Chapter 22: Learnable Skills & Tactics

I had won... I had survived! And I had the notice to proof it!

[You survived the perilous event, due to this advances to .]

[Due to the quick and intelligent judgements during the struggle to survive advances to and you gain +1 in INT. Because of the careful planning and depletion of ones own mana you gain +1 WIS.]

[You are on fire.]

Realization struck as I read the final notice, quickly I rolled from side to side hoping it would completely shut out the flames.

Because of the struggle I even gained another point in and .

After the flames had finally subdued a final window popped up, which told me I had leveled up!

[Due to enough accumulated experience advances to

In turn this completely healed me of any status effects, damage or tiredness. Not that I needed the status healing anymore...

Carefully I looked around after a few koments it became apparent that I was alone in the area,

giving me the perfect opportunity to look at my status window.

[Ragnoss lv 2

Name: Mira




HP: 200 (+5)

MP: 210 (+5)

SP: 117 (recovery rate 4,56 sp per second) (+2)

Armor: 27,5 (+5) (11% damage reduction) (+1)

Physical ATK: 34 - 41

Physical DEF: 32

Magical ATK: 12

Magical DEF: 12

STR: 22 (+12) (+1)

DEX: 29 (+12) (+1)

VIT: 15 (+34) (+1)

INT: 12 (+12) (+1)

WIS: 12 (+12) (+1)

LUK: 15 (+25) (+1)

Attribute Points to spend: 57]

That was when I realized that I had not chosen where to include the passive upgrade for one of my attributes... but now... the time was right!

Taking the previous encounters and fights into account it became quite obvious which I had to choose, but was that really the beast choice?

In my last fight it became apparent I had barely survived it by luck, precision and efficiency with my attacks. Taking into account that I got badly injured by both salamanders, I though to myself either, Health, Armor or VIT would be the best options to go for.

Still... I had to think this through,

because... it could be an opportunity like this would never present itself again!

Thinking this way a permanent attack, magical or elemental boost could proof even more efficient...

Owh!!! Moah!!! This is really difficult to choose, damnit!! After lashing out my frustrations,

I slowly calmed down. Which allowed be to continue my thinking patterns for my personal development.

Speed could also be the better option this time around as it would allow me an all round solution...

Not only could I react to anything faster, and limit the options of my opponents. I could also increase the speed of my attacks lashing out more swiftly. Which in turn allowed me to dodge more efficiently as well.

Taking everything into consideration my health seemed to be at an appropriate rate compared to my level, so the best three options that were left were either my magic development, strength or dexterity.

And as it took it upon myself that the challenges would only steadily increase in difficulty the best option was for me to actually increase all of them...

But, I didn't want to be come a "jack of all trades" or "master of none" which was how they liked to call it back in my previous life.

So... I had to choose which attribute to excel at wisely. And as "Magic", "Strenght" and "Stealth" all went hand in hand with the speed of movement. It quickly became apparent which one I had to choose.

But before I did... it was important to first distribute my points accordingly.

[Ragnoss lv 2

Name: Mira



HP: 200

MP: 210

SP: 117 (recovery rate 4,56 sp per second)

Armor: 27,5 (+5) (11% damage reduction)

Physical ATK: 34 - 41

Physical DEF: 32

Magical ATK: 12

Magical DEF: 12

STR: 27 (+12)

DEX: 50 (+12) (+1)

VIT: 20 (+34)

INT: 25 (+12)

WIS: 25 (+12)

LUK: 15 (+25)

Attribute Points to spend: 0]

"Do you wish to confirm you passive addition and permanent add (+1) to DEX?" [YES]/[NO]

being certain of my choice I pushed the [YES] button with my tongue. The message glitches and did not register my answer, quickly after a notice popped uo that the confirmation of a foot print needed to be used as input.

A bit annoyed by this... I complied anyway.

Slowly putting down my claw on the [YES] button.

The system thanked me for the answer and quickly after gave me serveral notices.

[Thank you for your input! Since the answer has been confirmed after leveling up reveral times over, "The Creator" would like to reward you with a (+1) on the selected attribute for every level you've gained so far.

Amounting to a total of (+12) points.]

I knew this wasn't a normal reward, because it instantly increased my point amount with a fourth of the infested points.

[Due to user acquiring 50 points in DEX the user unlocked the following passive title;

Novice Adjustment;

At ancient times one developed a consciousness, a thought process to learn and observe. The power to asjust oneself allows greater development within the mind.

+5% speed, aura body rance and awareness.

+5% Physical ATK

+5 DEX & VIT

+2 STR, INT & WIS]

Unable to grasp the existence of attribute titles,

I got overwhelmed by emotion...

My entire body shiffered from top to bottom as I couldn't believe how much I had gained through the system in this world...

I mean... if there was something I was flat out unable to deny, it would have been the fact that... even if the world felt like an insanely hardcore videogame, similar to the franchise popular for their impossible difficulties... even thought I hated to admit it...

Like those games this world was just as fair in a sense... even if I was fighting to the death, clinging onto life, never ever was there a moment where I felt cheated by the system.

After marveling over my newly acquired title I quiclly opened my status window allowing me to check on the development of my skills.

[Ragnoss lv 2

Name: Mira



HP: 295

MP: 390

SP: 158 (recovery rate 4,56 sp per second)

Armor: 27,5 (+5) (11% damage reduction)

Physical ATK: 41 - 79

Physical DEF: 41

Magical ATK: 19,5

Magical DEF: 19,5

STR: 27 (+14)

DEX: 62 (+17)

VIT: 20 (+39)

INT: 25 (+14)

WIS: 25 (+14)

LUK: 15 (+25)

Attribute Points to spend: 0]

I couldn't believe my eyes! Compared to when I was born... the development was astounding...

I simple could not think of words to express my gratitude and happiness towards my personal achievements.

But... like my friends used to mention;

All things, good or bad, eventually come to an end, and as the final sentence of the chapter echoes throughout the minds of many...

The dawn of a new chapter begins anew!

This time around... it was best to be prepared.

Which is why it was best to come up with serveral tactics. 

Ones I didn't need to think hard on during the hunting of prey or not to mention the fights for survival.

As I listed all my usefully abilities quickly the first came to mind;

01: From The Shadows:

In this tactic I would hide my pressence within the shadows, carefully observing said peey or foe until the opporrunity presents itself to strick their weakspots.

02: Hit & Run:

Hitting those from afar and quickly hiding in plain sight allows one to regroup and keep prey and foes alike at bay.

03: Gorilla-Tactics:

Getting in close and personal, only to ignite those with flames, quickly combining the flamss with acis allowing explosions to take care of foes.

Note: only use as surefire attack or in a pinch to break free.

04: Close & Personal:

Using jumping, Climbing, Scratching and Tail attacks to set up a finisher with .

05: Rip & Tear:

Jumping on the prey or foes, catching them off guard for close combat options, can use a combination of fire & acid conjuration to ignite those from within.

Content with five different tactics, basically oen for every situation, I quickly jumped of the floating platform towards the other side of the molten river.

As I savely landed on the other side,

I realized something crucial...

I had forgotten about the smooth rock or egg?

But as I was unable to return to the place I had let go of it, it was best to forget about it...

But just when I had made peace with the idea... shadows grew taller from the edges of the area.

The shadows became bigger as they slowly closed in on me... Quickly I hid in the shadows as the source of light revealed itself to me...