Chapter-2 (Back Drop)

Ethan Stalin

That was my name as a human. And since it looks like no one's going to name me now, so let's go with Ethan in this life too.

I was your average 19-year-old kid, nothing stood out about me. I was no high IQ holder, no big fan of anime or television, no fantasy of going into different worlds, etc. I had normal loving parents and an annoying big brother.

So, when I suddenly one day woke up in the body of a fly, it was quite the shocker for me. And my thoughts at that time were utterly messed, as a lot of new information keeps popping in my head.

First, because I now have Compound eyes, I can take in a lot of information (approx 360*) of my surroundings. Even though its resolution is kind of lower than that of a human eye, but the fact that these eyes process visual information about 7 times faster than a human eye was awesome. Everybody was 7 times slower for me.

Then came the taste bud legs. I mean I can taste things from my legs now I kept getting the taste of sand and gravels as I was on the ground.

Then those wings, they were the best. What was surprising was that normal flies have transparent of wings but mine were golden. Even though at first, controlling 3 pairs of legs and 1 pair of golden wings was a task but with few tries it became fun.

So, yeah getting so much information from so many different parts and the fact that now I am a fly made me frustrated and messed up my thoughts

Even though I wanted to be sad for a long time as now I had no home, no family, but I knew no matter how much I despair this is reality and it wasn't going to change without me getting in action.

Just when I thought of living on and finding the purpose in life, my vision was suddenly covered in red. Constant beeping and flashing ALERT notice filled my sight.

[Alert: Host only have 10 living days left. Quickly find some life source to replenish life.]

[Quest: Listen here you little bitch, it has only been 6 hours since your reincarnation and 2 hours since my activation. If you don't find a life source we would both be dead, and man I don't want to die so soon. So FIND A LIFE SOURCE.

Reward :{ You, I said go find a life source what the fuck do you think you are doing reading this}. Finding a life source will enable you to see your stats, get additional stat points, and many other benefits.

Failure: { Please man, I beg you, stop reading this and go find a life source they are really hard to find.} Termination of the host and the systems sentience.]

What! I was just reborn and now I already have death looming over my head. Why the fuck does I get only 10 days to live but wait, thinking about the lifespan of a housefly, it's just about 3-4 weeks. How can I be so unlucky as to be born in the body of a near-dead fly?

But more importantly, a system with sentience, it's just like those stories, it must be my cheat that every reincarnator or the type gets. For all I know I might as well be part of someone's story.

{Yeah, yeah a cheat for you and a bad posting for me. I mean what part of, go find a life source do you not understand?} Sentience

Never knew self sentience would be this annoying. If this keeps going on I won't be able to analyze all the facts and plan accordingly. But good thing though I can talk to it in my head.

{Here is the deal, if you keep talking like this, I will not find those life sources. I have already died once and have nothing to lose by dying again but from your fear, it's evident that you fear termination a lot more than I do. So speak only when necessary.} Ethan

{You, do you think I would get intimidated by this? *Dream on*. But since you are my host and we are bound to live a LONG LIFE together I will listen to you.}Sentience

{Good, it looks like we can be partners. So, tell me everything about this life source of yours.}Ethan

{Since you asked this nicely, I will tell you. Life sources are objects with a lot of life energy in them. Different kind of life objects gives a different amount of life energy. The more life energy you get the more living days you get. Like a pure pearl can give you at least 30 days of life. The more precious the thing the more life energy you get.}Sentience

{Shouldn't there be life energy in every living thing, like plants, animals, etc. Why can't I use them? And why the heck does something as precious as a pure pearl only gives 30 days. If this keeps going won't I need infinite diamonds to live long enough?}Ethan

{Well, the amount of life energy obtained is determined by the system. The thing that you might think are precious might not be precious in the eyes of the system. At least all precious gems contain a good amount of life energy. So you should be fine as long as you keep finding, pearls, rubies, diamonds, etc.}Sentience

What the hell! Does this guy think precious stones like those are easily found? But he did warn me in the start that finding life source would be hard. But still trading precious stones for life, I finally understand the value of life.

{Ok, I can get more living days from life sources, then is there a way to get a human body too?}Ethan

{That's what I am saying, you don't understand this, as long as you have sufficient life energy let alone a human body, you can even have a dragon's body. Do you now understand the use of life energy? Anything is possible with sufficient life energy. You would need only about 2000 years of life for a human body.}Sentience

{What, 2000 years is that not a little too much for a human body. Moreover, humans only have about 60-70 years of life on average. So, 2000 for 70 isn't that too much of a fraud.}Ethan

{Again, you are only using human standards to think. The body that system provides are peak human bodies whose minimum life expectancy is at least 500 years, that too expandable with the help of the system. And I am pretty sure you don't even know what a peak human body is like. But believe me, when you have something that the system itself says is at the peak, you would be a god to those below the peak.}Sentience

Now with a newfound purpose, Ethan flew up to take a look at where he the place he is. Looking around he finds that he is in a school. He wanders around the school and comes to a stop when he sees a group of 4 students huddling together inside the boy's toilet.

"Hey bob, we are friends right. So, why don't you give us your lunch money so we can eat something" Said a fat guy while punching a tall, lanky guy in the stomach while firmly holding the neck with his arms.

The guy who was just punched thought about retaliating, but taking one glance from the tallest and the most muscular guy of the group and he quietly takes out all his dollar bills from the pockets and gives it to the fat guy while staring down. The trio of bullies take the money and show him a friendly smile.

"See that was not so hard was it. Follow our orders and you can even become friends with the boss. Now, run away." said the slightly burly guy with a bandana on his head.

The fat guy added the money he just got to another pile he took out from his pockets. And then he divided the money into three parts with one part being about 50% of the whole collection and the rest 50% divided into two parts.

"Here Jamie you part. Once again thanks to you we had a smooth business." Said the fat guy, while giving the biggest portion to the guy who had done nothing, apart from giving a glance at the lanky kid.

"Oh, it's nothing. It's our duty as seniors to take care of juniors. So, taking a little fee for that is nothing bad." Said Jamie, while swiftly taking the money.

"The real bullies are the girl's man, just yesterday mine asked for a pearl necklace. Where does she think I get money from? But whatever combining this share with the money from previous jobs I can get that necklace. I will make sure she sucks me dry the same way she sucked my money dry" Jamie made an obscene smile.

Those two also gave an obscene smile as a reply.

"Real pearl necklace huh... guess we have our first target"

"Mr. Jamie Weber we will have that pearl of yours, that you so graciously offered us," Ethan said while rubbing his hands (legs?).

And that was how the planning for the first attempt came into being. Even though it was not a complete success and left the pearl partially deformed but it did leave behind a mental scar on Jamie. Moreover, the second attempt was a blasting success anyway.