Here we'll examine and explain what each title provides the user with.
Due to brutalizing ones victims, foes or prey this
allows the user to unlock the following skills:
Due to the survival of certain scenario's the user unlocks the following skills:
STR: +1
VIT: +5
DEX: +1
INT: +1
WIS: +1
LUK: +3
[This title is allowed to be worn as permanent together with other titles, allowing a massive boost in stats to support those who wish to tell the outside world about what they experience,
as well as those with a iron will to survive.
Making them aware of their surroundings.]
Unlocks the following benevits:
Doubles the amount if skillpoints gained with each skill level up and user level up.
Increases the total amount of attribute points per user level up to a total of 5. (User gains 2 points for each level before obtaining this title
All attributes +4
Armor +5
Due to aquired max level skills, the user gains double the amount of skillpoints one usually obtains.