Chapter 14: The Lair of Shirrochi

Again I read the notice in disbelieve, but what it said was certain. I was able to learn skills outside of downright buying them, I could unlock them in time by experiencing and working on them separately.

As they know how suddenly appeared within my brain, I began to understand the fundamentals and the concept of the skill. Soon after my vision changed ever so slightly...

I gazed into the darkness as the shadows of creatures and objects around me became a bit more visible than usual. Overjoyed I found that it deserved a high five, quickly rewarding myself with a high five as I tapped the bottom of my claws with the tip of my tail.

Wanting to make sure the coast was clear, I looked around in the hopes my experience would increase accordingly. As I gazed in the distance from which I came... it seemed as if I was still gazing into an endless abyss...

As my gaze turned to the side I could have sworn I saw something move, but as I couldn't hear or found what had moved. I turned my sight in the distance, as I gazed in the depths of darkness I was now able to see how far the dancing lights could reach with their glow.

Even if I knew what those captivated by the dancing bulbs awaited, I still found them fascinating in away.

But knowing it was best to stay away, I turned around and went on my way. Unsure of where to go, I thought it would be best to rest for the time being within the small area I had found previously. But as I now had better vision than before it soon became apparent that the area in which I went to rest was quite the underestimated size.

As I looked around the mere shadows made it clear this area wasn't that large, at least not as large as I had thought before, but still... getting ambushed here, could prove to be fatal...

As there were two ways to get to the area where I was if I would decide to rest here I had to find a way to block both sides...

But... since I couldn't... I decided to move along.

Along the way, the road became smaller and smaller to the point where I almost didn't fit through the crack in the wall. As I tried to squeeze myself through a pop could be heard.


Cautious about my surrounding I quickly looked around me, making sure there were no enemies. After making a few slow and throughout 360s as I gazed into the darkness, it became clear nothing found itself in my perimeters.

I knew nothing big could get through the crack in the wall and decided to rest up where I found myself at this moment. Boulders big enough to block the entrance, while still allowing the possibility to roll them away when needed could be found lying around all over the place.

I blocked off the open path with the largest movable boulder, at the same time I finally had some peace of mind... all the restless running and fighting for survival had brought me to the point past exhaustion... Did I finally have the chance to take a breather?

As the thought began to float, my eyes became too heavy to even lift... I had given my body the chance to relax. In doing so, my body began to give in to the exhaustion... Succumbing to the exhaustion with both body and soul, unaware of my surroundings, I gave in... and fell asleep...

When I came to, it wasn't because I was well-rested, it was because even though my body had forced me to sleep, it still reacted to its surroundings.

As I was once again able to open my eyes, something shook me to my very core,

frozen in place... I was unable to phantom what it was I saw... One thing was for sure,

in comparison to me... What I saw, was massive... and it didn't attack me outright like the others, only one question popped up in my mind as it swayed its large body left and right.

"Are you friend or foe?"

As I raised the question to myself I wasn't aware of what the creature's intentions were,

for all I knew...

The beast could have been here for the last minute, or even hours on end... to me it didn't matter, the only thing I was curious about is why this beast wasn't vicious towards me like all the other life forms within the dungeon.

As I couldn't make out its appearance in this darkness, I tried to make out a silhouette through the use of my in the hopes it would gain its first level, but as I quickly checked...

It was only at 30% or so still, at that moment the experience bar passed 33% as had a critical role in identifying everything around me.

Wanting to find out what was laying all majestically in front of me, I tried to combine with in the hopes the system would tell me what kind of creature it was... But, to no avail... because the notice didn't tell me what I wanted, yet it instructed me on a different front.

[Unable to target, the target is to a high level!

Warning... warning... do not engage, the target is to high rank to . We recommend trying to find cover as quickly as possible...]

Thanking the system to heart I knew I had to survive, if I wanted to escape, my only option would be to rush towards the cramped crack in the wall behind me, but... what would happen once one of us took the initiative to move?

Straining my eyes, I hoped the beast would be more visible,

but again... nothing much happened... As I made sure my eyes didn't stray from the beast I slowly backed away, step by step...

Now as the distance had been increased to at least a few meters I began to believe I would make it out alive. The creature noticed what I was trying to do and began making sissing noises.


With every sound it made, it effectively got closer, until it stopped moving altogether. As the noises it made should have revealed what kind of beast it was to me, I didn't pay much attention to it. Now...

The only thought in my head was to do whatever I could to break out of this situation alive.

As I kept steadily backing away, suddenly my tail and soon after, my butt hit a stone wall, I had arrived at the location to utilize the plan of survival. "Escape".

As I was relieved, even if it was only for a fraction of a second, I let down my guard and looked away... Something I instantly regretted as the beast raised its body and closed in on me.

Soon after the creature began to emit a faint glow.

Starting from the tip of its tail, slowly its entire body began to glow as it had chosen to reveal itself in the depths of this darkness...

Finally, the creature covered its entire body, with luminescent skin, as it radiated almost like the sun itself. Or, more like how I remembered the sun would shine brightly...

There it stood majestically and proud. I felt inferior in its presence as a gentle voice sounded inside my head.


Confused, yet certain about the fact that the majestic snake just spoke to me inside my mind,

I got baffled by the radiance of its presence. The radiance of its luminescent body made clear that its scales functioned like mirrors, at the same time in the openings between them,

the luminescence faintly glow radiated from underneath. I thought about the possibilities that allowed the creature to use this to its advantage when it spoke to me again.

"Thrasssh passing in the lair of Ssshirrochi, what bringsss asss thou here little one?"