Chapter 26: Leaves of Oblivion

A few got pulled in by my taunts, while most saw through it, still a few launched an attack at me.

Now completely surrounded,

with only one way out...

I waited for the moment when they launched at me, jumping towards me serveral of the creatures were now in striking distance. At that moment I lauched myself into the air, barely escaping their clutches...

The few who dared to attack now slammed into one another, as this gave me a small window of opportunity I instantly hurled a massive amount of acid towards those whom had collapsed onto the ground. Drenched in goo, the acid began slowly melting away their skin. 

The others tried to find me, but what they didn't know was that I was able to utilize my surroundings to my advantage. Holding onto a spike pillar which dangled high above the ground, I used their oblivious minds against them.

The acid had drenched them throughoutly.

And as I held on to the pillar the opportunity presented itself to create a erupting explosion where those horrific creatures lay dormant.

I opened my mouth wanting a small spark to light up the entire area. As the small flames dropped to the gound I silently celebrated an easy victory as this rarely happened. When I did I noticed that borh my and skills had leveled up.

The flames igniting the liquid acid and turning it in nitroglycerin. While I checked my notices the explosion fairly did its job.

As I closed the notice window I wondered to myself, how many would have survived such an insane blast?

And while I stared intently at the area where once were serveral creatures, which now only a crater remained... That was when I realized they should have been capable of using their bodies the same way I did...

Only realizing this in mere seconds,

I... was too late. When it dawned on me,

serveral were already closing in on me.

Evidently they had nothing but a quick meal on their minds. Easy to read, doesn't mean I should let my guard down which would allow them to corner me...

Using my sticky skill I latched on to the closest pillar and proceeded to evade the leaflike horrors. I kept jumping onto the next and quickly dived down, hoping to find ground to regroup and think of a plan. 

I tried luring them in as close as possible, covering the area with slipery acidic fluids, knowing they would blindly launch themselves at their dinner as they did this serveral times before...

I looked up, what revealed themselves were formless creatures which previously resambled leaves, but now... their leaflike bodies had hardened revealing what looked like razorsharp fangs, in the middle something manifested which I had seen before.

The sheer horror made me shudder, why?

The confirmation had been true... the creatures had been staring at me from the distance all along!

In the middle of what now looked like jaws dropping down from the ceiling who were twice my size, a gigantic eye around my size had manifested.

The shock moved me to instantly react out of fear.

Making the timing rushed, the explosion became ineffective as the most creatures landed after the eruption.

I wasted a golden opportunity, and for what?!

In fear I secreted acid fluids as I ran for my life.

Dying by theeth from above?

Ain't nobody got time for that!!

During my attempt to escape I was foolish enough to look behind me, but before I could see they kept raining down on me... How?!

On the right it looked like I could quickly get te higher ground, I had no time to let my fears overtake my judgement, but I had to give it to myself.

To think my body would move on its own as the drive to survive overcame all!

That was when I knew I had to be brave,

still... this better not come back to bite me...

Because there is a very fine line between being courageous and foolish. Which I for one didn't wish to be.

As the acidic fluids had been spread out far and wide, just before jumping up, I faked turning to the right.

While in actuality I made a quick turn to jump towards the higher grounds on the left.

At the same time I stopped secreting acid fluids and switched to my trusted .

That moment... the moment which felt like an eternity, quickly changed the enviroment to a sea of flames. Those within, quickly got caught by the sea and withered away just as quickly. As I had landed on higher ground I wasn't afraid anymore.

My fears slowly ebbed away as there were no horrors to be found, slolwy giving way for a sense of relief and most of all, victory!

It seemed like there were none who survived the absurt execution of tactics.

But... for some reason a sense of unfulfillment creeped up on me. Now, not sure of my victory I peered inside the seemingly endless sea of flames. Left... Right... Even above me... Nothing...

Just to be sure, I even looked below and behind me if there would be survivors they would surely love to ambush me. But... there was nothing...

As I turned my sight in front of me,

the creeping suspisions were answered...

As the flames slowly extinguished it became clearer to see what had happened to the leafed horrors.

When the realization dawned on me that they had melted together, forming what looked like the unfathomable horrific creature I had previously encountered. There was only confusion and fear that blinded my judgement.

A gigantic blob! No... no... no! This can't be!!

Did it change shape to catch me of guard?

No... there must have been some other explenation for this... but at least, not one that made sense to me right at this moment.

When the fire sea was no more, I finally saw it...

I saw what had happened... the creatures adapted to the heat of the sea, molding and melting together as one. It was true they resambled the horrific blob I had previously encountered and the leaved horrors on their own were terrifying enough, but now...

The scale-like leaves were all turned upwards, numerous eyes were staring straight at me...

At that moment I knew I had encountered my biggest challenge yet!

The fear which was manifested was so intense it made me immobile. Wanting to move, allowing for my survival. The fear made sure I didn't...

My heart... felt like it had stopped as the manifestation of the beast looked down on me.

It's pressence made me think about a creature which I had encountered before entering these lands. 

"The Iron Dragon". I knew fear was a mechanism which could help those who had given in to it a way to survive. 

But never had I thought that someone's pressence could be such a dominating one, which would freeze its prey in place,

to make matters worse... 

I now knew how it felt... as I... was one of them...

The beast readied itself to strike. When the time was right a high pitched screech shook the entire cavity.

The sound was so piercing it shuck me from my frozen state. Now able to move, I quickly jumoed backwards to higher grounds, hoping to find an opportunity to escape. 

Back at the highest rock in the area it dawned on me what an abomination it really was. Knowing the sheer size of the leaved creatures, now this monstrosity was serveral times bigger. As far as my sight could reach there was nothing...

Nothing but sharp theeth and eyes...

I knew I had survived harsher encounters but none... None, where like this.

Not only did my body tell me I couldn't win...

The system did too... Even though the system seemed like it was there to help me survive,

it couldn't comprehend a way to survive...

For the first time since birth I was on my own!