Chapter 02: The Things We Do For Survival

I'm Alive! I'm Alive, right?




I'm out of breath...


I thought that would have been the end of me...



I still can't believe it...

First things first, why did this happen to me?

Why did I die? Can I be even certain I have died before?

I crawled in a shallow corner on the bottom of a wall, trying to calm myself down.

Thinking back, the last thing I remember was a mysterious sound much like a glitch or something only produced by machines.

I might have died at that moment and turned into a lizard. Or maybe someone had downloaded my consciousness and uploaded it into an animal for their amusement.

I rambled on like this for a long time, thinking of crazy conspiracy theories, but all I did was trying to find a way and rationalize what had happened to me in my mind.

For example; it could be this was all happening inside my head, like a bad dream. That when I fell asleep here I would awaken once again in the "real world".

What if, my soul had been finding a new host because the real body is in a coma? Nah...

Then again, what if someone was just toying with a reptile brain for fun, implementing my memories, and giving it a consciousness to see how it would react to that, just for fun...

That would mean, the real me was still living its life out there without a worry in the world...

No... no. That seems too far fetched...



I'm done with this... nothing will happen if I just guess and wonder, dwelling onto something I do not know the answer to. So in the thought of moving on...

It is important that I never lose myself and always be the best version of "me" who I can be.

Well... letting go of the endless rambling for now...

What has the actual hell happened back there? What was that creature that instantly turned my siblings into a pool of blood?

Was that an actual dragon?!

It couldn't be one of my parents, right?

The one who left the eggs to hatch?

I have read somewhere that adult lizards and reptiles leave their nest once they've laid their eggs, so going by that logic... it would mean it was an actual enemy of the family. Heck! My brothers and sisters were eating each other.

Thinking about it makes me sick...

The beast was huge though...

We were like ants compared to it...

And would eventually grow to be just as huge?

To be honest, I don't know... normally lizards and reptiles are the sizes of a small beetle at birth,

But are we? What if it turns out I was the size of a human? That would mean I'd be huge as well!!

I have to find out just what my size is,

But there isn't much to compare my size with.

Oh man, I don't have enough information...

I think it would be best to look around, for now, maybe there will be other things to compare my size with.

Now that no one was there and I had the chance to calmly assess and observe my surroundings I noticed there was nothing much other than sandy dust and luminescent rocks that gave of a faint light as they spread throughout the area.

Looking into the distance while covering some ground I stumbled upon a wet-looking area.

Looking up clear water seeped of the ceiling into what looked like a small pond.

Luminescent moss grew around the slowly spreading water, some plants and even mushrooms grew next to the pond.

The area must haven't had this pond before, but instead have naturally been created by the falling water. Remembering I haven't had anything to eat or drink since my birth a few hours ago I became overjoyed by my discovery.

The mushrooms didn't have any bright colors,

I remembered that most poisonous mushrooms back home had bright and remarkable colors making them stand out in the areas they were in.

But not these... these looked more like the regular white and brown mushrooms from back home.

Even if they were rather big.

You could even say they were my size.

Eating one of these would last me a while and if I remembered correctly there were harmless even when eaten raw.

I quickly rushed to the pond getting my fill of water, to my surprise I found that the moss also covered the bottom of the pond, allowing for a better filtered and more clear liquid. But... there wasn't anything special about it, it tasted like nothing.

Having drunk enough water I quickly made my way to one of the mushrooms. Seeing as my claws were too small to lift then out of the ground I had to resort to the use of my tail. Luckily for me, it wasn't to hard to throw my tail around it. Curled around I grabbed the mushroom firmly and pulled it out with all my might.

To be sure I washed off any black spots and dirt that covered the mushroom before I ripped off a small part. Taking a bite, I don't know what I expected...

But other than a spongy texture this too didn't have much of a flavor to it...

Still... I couldn't be picky about what to eat here in the middle of nowhere...

I was glad I had found something to eat,

Knowing the journey ahead would be a long one I was grateful.

Wondering about the food I was eating suddenly a weird voice popped up in my head.

"You have unlocked due to excessive wondering and thinking. has been obtained due to this you also gain a skill point."

What?! Did I hear that right?

"Having eaten something of poisonous nature you've developed resistance towards it


due to this you gain an additional skill point."