
The next morning I woke up splayed across a fabulously chiseled chest. Colton was still asleep, his shallow breathing and slowed heart beat told me as much. I smiled down at how peaceful he looked, how happy he was.I

I was happy too, surprisingly. Colton was everything I hadn't known I'd wanted. 

He challenged me. He made me want to be a better person, a better Luna to his pack, whom I would be meeting in a few days. He was strong, and cold when he needed to be, but the warmth he radiated when it came to me made my knees weak. He was perfect, the goddess of the moon knew exactly what she was doing when she paired me with Colton Lithe. 

I slipped soundlessly from the bed and walked to the door, opening it silently and heading downstairs. My stomach growled lightly, letting me know it needed food.

I rummaged through the cabinets until I found the skillet, setting it on the stovetop and turning the burner on.

I dug through the refrigerator until I found a pack of bacon, smiling wildly. I hadn't had bacon in years, my mother practically forbid it in our house after she'd encountered a wild boar on one of her runs that had chased her all the way back to the pack lands, I smiled at the memory as I dug through the pantry and praised the heavens when I found some pancake mix, throwing the bacon in the skillet first so I could cook my pancakes in the grease. My mouth was watering at the thought of it.

I heard a rush of footsteps practically sprinting down the stairs and I giggled at a worried looking Colt. His hair was disheveled, his torso bare as I took in the muscles on display there. They were almost as mouth watering as my bacon.


"I thought you'd left." he admitted, sighing in relief.

"Nope. Tummy called. Said it was hungry." I smiled, putting the bacon on a plate as I poured pancake mix in the skillet.

I felt his arms snake around my waist from behind, his head resting easily on my shoulder.

"So is this what heaven looks like?" he murmured softly against my neck. 

"So is this what you sweet talking me to get at my bacon looks like?" I replied and he chuckled guiltily, placing a kiss below my ear. 

"Go sit." I ordered and he saluted me before taking a seat at the island bar, a giggle escaping my lips. 

I could feel his eyes on me, tracing my figure, watching every move I made. I could feel his lust growing, making it hard to concentrate on anything but Colton.

"If you don't stop I'm going to burn down this cabin." I scolded and his gaze left me, his emotions in check.

I smirked as I filled his plate with breakfast and poured him a glass of milk before fixing a plate for myself.

"Thank you for breakfast darling." He told me before brushing his lips against mine lightly, pulling away to devour his food in record time.

I rolled my eyes and ate slowly, happily munching down my bacon.

This was easy, being with Colt. I didn't have to try to be anything but me, and he accepted all of it.

"So if you want to go to your old pack today Eric agreed to escort you, since you slipped Kurt yesterday." Colton told me and I had a shit eating grin plastered on my face instantly. I would get to see my parents and Mikayla. I would get to see my friends and family.

I threw my arms around his neck and planted kisses all over his face. "Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!" I smiled, hugging him tighter as he chuckled and returned my embrace.

"I have conditions though India." He warned and I pulled away looking up at him expectantly.

"If there's danger, you call on me, and you let Eric protect you until I arrive." He stated the first term and I nodded. I knew how hard it was for him to let me do this, to rely on his beta to protect me while I was out of our territory. 

"You can't stay the night. You must return to me when Eric agrees your time is up." He said and I agreed again.

"Lastly, if Ty tries anything, you must leave. I know you two had something before, but he will respect that you're mated now. Are we clear?" I nodded again.

It was becoming harder for me to think of being involved with anyone but Colton. I knew that I cared for Ty, that he was my best friend, and that I had been closer to him than anyone else on the planet, but now, it was all Colt. He was my mate, he was slowly becoming the best thing that'd ever happened to me. 

"It'll be fine." I assured him, smiling brightly.

"Good. Go get dressed. You leave in an hour." He stated. 

"Thank you Colton. I know you didn't have to do this, but you did anyway. You don't know how much that means to me." I said as my eyes began to water slightly before he pulled me into his warmth, hugging me tightly before pulling away. 

He kissed my forehead and then I darted up the stairs and into the bathroom, turning on the water and stripping before stepping inside the giant shower.