Chapter 46 - Escaping Imminent Disaster

One of the ideas would be to use the hot air to slow down the stump,

but this would also be challenging as the stump could be caught on fire at the same time, not only dwindling my chances but also giving me less space to anticipate the fall.

It would only be moments until the stump would hit the ground, so I had to think fast.

At the same time, the beast had stretched its wings, lifting its body to fly towards the stump.

Being caught between the momentum of the stump and the hunter didn't feel slightly comforting, to say the least… But there was a chance of survival in this, my size!

If I could make sure that it doesn't see me until it attacks the stump, I would have a chance to jump on it, grab onto one of its horns and hopefully stay unnoticed until it lowers itself to the top of the trees.

The plan was clear, but now I had to prepare, prepare for the next plan of action.

The way towards the giant tree. A tree that towered far beyond the others.

"Could it be, could it be "The Tree of Nordic Mythology?" Could it be of such importance?

Who knows? Well, there would be only one way to find out. I have to get there as soon as possible."

Memorizing the location of the tree, I closed the classes window which had stayed open till now, and carefully looked at the tree. I stared at it intensely and could have sworn a warm feeling came from its immediate direction. Even somewhat similar to a glowing orb.

The glow was similar to the crystals on the ceiling. The only difference being, this tree had rooted itself on the surface, Dead center of the area. Who knew how big it was?

It was certain I did not, but something pulled me towards it. Like it was calling out to me.

I latched tightly onto the top of the stump, as I felt the resistance of the air diminish in the last moments of movement towards the ceiling. The stump had come to a standstill in the air. Although this moment lasted for a mere second, it felt like an eternity, up there,

high in the sky.

At that moment I knew that if possible, I had to find a way to learn how to fly. Goals for my path of evolution had been added in my might, not sure if the system would react I had to remember this as one of my goals. Almost jealous of the beast which had launched itself into the air I knew I shouldn't provoke it.

I prepared myself for impact, hoping it would launch at the stump now that it had feasted on the den of insects in the ground. But instead, I wasn't prepared for what happened next.

There was a hole in the stump allowing me to look down at the beast, but before I realized it. The beast had gone outside of the field of vision. Was it still underneath the stump?

What if it wasn't?

Thinking of the possibility I hoped it wasn't the case, which instantly turned to dread.

A loud wing clasp could be heard behind me. The wind slammed against the surface of the stump.

My worst fear had come true, the beast had seen me all along. With a loud shriek, like the one on the ground the beast readied its claw and slammed the side with such force that I was unable to react. Hurled to the side I wasn't aware of my surroundings before.

The only certainties that were left were those of the stump increasing in speed as it dropped in altitude and the beast which pursued it like a playful kitten. I looked up and again saw the monster above me. I wanted to survive but didn't know how effective anything that I could throw at him would be. The system then swiftly reacted revealing the beast its name;

[Mandralio, the king of the Jungle;

This monstrosity is one of several that protects the ecosystem of the dungeon.

Even if it means slaughtering millions, he will feast and devour on anything that comes in its field of vision. This monstrous chimera knows no bounds and will not stop until it is satisfied.

Level: ???

Rank: ???

Stats; ???


Flight: This allows the creature to fly with its wings

Hover: This allows the creature to hover in the air with either wings or the manipulation of air around it.

Devour: This allows the creature to devour anything in sight.

Over-Eating; Allows the creature to eat more than its limits allowing it to stockpile or even heal, health, mana, and stamina.

Pride: The embodiment of the sin; Pride.

Allows the player to keep fighting against all odds, increasing its stats over time.

Although this can be deadly to the player it allows for an insane increase in prowess.]

Revealing several of the beasts its skills it became clear that it meant business.

I was still unable to put up a fight, meaning I had to run…

Even if I didn't agree with it, survival always comes first.

"Never fight a battle you truly cannot win, better to use the tactical retreat at times like these. But will I be able to get away from this monstrosity? I think it is time to put my plan to the test."

The Stump kept losing altitude as it turned around its axes, it was now or never.

I covered the stump with my poison soaking it to the core, hoping the beast had no fire resistance. I planned on catching it by surprise as I would light the thing aflame with its next attack. Seeing as how it was the king of the jungle, this might be the case, at the same time, I hoped to gain some speed with this, keeping the beast at bay long enough to jump off freely.

The second step of my plan had to wait until the tops of trees were in sight.

This step required me to make something similar to an airbag, but fire and poison instead of an air pocket, seeing as how I wasn't able to manipulate the air around me.

At the same time, the poison bubble should be big enough to last several seconds in the air as it burns away with me inside it. I know… a truly suicidal plan, but what choice did I have?

Seeing all these classes have me more options, but when push came to shove I had not unlocked any of the crucial elements yet.

Again the beast began gaining onto the stump, but this time I was prepared.

The beast launched towards it with claws and head. Hoping to catch it midair.

The stump completely drenched to the core made it quite slippery which the beast had not anticipated. Surprised by this it didn't know what to do as the stump had slid across its belly drenching it in poison. I knew now was the time.

Before the beast could latch into the stump with claws and feet I lid up a small spark from my backside, almost like a wildfire instantly setting the stump aflame.

Startled the beast wanted to let go but was already caught in the flame.

I knew it would do him much damage, seeing as his status wasn't visible to me,

this battle wasn't about victory, it was about survival!

It was about creating a chance to escape while the beast was caught up in something more important than prey.

"Its own life!"

The beast shocked by how fast the fire was spreading divebombed down to the ground.

Into a lake to extinguish the flames caught by its feathers and fur.

The time was now, the stump had come across some trees, but my goal was clear,

I had to make way towards the biggest, most central tree.

Because to me, it felt like it was trying to tell me something.

What it would be, I did not know, but I knew with my eyes laying upon it once more,

that it would be important nonetheless.

I covered myself with a bubble of poison, at least twice the size of the stump. Knowing I would fit in around ten times over, the bubble must have been close to three meters in diameter. I didn't know if there was a way to cushion my fall, but having this large a bubble I hoped to jump out once it collided with a tree, halting the impact to a survivable amount.

Or so I thought while executing this slim chance of survival.

The beast had washed away the flames and saw the stump burn to ashes above,

frustration came over it, almost like I had outwitted the king.

In a way, I hoped I did, as my survival had proven to be more important than pride,

but on the other hand, this could spell trouble in the future.

The bubble crashed down, lowering in altitude fast, underneath me a large group of sharp-looking trees looked like they huddled up together almost like to catch me.

I counted down, the moment to jump, knowing it needed to happen in the next five seconds.


The trees came close and closer.


Looking as sharp as needles, the leaves gave a feeling of security, yet the bask did not.


The time to jump drew near, would I be able to do it?


I readied my body swimming to the edge as fast as possible.


I felt like I was too late, my tail vigorously slammed left and right. With a final push, I jumped out of the bubble. At that moment the bubble slammed onto the top of the tree, popping like it was nothing. I had made it, at least I jumped out in time…

But now what? I had to find a way to land safely while jumping through the air…