guidance is recommended.

We get to the Sendai City Gymnasium in Miyagi, Japan! I feel competitive. I see how scared Hinata looks. I hold Hinata's Hand. "I know you are scared Hinata." I say softly. I don't know what to tell him. I haven't had a boyfriend before. I'm scared too. Terrified. We haven't gotten this far and I don't wanna lose now! I'm gonna talk to Daichi or Suga maybe. Gosh. I'm to nervous to even talk. "Da-Daich-chi." I say shaking. "Can I talk to you? It's okay I understand." He looks at me, smiles. "Scared? Can't talk to Hinata cause you don't know what to say. You're to scared to talk to me because you're embarrassed and you think I will make fun of you. First Boyfriend?!" Daichi says with confidence. My mouth drops. How did he know?! "I know everything Kageyama." He grabs my hand, and brings me to Hinata. "Talk." He says serious. Gulp! "Hinata! You're the best! I know you can do it! Don't be scared, I got you're back!" I say so fast, trying not to stutter. He starts to laugh. "WHAT IS SO FUNNY!" I say concerned. "You make me laugh Kageyama, you are so funny trying to hide your feelings." He says trying not to laugh again. I look at the ground trying not to blush. I start to laugh with him. It's the times like these where I forget about what I'm worried about. Just looking at him. His hair flows, his eyes sparkle like a thousand stars. The sunlight shines on his hair, it shows the light of him. The moments where all you can think about how happy and excited he his. There are the parts where the shadows of him out shadow the light. He feels so hopeless and nervous of failure. I'm so scared of hurting him, that I actually do. I never knew how much hate I got for loving him. My family always said what a sin, I was. They don't know him. How can you not love him. He is so special. I start to have a tear, he wipes the tear from my face and he looks into my eyes. He kisses me. "Kageyama, you are beautiful. It is okay to cry." He says smiley. "Sho-chan?!" Says Izumi. I look at Hinata's face and he is speechless. "Hey! Izumi and Kōji." Says Hinata. "They are my middle school friends!" Hinata says with a smile. "Kageyama is my boyfriend." He says with confidence. He said it. We walk and we are ready to battle with Shiratowizawa for Nationals. We are gonna win!